7th Grade Math: 2015-2016 School Year
Mrs. Hamilton
Room: 401
Voice mail: 623-445-7825 Class Website:
Welcome to 7th grade math! I am very excited about getting to know you this year! I want you to have a successful year while working on the skills you need to be ready for algebra math 8 with Ms. Clarkson.
•Email will be the quickest way to reach me:
•I update the math portion of the website every week with our lessons and homework for the week, as well as with dates of upcoming tests
I expect every student to:
•Be prepared each day when you walk into class.
•Ask questions if you do not understand something.
•Respect yourself and everybody else in the class.
•Not interfere with the learning of any other student.
Supplies needed daily
•Paper in any form for the rest of the year
•Calculator (don’t spend more than $15)
Everything covered in this class aligns with the Arizona College and Career Ready Standards which can be found at I will be using Engage NY as mandated by the district, but will augment with other resources as necessary.
To access the math books online
Engage NY website:
7th grade Houghton Mifflin-Harcourt Big Ideas Math book:
- Click on the blue bar that reads “Looking for Easy Access Materials?”
•Click on the tab that says “STUDENT” on top
•On the bottom left side make sure the black box reads “Common Core 2014”
•Click on the green “Go” button
•Click on the Regular Pathway red edition Big Ideas Math book (top row, red book)
Other useful websites:
Khan Academy: Search for the topic you need help for and you will see videos and some practice activities to help you learn. This site is good for other topics besides math. Math concepts range from the basics up to calculus!
Learn Zillion: Step by step power points provide instruction on various math concepts. Simple to use and easy to understand.
7th Grade Math Grading Policy
•Tests account for 75% of your final grade.
•Classwork, homework, and anything else will account for 25% of your final grade.
•NO extra credit is given.
•Chapter tests are given at the end of each chapter.
•No notes are allowed.
•Work must be shown and completed on all tests to earn credit.
•I will let the students know ahead of time if a calculator will be allowed.
•Students need to supply their own calculators. Phones will not be allowed in class.
•Mid-chapter tests are shorter and given usually once a week.
•Notes and calculators will be allowed on these tests.
•Work must be shown and completed to earn credit.
Test Corrections
•Test corrections are only available on one test per quarter.
•I will keep all completed tests, and you may choose which one you want to retake.
•You have one week after receiving your graded test back to work on test corrections and resubmit.
•No late test corrections will be accepted.
In order to do test corrections, you must show me all your completed homework pertaining to the test. Every question must be complete and show all work for you to be eligible to submit a test correction. I will sign your test to signify that your homework is complete.
On a separate sheet of paper, rework in order each incorrect problem. Be sure to include how to complete the problem correctly with all work shown with proper labels in neat writing.
Write a complete sentence explaining in detail why you got the problem wrong. I will not accept vague explanations such as “I did the math wrong” or “I wrote the wrong number.”
Staple the correction on top of your test and hand it to me to check that you followed directions. You will not receive credit if you do not follow directions.
If you follow the above directions and show the correct work with a clear, complete sentence explaining your error, you will receive HALF the points back for each question you fix.
I believe that homework is necessary in order to practice those skills which were learned in the classroom. There is math homework given almost every night. All work must be shown. Homework should not take more than 45 minutes to complete. If your child is taking longer than 45 minutes on a regular basis, please sign the homework with a short note letting me know your student worked 45 minutes, and I will assign full credit for that assignment. Students each have an agenda of homework assignments, and they are also posted on the 7th grade math website. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to check the website to see what you need to complete. Missing work will be put into PowerSchool as a ZERO grade, and listed as “missing” until turned in. You have 3 school days in order to turn in missing work for reduced credit. Absent students will still receive full credit.
I do not take every homework assignment as a grade. Keep in mind that homework is a COMPLETION GRADE. The homework is not graded for answers as it is considered practice. We do go over the answers in class, but the grade that is posted does not indicate student understanding of the lesson. Rather, it shows how often your child is COMPLETING their math homework. Tests are used to assess their understanding of the topics. Students should NOT throw out old homework! In order to do a test correction, they will need to show ALL of their completed homework with the test corrections. I encourage students to keep all of their homework in their math binder/notebook and to clearly label it with the chapter and lesson.
Homework is graded as follows:
5 points –all work is shown for every problem
3 points – some work shown and the majority of the homework is finished
1 point –just answers written down or at least half of the homework is not done
0 points – homework was not done
*If a student gets a 0 or a 1, they may show all their work and turn it in again within 3 school days to get the 3 point grade.
Progress Reports
Students and parents have access to grades at
Please contact our main office if you need your PowerSchool password.
As a general rule, progress reports will not be sent home. It is the student’s responsibility to remain up-to-date on progress being made and to address any noted discrepancies.
Sunset Ridge has a zero tolerance policy for any type of cheating in any class. Cheating is not only just copying work from another student or source, but cheating is also giving your work to another student to copy. If a student is caught cheating, you will lose all credit on the assignment resulting in a zero. You cannot make up the assignment.
Make-Up Work
According to Sunset Ridge policy, students will receive two days for every excused missed day to make up their in-class work. Make-up work is the responsibility of the student. You can access my website or check with a classmate to find out what you missed. I also encourage you to get any notes you missed from a classmate.
Respect for everyone in the classroom and their property should be maintained at all times. Behavior which will distract you or others from learning is not acceptable.
1st offense - Verbal Warning and conference with student
2nd offense –Incident report sent home for parent signature
3rd offense –Phone call and/or email to parents
4th offense --After school detention
5th offense – Office referral
Mrs. Hamilton’s 7th Grade Math Class
Student & Parent Agreement
To indicate that you understand this math course syllabus, please sign below and return JUST THIS SHEET to Mrs. Hamilton by August 14, 2015.
____ Check here if you would like me to send home a hard copy of the syllabus because you cannot access it online.
Date ______
Print Student Name: ______
Student Signature: ______
Class Period: ______
Print Parent Name: ______
Parent Signature: ______
Parent’s Email Address: ______
Parent Cell Phone Number: ______