S. J. Welsh Middle School
Supplies List
2014-2015 School Year
6TH Grade
- 3-ring zippered binder (2” or wider)
- 5 packs Loose leaf paper (wide ruled)*
- 3 subject notebook
- Notebook dividers (10)
- Jump drive (2GB minimum)
- #2 pencils*
- Pencil colors
- Canvas zipper pouch for binder (unless a zipper pouch is already in binder...no boxes)
- 2 Glue sticks
- Markers
- Scissors
- Ruler
- Calculator – TI-15
- 6 different color folders with pockets & brads
- 3 boxes Kleenex
- 1 roll paper towels
- 1 container disinfectant (not baby) wipes
- 1 pack highlighters (yellow, blue, pink)
- 1 box Ziploc bags
7TH Grade
- 1 3” Three-ring Binder
- 5 packs Loose leaf paper (wide ruled)*
- 2 packs plastic pocket dividers
- 1 Zipper pencil pouch
- 5-subject wide ruled notebook w/pockets
- 1 lg Pink eraser
- #2 pencils*
- Scissors
- 1 pkg. Pencil colors
- 4 Glue sticks
- Blue or black pens (NO gel, glitter, sharpies)
- Calculator – TI-15
- 6 folders w/pockets & brads (6 diff. colors)
- 2 boxes Kleenex
- 2 roll paper towels
- 1 container disinfectant (not baby) wipes
- 1 pump dispenser Germ X
- 1 pk AA batteries
- Jump drive (2GB minimum)
- 1 pack 3” x 5” index cards
8TH Grade
- 3-ring binder (2”)
- 5 packs Loose leaf paper (wide ruled)*
- Notebook dividers (10)
- #2 pencils*
- Package Black or blue pens
- Jump drive (2GB minimum)
- Calculator – TI-15
- Pencil colors
- 4 Glue sticks
- Markers
- Scissors
- 12 inch ruler (wooden or plastic)
- 1 pack index cards (3”x5”)
- 2 Packs ¼ size poster board
- 7 different color folders with pockets & brads
- 3 boxes Kleenex
- 1 roll paper towels
- 1 bottle GermX
- 1 container disinfectant (not baby) wipes
- 1 Composition book (black & white)
- 1 box Ziploc bags
- 1 pack AA or AAA batteries
IBCA Classes (8th)
- 1 – 1” 3-ring binder with pockets (any color)
- 1 set of headphones with microphone (3.5 mm or 1/8 plug-in jacks)
- 1 pencil pouch (3 ring)
- #2 Pencils*
- 1 pkg black or blue pens
- 1 box Kleenex
- 1 roll paper towels
- 1 container of disinfectant (not baby) wipes
- 1 bottle GermX
Fine Art Survey Classes (8th)
- 1 pocket folder w brads (any color)
- 1 hard back sketchbook (9 x 12)
- 1 box antibacterial wipes
*continuous supply will be needed throughout the school year
Gifted Pre-AP ELA Classes (6th, 7th, 8th)
- 1 class-specific 1.5-inch 3 ring binder (to keep in class-not used for other classes)
- One set of 5 dividers w/tabs (recommended plastic w/pockets)
- One multi-colored set of at least 6 highlighters
- 24 pencils
- 2 glue sticks
- 1 pack ¼ size white poster board
- 1 box of facial tissue
- 1 pack of colored copy paper
- 1 roll of paper towels
- Loose leaf paper at all times
- Pen (recommend erasable) at all times
- 2 Marbled Composition Book
***Recommend a zipper pencil bag in binder
Gifted Pre-AP Math Classes (6th, 7th)
- 12-15 pocket folders with brads (solid primary colors)
- 50 wooden pencils
- 200 sheets of lined paper
- 200 sheets of graph paper
- 1 box of tissue
Optional home calculator, TI34 2 line or TI 30
Gifted Algebra I Classes (8th)
- 2-2 pocket folders with brads
- 50 wooden pencils
- 1 pack (100 sheets) of lined paper
- 2 packs (100 sheets) of graph paper
Optional home calculator, TI34 2 line or TI 30
Grade Spanish Classes
- 1 1” three-ring binder
- 1 pocket folder with brads
- 1 pkg dividers
- 1 box of tissue
- 1 container of disinfectant (not baby) wipes
- 1 roll paper towels
- 2 glue sticks
- 1 box of markers
- 1 pair of scissors
- 1 box of pencil colors
- 1 pkg color copy paper (ream 500 sheets)
- 1 highlighter
French Classes (6th, 7th, 8th)
- 1 1” three-ring binder with 5 dividers
- 1 pkg. loose-leaf paper
- 1 pocket folder with brads
- 1 pkg #2 pencils (minimum 12)
- 1 box of pencil colors
- 1 USB key labled (for student use in class)
- 1 pkg flashcards
Choose one from list
- 1 box color pencils
- 1 box markers
- 2 glue sticks
- 1 box black Expo markers
- 1 box of tissue
French Immersion (6th, 7th, 8th)
- 1 1” three-ring binder with 5 dividers
- 1 pkg. loose-leaf paper
- 1 pocket folder with brads
- 1 pkg #2 pencils (minimum 12)
- 1 box of pencil colors
- 1 USB key labled (for student use in class)
- 1 pkg flashcards
Choose one from list
- 1 box color pencils
- 1 box markers
- 2 glue sticks
- 1 box black Expo markers
- 1 box of tissue
French Immersion Science (6th, 7th, 8th)
- Same as French Immersion
- 1 metric ruler (plastic)
French Immersion Soc Studies (6th, 7th, 8th)
- Same as French Immersion
- 1 marbled composition notebook
PE Supplies
- Loose leaf paper (wide ruled)
- folder with pockets and brads
- SJW or CPSS Gym Suit
- 1 box Kleenex
- 1 container of disinfectant (not baby) wipes
No liquid paper, fluorescent pens, gel pens, or rubber bands for any class
Additional supplies may be requested by individual teachers
2014-15 Registration/Team Fees are $45
I.D. tag
Locker and supplies
S. J. Welsh Newsletter
Printed material used in classrooms
Maintenance and equipment
Copy machine/supplies
Classroom use printer cartridges
Projector and Promethean Board bulbs
Curricular activities
Education rewards and incentives