The European Commission
Euromed Heritage IV
Call for proposals
Questions & answers (1)
Question / AnswerEligibility of candidates and partners
1. Is a same entity allowed to participate in more than one application? / No, the same partner cannot appear in more than one proposal, as applicant or as partner. But it is possible to have the status of “associate” in more than one project.
2. Can a same institution / organisation be applicant in one proposal, and partner in another proposal? / No, please refer to question 1.
3. Can two entities belonging to the same legal person (e.g. two institutes within a same ministry) participate in different applications? / Please refer to article 2.1.1 of the guidelines regarding the eligibility criteria of applicants and partners. A same legal person cannot participate twice. However, each situation may be examined on a case by case basis.
3. Is it possible to add or change a partner between the two phases of the evaluation? / No, during the evaluation period, the composition of the partnership cannot be changed.
4. Our organisation has organised some cultural events, among many other activities in various fields. Could we be considered as “working in the field of culture” as required under the eligibility criteria? / Yes, if there is proven experience of cultural activities, even this is not the core business of your organisation.
5. It is possible to ask for an individual confirmation of our eligibility to EuropeAid before submitting? / No. In the interest of equal treatment of applicants, the Contracting Authority cannot give a prior opinion on the eligibility of an applicant, a partner or an action.
6. Please confirm that the requirement to have at least one Mediterranean partner in the consortium is not in contradiction with the obligation to implement actions in at least two Mediterranean countries. / There is no contradiction: actions can be implemented in countries where there is no partner.
Please bear in mind that EuroMed Heritage IV is a regional programme, hence the obligation to have the action targeting at least two Mediterranean partner countries.
7. Are organisations located in East-Jerusalem eligible? / Yes.
8. What about the eligibility of pre-adhesion countries? / The Euromed Heritage IV programme is governed by the ENP Regulation, which entails, inter alia, the eligibility of organisations located in pre-adhesion countries as leaders or as partners in a project.
Please refer to the list of eligible nationalities of applicants and partners given in article 2.1.1 of the Guidelines.
However, it should be reminded that the final beneficiaries of the projects are the nine Mediterranean partner countries and territories ONLY.
9. How can the pre-adhesion countries participate in the project? What will be their quality if they participate? / Please refer to question 8. They can participate in the organisation of the project activities, but they should not benefit from the results of the project.
10. Does the EU encourage participation of entities from Mediterranean countries as applicants (leaders)? / Yes.
Eligibility of actions
11. In article 2.1.3 "Types of actions", public-private partnerships are mentioned.
Does it mean that public-private consortia are encouraged to present project proposals? / As far as the eligibility of entities submitting a project as leader or partners of a consortium is concerned, please note that private organisations must be non-profit.
However, as indicated in article 2.1.3, the projects may include "innovative approaches aiming at safeguarding, preserving and promoting the tangible / non tangible cultural heritage (adaptation of sites to new uses, museology, exhibitions, tours, cultural events) incorporating the social and economic development concepts and implementing innovative models of public-private partnerships in concrete case studies" as part of their activities.
Also, private organisation may benefit from the results of the projects as final beneficiaries (e.g. a handcraft workshop in a project encouraging sustainable tourism)
Eligibility of costs
12. Which is the maximum percentage of the budget that can be subcontracted? / There is no fixed limit for subcontracting.
13. In order to be eligible under item 1 of the budget, personnel costs must be on the payroll of the applicant or its partners and give raise to the payment of salaries. What about organisations that recruit permanent staff with service contracts (and related payment of invoices)? / The permanent staff recruited for the project on a long-term basis must be on the beneficiary's and/or partners' payroll.
If duly justified (including the legality of such situation), the EC may accept the eligibility of permanent staff under service contracts.
14. Is it possible to pay business class flight tickets for high officials or Ministers? / Only economy class tickets are eligible. If not possible, always request the prior written approval of the EC.
15. Can an applicant/partner apply its own rules for travels and per-diems? / Yes, but the flights must be in economy class and the maximum eligible amount of per diem must correspond to the rate published on the EuropeAid website. The reimbursement conditions are specified in the General conditions of the contract.
16. Are sub-grants allowed? / There is a possibility for the projects to organise calls for proposals and award sub-grants (within the limits set out in the guidelines) but this is not specially recommended in the framework of this call for proposals.
17. Must the logical framework be included in the concept note (1st phase of the restricted procedure)? / No, the logical framework must be included in the full proposal, not at the stage of the concept note.
However, the logical framework being a very useful tool to built up a coherent project, it is highly recommended to use it in order to conceive and prepare the concept note.
18. Do the applicants have to register in Pador? / Pador is now available ( but its use is not mandatory for this call for proposals.
In case of registration in PADOR, all the information required in the Grant Application Form must however be submitted in the paper version of the proposal.
19. What is the minimum and maximum duration of each project? / Between 24 and 48 months
20. Is it allowed to reserve a non-allocated budget for actions not yet specified in the proposal? / No, the budget must correspond to the action proposed.
However, a contingency reserve of maximum 5% of the direct eligible costs may be included in the Budget of the Action (to be used only with the prior written authorisation of the EC).
21. Will a new Euromed Heritage call for proposals be published next year of the year after? / No.
22. Will the next information sessions (in Damascus, Rabatand Brussels in January 2008) have the same content as the meeting held in Brussels on 10/12/2007? / Yes. All presentations (EN and FR) will be published, as well as the Questions and Answers.
23. Could the EC provide support to potential applicants to find partners in the framework of this call (e.g. by publishing partnership requests)? / No, this is not foreseen in the framework of this call.
You may nevertheless refer to the Euromed Heritage website ( consult the partners' data.