St. Johns United Church of Christ
Consistory Minutes
April 21, 2014
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St. Johns United Church of Christ
Consistory Meeting Minutes
April 21, 2014
Meeting was called to order by Cory McQuate at 6:40 pm.
Attendance: Pastor David Brumbaugh, Trinell Fichthorn, Dina Hornberger, Cory McQuate, Allan Meckley,Matt Paul, Andy Terry
Absent:Charlotte Brady, Andy Gehman
Opening Devotion: Pastor David
Secretary’s Report
Minutes of March’s Consistory meeting were distributed for review.
Andy Terrymotioned to approve minutes as amended; 2nd byTrinell Fichthorn, motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report Trinell Fichthorn (Attached)
- Most expenses are on budget, with exception of Equipment and Property Maintenance (due to Y-T-D snow removal costs); Electricity (which is being addressed by Allan and Cory); and Audit Fees. All are within budget for the overall year.
- We continue to operate without requirement of transfer funds from Foundation to cover excess expenditures!
Andy Terry motioned to approve Treasurer’s report, 2nd by Allan Meckley, and passed.
Executive CommitteeAndy Terry
- Cory discussed the shed replacement needs, with a possible two structures (one for Men’s Brotherhood and one for CCC). Decisions will need to be made soon, as development plans will be incoming for approvals by month-end.
- Continue to expect information by month-end for land development plans currently with Denver Boro for approval.
- Working with Worship Support team to determine a balance between Contemporary and Traditional service.
Cocalico Care Center:Cory McQuate on behalf of Charlotte Brady (Attached)
Request to accept Leanne Crooks as a candidate for an assistant kindergarten teacher position, which has been vacant since February. Contingent upon Pastor Dave’s affirmation of the candidate, Andy Terry motioned to accept candidate, 2nd by Trinell Fichthorn, motion passed.
Pastor’s ReportPastor David (Attached)
Looking forward to receiving new members on Sunday, May 4: Sam and Leanna Price, and Bob Kadbulowski.
Confirmation class final measure will take place on May 11, with 4 students to be Confirmed on Sunday, May 18.
Committee Reports:
Worship Team:Cory McQuate
- Visual Enhancement system is experiencing some volume glitches. Calling B&B for support.
Capital Campaign/St. Johns Foundation:Andy Terry
Working on donor recognition plans.
- Total account balance is currently $748K, with $529K in Foundation, and $225K in Capital Campaign
Christian Ed:No Report
Children’s Church is going well. Someone has approached Pastor David with interest in Christian Ed Coordinator.
Property:Allan Meckley
- Looking into St. John’s shed needs. Cory to provide quote details to Committee.
- Freezer repair was required. Estimate for this service is approximately $250.
- Outside LED lighting has been offered for free by Meadow Valley Electric to St. Johns UCC as part of an efficiency program. Lighting must be installed no later than May 5.
- Upcoming Property meeting will discuss lighting, and other open issues.
Evangelism: Cory McQuate
- Cory discussed the fourthevent with members is in the works.
Mission and Stewardship:Pastor Dave
- Acts of Love will offer again a summer program to school-year food voucher recipients. Partnering with Trinity Methodist Church in July (7, 9, and 10) to serve meals.
- Since many walk to Faith United Lutheran, the decision was made to keep this year’s VBS at Faith. Looking to host VBS at St. John in upcoming years (possibly Summer ’16).
Governance and NominatingAndy Terry
- Possibility of addition of two Deacons. Currently having discussions with two members.
IS:No Report
Having no further business, meeting concluded at8:25pm. Next Consistory meeting will be held on Monday, May 19, at 6:30.
Respectfully submitted,
Dina Hornberger