Programme Title: Delete and enter programme title
(Note: a separate programme specification is required for embedded programmes, i.e. HNC etc)
Partner Delivering Institution: Delete and enter name of partner institution
Start Date: Delete and enter academic year for when the programme will first run (i.e. 2015-16)
First Award Date: Delete and enter the academic year when this programme will first complete (i.e. 2017-18)
Date(s) of Revision(s) to this Document: Delete and enter date when/if changes are proposed post approval (worth highlighting/colour coding those changes)
This programme specification template aligns with recommendations within the UK Quality Code for Higher Education[2]. The information provided, by the programme proposer, in each section is definitively agreed between the delivering institution and Plymouth University at approval. Therefore any requests for changes to content (post the conditions set at approval) must follow Plymouth University’s procedures for making changes to partnership programmes[3].
PS1. Programme Details 3
PS2. Brief Description of the Programme 3
PS3. Details of Accreditation by a Professional/Statutory Body (if appropriate) 4
PS4. Exceptions to Plymouth University Regulations 4
PS5. Programme Aims 4
PS6. Programme Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO) 5
PS7. Distinctive Features 5
PS8. Student Numbers 6
PS9. Progression Route(s) 6
PS10. Admissions Criteria 7
PS11. Academic Standards and Quality Enhancement 8
PS12. Programme Structure 9
PS13. Explanation and Mapping of Learning Outcomes, Teaching & Learning and Assessment 12
PS14. Work Based/Related Learning 16
Appendix: Click here to enter text. 17
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Delete and insert institution title Delete and insert programme title
Date of approval or most recent subsequent amendment: Delete and insert
Academic Partnerships Programme Specification Version 1.1 (2014-15)
PS1. Programme Details
Awarding Institution: / University of PlymouthPartner Institution and delivery site (s): / Delete and replace with partner delivering institution’s name and site of delivery (as agreed at ADPC)
Accrediting Body: / Delete and replace with details of any accrediting professional/statutory body or “N/A”
Language of Study: / English[5]
Mode of Study: / Delete and replace with the appropriate entry, such as: “Full Time” / “Part Time” / “Distance Learning” etc, or combination
Final Award: / Delete and replace with: “HNC”, “FdA / FdSc”, “BA / BSc (Hons)”, “MA” etc
Intermediate Award: / Delete and replace with: “CertHE”, “DipHE”, “Ordinary degree” etc
Programme Title: / Delete and enter programme title
UCAS Code: / Delete and enter UCAS Code
JACS Code: / Delete and enter JACS Code
Benchmarks: / Delete and replace with reference to the benchmarks employed. Generically these are likely to be the Framework for Higher Education Qualifications (FHEQ), and for Foundation Degrees the Foundation Degree Qualification Benchmark (FDQB). Specifically, most subject areas have a Bachelor or Masters level QAA Subject Benchmark. For sub-level-6 these should still be employed for guidance, and referenced here, and for level-6 or above these should be more closely followed.
Date of Programme Approval: / Delete and enter month and year
PS2. Brief Description of the Programme
This text is definitively approved at programme approval and therefore may be directly used for promotion of the programme without the need for further confirmation (approx.. 200-250 words):
Delete and replace with approx.. 200-250 words. As information suitable for marketing it is of key importance that this text is in the present tense and describes the programme in a way that satisfies your institution as the delivering institution. This may then be checked in terms of the University’s interests as well as the sector more generally at approval, and hence any recommendation or conditions for amendment may be specifically targeted.
PS3. Details of Accreditation by a Professional/Statutory Body (if appropriate)
Delete and replace with either specific information pertaining to accreditation or “N/A” if this programme is not accredited by a professional/statutory body
PS4. Exceptions to Plymouth University Regulations
(Note: Plymouth University’s Academic Regulations are available internally on the intranet: )
Delete and replace with either specific identification of exceptions (e.g any proposed 10 credit modules), with concise rationale, or “None”
PS5. Programme Aims
The programme will deliver:
Delete and replace with a number-bulleted list of between 5 and 7 aims at programme level. An option for presenting these aims, which has the benefit of ensuring they are distinct from each other, is to align them with the list of graduate skills and attributes in section PS13, i.e:
A1: focused on knowledge and understanding
A2: focused on cognitive and intellectual
A3: focused on key transferable skills
A4: focused on employability and CPD/lifelong learning
A5: focused on practical skills
N.B. this should be written as ‘what the programme aims to do’, not what the students should aim to achieve.
PS6. Programme Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO)
By the end of this programme the student will be able to:
Delete and replace with a number-bulleted list of between 5 and 7 ILOs at programme level. These must be focused on what the students should be able to do from their studying on core modules, and should be specifically measurable (i.e. easily apparent how a percentage mark could be given to an assessment of each … unless a pass/fail better suits a threshold pass for specific areas of practice). These should also employ the types of descriptors common to programmes of this level (use of subject benchmarks, as well as FHEQ and/or FDQB will provide a level of clarity).
Programme ILOs should be distinct from each other in order to provide useful clarity when seeking to understand TL&A in more detail. As such, one option for presenting these may follow a similar pattern to the programme aims as suggested in the following. It is important, though, to note that this suits arriving at these from a focus on graduate attributes and skills and other approaches may well be appropriate:
ILO1: knowledge and understanding – i.e. evidence that they have this to expected levels relating to ….
ILO2: cognitive and intellectual skills – i.e. apply, analyse, evaluate, create (as appropriate) ……. to …….
ILO3: transferable skills – i.e. be able to communicate, time manage , project manage, work in teams etc …..
ILO4: employment – i.e. reflect, evaluate own experiences, plan, position, identify own development …. Investigate, analyse industry etc
ILO5: practical – employ, apply specific practical skills to ......
N.B. additional ILOs (recommended 7 max.) may be employed to cover areas not comprehensively covered by taking the approach of aligning ILOs with programme aims.
Additionally, the examples above are very generic and align with cognitive taxonomies etc. Specific subject areas may be used to variations in terms of descriptors.
PS7. Distinctive Features
This text is definitively approved at programme approval and therefore may be directly used for promotion of the programme without the need for further confirmation:
Delete and replace with a list of distinctive features. These should express the ‘distinctive’ nature of the programme some that they may be used for promotional purposes in a way that satisfies the partner institution. Therefore these may be checked in terms of the University’ and broader sector’s interests at approval and thus arrive at specific recommendations or conditions.
An approach that is effective is to categorise parts of the list. This can be useful to enable any marketing departments to seek the information they may require more directly (i.e. if looking for what is distinctive regarding teaching and learning, location, facilities, student experience, engagement with industry, fieldwork, etc).
PS8. Student Numbers
The following provides information that should be considered nominal, and therefore not absolutely rigid, but is of value to guide assurance of the quality of the student experience, functional issues around enabling progression opportunities to occur and staffing and resource planning:
Minimum student numbers per stage = Delete and replace
Target student numbers per stage = Delete and replace
Maximum student numbers per stage = Delete and replace
PS9. Progression Route(s)
Approved ‘progression route(s)’ are those where successful achievement in this programme enables direct alignment to join a stage of another programme. This is an approach employed primarily for Foundation Degree students to ‘top-up’ to complete a Bachelor degree, but may be employed for other award types.
This is in part an automated admissions criterion and therefore progression may be impacted on by availability of a position on the progression award; however progression opportunity, if not available in the first year of application, is guaranteed within 3-years.
Progression arrangements with institutions other than Plymouth University carry an increased element of risk. It is necessary for the delivering partner institution to obtain formal agreement from that institution to guarantee progression for existing students on the programme. For progression to Plymouth University, should there be the need to withdraw the progression route programme(s) then either this will be delayed to provide progression or appropriate solutions will be found. This arrangement is guaranteed for existing students that complete their programme of study with no suspensions or repeat years and who wish to progress immediately to the University.
Delete and replace with the title, institution and level of entry for the agreed progression route(s). If any bridging modules or other entry requirements are required these should be clearly stipulated
The contribution of marks from prior levels of study to the progression award is governed by University regulations.
PS10. Admissions Criteria
Qualification(s) Required for Entry to this Programme: / Details:Level 2: / Delete and enter information regarding the number, levels and specific areas of qualification. Clarity should be given if key skills are to be allowed in replacement of GCSEs
- Key Skills requirement / Higher Level Diploma:
- GCSEs required at Grade C or above:
Level 3: at least one of the following:
- AS/A Levels / Delete and enter UCAS points and any specifics regarding subjects, levels in specific qualifications that make up the UCAS points and any equivalency considerations.
- Advanced Level Diploma:
- BTEC National Certificate/Diploma:
- Access to HE or Year 0 provision:
- International Baccalaureate:
- Irish / Scottish Highers / Advanced Highers:
Work Experience: / Delete and either enter any specific requirements or a comment such as ‘considered on individual merit’
Other HE qualifications / non-standard awards or experiences: / Delete and either enter any specific requirements or a comment such as ‘considered on individual merit’.
This could also include comment regarding such as other HE awards that would be considered for entry into level 4 of this programme.
APEL / APCL[6] possibilities: / Delete and if APL is appropriate detail any complex issues, such as certain modules that cannot be APL’d against etc. If APL is appropriate then this needs to include the citation that APL will be considered as per Plymouth University Regulations
Interview / Portfolio requirements: / Delete and, if interviews are to be employed, whether it is a case of ‘may’ or ‘will’ be employed. If appropriate, define any more specific details.
Independent Safeguarding Agency (ISA) / Criminal Record Bureau (CRB) clearance required: / Delete and replace with ‘Yes or No’, and if ‘Yes’ then detail how this will be funded.
PS11. Academic Standards and Quality Enhancement
The Programme Leader/Manager (or other descriptor) leads the Programme Committee in the following of Plymouth University’s annual programme monitoring process (APM), as titled at the time of approval. APM culminates in the production, maintenance and employment of a programme level Action Plan, which evidences appropriate management of the programme in terms of quality and standards. Any formally agreed change to this process will continue to be followed by the Programme Leader/Manager (or other descriptor) and their Programme Committee.
Elements of this process include engaging with stakeholders. For this definitive document it is important to define:
Subject External Examiner(s): Delete and replace with a statement that defines whether all of this programme’s modules are covered by a single EE, or a list of modules that are overseen by an EE for another programme.
Additional stakeholders specific to this programme: Delete and replace with information regarding any specific stakeholders that are engaged with, in relation to the standards and quality of the programme. Examples are: students and how they are engaged with, such as involvement in Programme Committee Meetings, student liaison meetings etc; employers if they are involved in any of the programme delivery or possibly through employer forums; graduates if engaged with as alumni; academic communities engaged with; accrediting bodies etc.
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Delete and insert institution title Delete and insert programme title
Date of approval or most recent subsequent amendment: Delete and insert
Academic Partnerships Programme Specification Version 1.1 (2014-15)
PS12. Programme Structure[7]
For programmes containing more than one FHEQ level of study: copy and paste the table below as required (hover the mouse over the table then left-click on the box in the top left corner to highlight the table à right-click à copy à select a line at least one further than the bottom of this table à right-click and select ‘paste – keep formatting’
For users employing pre-2010 versions of MS Word the text entry box guidance will not be visible. Please see footnotes for guidance.
The following structure diagram(s) provides the current structure for this programme:
FHEQ level: Delete and insert level (n.b. a separate structure is needed for each level) For: Delete and insert programme title Full TimeF/T Route Year / When in Year? (i.e. Autumn, Spring etc) / Core or Option Module / Credits / Module
Delete and enter year of delivery or “No Full Time Route” / Delete and enter when in year, i.e. which term or semester, or All Year or whether bunched over a shorter period / Delete and indicate. If optional, indicate whether this is “Any Mix” or whether choices are linked in some way / Delete and replace with the number of credits. Indicate whether the module is All Year or delivered in Autumn or Spring etc / Delete and insert module code
Delete and insert module title
FHEQ level: Delete and insert level (n.b. a separate structure is needed for each level) For: Delete and insert programme title Part Time
P/T Route Year / When in Year? (i.e. Autumn, Spring etc) / Core or Option Module / Credits / Module
Delete and enter year of delivery or “No Part Time Route” / Delete and enter when in year, i.e. which term or semester, or All Year or whether bunched over a shorter period / Delete and indicate. If optional, indicate whether this is “Any Mix” or whether choices are linked in some way / Delete and replace with the number of credits. Indicate whether the modules is all year or delivered in autumn or spring etc / Delete and insert module code
Delete and insert module title
The previous table is a mandatory requirement of the approval process. An additional structure diagram may be added here, to further clarify the design and operation of the awards proposed. A suggested simplified diagram has been inserted below; this should be deleted if not used.