SIT Meeting for February 2016
We had our SIT meeting for February for both KEYS Academy and Options High School on Wednesday the 24th of the month.
We will be looking to change the teachers’ conference periods where ½ of the conference period will be focused on providing our students with support at the student support room. We will be having a student support room where students that have been placed at KEYS Academy, numerous times, will be served all day. Students that have been placed at KEYS Academy for the second time will be served in the student support room for only half of their placement and then will be distributed to the general KEYS placement that we already have. Students that have been here at KEYS for the third time, or more, will be served in the support room for their entire KEYS placement. Mr. Alarcon will be guiding the high school students and Ms. Garza will be guiding the middle school students. We will work on the details during intersession.
We will see what we need to begin our new incentive program for our students. Anyone needing materials must e-mail Dr. Aguilar to see where the funds can be applied. The list of the incentive programs will be provided and is available from Ms. Marquez. We are still to choose the actual name for our student incentive program. Possible names brainstormed during SIT are Student Enhancement, Self esteem builder and Enrichment Success Initiative (ESI). We are requesting our teachers to provide possible names as well as vote for a name that they would like.
-Staffing Patterns
We will be getting another aide. During staffing, our board approved the request for our campus to get a Special Education Aide. We also requested three additional teachers. They have not been approved yet, but the request is still being reviewed. The three positions will be for Fine arts, Speech and Digital media production.
Some students are behind in their work for their electives at their home campus. Some of the teachers are not sending work for them. We need to make sure that the students are receiving work and if they are not, Dr. Aguilar must be notified.
At Options H.S. a child development teacher was approved, and we will have the capability of licensing our students with the early childhood day care provider license. Also, the applied science medical record keeping license will also be offered, and we will have bus driver instructor at our campus teaching our students who would like to get their CDL as well as bus driver license. Mr. George Thomas will help us with theseprograms. We want as many of our students to leave our school with a certification ready for work. We have students that want to get their CDL, child care provider and medical records technician credentials.
We will continue with the pulse checks every week for each campus. During these, teachers need to pay attention and make sure they are truly respectful to our presenters. We will have more guest speakers, staff developments and guidance. Next year we will have shorter classes to accommodate for the extra electives that will be provided next year. The schedule has been submitted to our district, and as soon as it is approved it will be shared with our teachers and staff.
At Options High School the students will work 50% of the time on paper pencil assignments and 50% on assignments that will be done on-line. We will recruit younger students to catch up on their graduation classes and then have them return to their home campus. We will have a small recruitment team that may include students who go to our high schools and promote the Options High School program. We will start this as soon as possible. We will have learning excursions and we will have students come in and actually see how Options works to see if they would like to take advantage of the opportunity to catch up on their high school credits. We will also talk to our students from KEYS to see if they would like to finish at Options High School.
Region 19 will be coming in next week and help us with the staff development that we should already be doing.
In June there is going to be anAP academy. All of our teachers are required to assign up to be AP certified. The academy will be at UTEP. Information will be given as soon as possible when our district approves of compensation to our teachers.
The benefits committee discussed school programs that deal with fitness. At Walter Clark they’re going to have a dental health awareness program.
Here at our campuses we will have the T-25. The program deals with exercising for just 25 minutes with a warm up and cool down included. We need to ask all members of our campus to see how many of us will be interested in participating.
March is Cancer awareness month. April is alcohol awareness month.
We will have a new sign up open enrollment in April.
EPAC talked about realigning the borders of each feeder pattern and we are not affected.
Fit for success, CIS will bring in an ARMY expert to discuss personal fitness, nutrition and give presentations to our Options HS students in order to be aware of the new criteria to join the military. The session will cover problem solving, field trips, counseling and give us access to the fort bliss obstacle course. By building up the students’ self esteem and their body, they will treat themselves and others better.
Student Dismissal
We are having problems with the 18 year old students at KEYS. We will not let them out until they are called out in person from their classroom at 3:45 pm. We will designate one person to pick them up. Our counselor Mrs. Trujillo will be picking these students up with the help of our CIS coordinator Ms. Marquez.
Our Meeting ended at 5:07 pm
Dr. Aguilar
Mr. Cable
Mr. Contreras
Mr. Hughes
Mr. Warren
Ms. Carreon
Mr. Aguilar