By signing this form, ______, the organization applying for pro bono legal assistance from Texas C-BAR (hereinafter referred to as “Organization”), acknowledges and confirms that:
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- Organization’s Qualification for Representation The Organization certifies that its primary purpose and activities are to benefit low-income persons. The Organization further certifies that the only private counsel representation that the Organization has received or is currently receiving on these matters is as described in its application.
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- Volunteer attorneys recruited and assigned cases by Texas C-BAR serve without compensation for services rendered. The Organization is responsible for any filing or reporting costs required by the project, such as title reports, IRS filings, and other state or federal filing fees.
- Texas C-BAR reserves the right to reject any or all requests for legal assistance in its sole and absolute discretion. In addition, Texas C-BAR reserves the right to withdraw a referral to an attorney, to change attorneys, to monitor the progress of any matter referred, and to refuse to continue to refer any Organization for additional legal services after an initial referral has been completed, subject to the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct.
- The Organization is free at any time to discharge the pro bono attorney. In the event of such action, the Organization will notify Texas C-BAR.
- Texas C-BAR shall not be responsible for the passage of time between receipt of application and referral, and takes no responsibility for the harm, if any, caused by the Organization’s inability to obtain counsel in time to meet legal deadlines. The Organization agrees to release and hold harmless Texas C-BAR from any and all obligation and responsibility arising from any such failure to obtain counsel.
- Texas C-BAR reserves the right to request both the Organization and the attorney to complete progress or status reports, completion reports and such other reports as may be necessary to monitor Texas C-BAR referrals.
- Organization Responsibilities: The Organization understands that it has the responsibility to cooperate fully on all matters regarding the representation, including, but not limited to:
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Keeping Texas C-BAR and any volunteer attorneys informed of any changes in Organization’s circumstances, including any change of address, telephone or contact person, changes in Organization’s purpose, nonprofit or tax-exempt status, or significant changes in membership or financial conditions;
Notifying Texas C-BAR and any volunteer attorneys of any prior, current or new legal representation it has received on the matters for which it is seeking pro bono services;
Promptly informing volunteer attorneys about any and all documents or other communications related to the matters upon which a volunteer attorney is providing representation; and
Responding to correspondence and other communications and requests, including requests for the production of documents, in a timely manner.
8.Confidential Information: The Organization understands that, while Texas C-BAR will make every effort to preserve the confidential nature of your Organization’s legal matter, Texas C-BAR will need to disclose some of the descriptive material which you have provided to us in order to match your Organization with a volunteer attorney. The Organization further understands that since Texas C-BAR receives support from a variety of foundations, grants and other funding sources, the name of the Organization and a brief description of the legal matters handled may be disclosed in fundraising materials, reports to donors, and annual reports. In singing this document, the Organization hereby grants us permission to make the disclosures outlined above.
9.Use of Documents by Others: The Organization authorizes the use by the volunteer attorney and Texas C-BAR of the documents drafted during the course of the representation for use in assisting other clients, organizations, or individuals, provided that the Organization may direct the volunteer attorney or Texas C-BAR not to provide copies of documents or to delete information in documents that the Organization considers confidential.
Date: Title:
When completed, please return to: Texas C-BAR
2201 Post Road, Suite 104
Austin, Texas 78704
Phone: (512) 447-7707, ext. 370
Fax: (512) 447-3940
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