Ideas for the Strategies section of the LDR
Reading LDR suggestions:- Student was matched with developmentally appropriate text for independent reading.
- Student’s reading development was tracked through regular oral reading records.
- Student participated in small group/guided practice sessions where he/she received direct and explicit instruction to build knowledge which is necessary for reading comprehension.
- Student participated in small group/guided practice sessions where he/she received direct and explicit instruction to develop strategies for decoding text with automaticity.
- Student’s reading was regularly monitored through reading conferences.
- Daily Read Alouds provided student with a model of how reading should sound and what strategies should be used when it breaks down and doesn’t sound like reading.
- Appropriate graphic organizers were used to support specific areas of comprehension development.
- Student used strategy bookmarks to help him/her monitor their use of strategies as they read.
Writing LDR suggestions:
- Student was given explicit instruction when introduced to a new writing skill or concept. Student was given many examples and extensive modeling was provided.
- Process writing and strategy instruction were regular components of student’s writing program.
- Student had multiple opportunities to work with narrative text structures, which typicallyconsists of setting, characters, problem/goal, events/plot, and resolution.
- Student had multiple opportunities to work with informational /expository text structures such as; description, sequence, compare and contrast, cause and effect, and problem and solution.
- Student’s writing development was monitored during writing workshop.Regular conferences provided opportunities to work with student when he/she was ready to edit and/or revisehis/her written work.
- Student was given explicit instruction which illustrated how to use effective writing processes and this instruction was followed up with adequate practice to help develop competency.
- Student given explicit explanation of how a writing strategy works. Strategy demonstrated or modeledwith teacher “think aloud” to show student the processes involved.
- Student was given prompt and descriptive feedback when participating in a writing task.
- Student provided guided practice in which the student tried out the strategy with teacher support.
- Extra time was devoted to explicit instruction and practice in basic skills.
- Writing instruction was carefully planned and included regular monitoring of student progress.
- Mini lessons provided support in the use of spelling, punctuation, grammar, and conventions of print.
- Student used programs such as Co-writer/ Kidspiration / Inspiration to help them generate and organize their ideas when writing.
- Student provided opportunities to learn strategies for proofreading their writing.
- Student used tools, including dictionaries and spell checkers, to monitor and correct their spelling. Personalized dictionaries were used to assist student with words they are using on a regular basis.
- Writing instruction was carefully planned and included regular monitoring of student progress.
- Student was given meaningful writing tasks with a specific audience and purpose in mind.
- Write Traits lessons used to support development of specific areas of writing.
See also: