Day 1, 2, 3 – Working in groups –classwork grade (off task/not participating = points off)

Product/Presentation – Test grade(see rubric below)

Category / Fully meets requirements / Mostly meets
requirements / Partially meets requirements / Incomplete
Poster / -Neat, detailed representation or model of device (includes: materials, chemical placement, how they are contained and activation method)
-Designed to scale or includes measurements.
-Explanation of how to “reuse” device (if possible) / -Representation or model of device (includes: materials, chemical placement, how they are contained and activation method) – may lack detail
-Designed to scale or include measurements.
-Explanation of how to “reuse” device (if possible) / -Representation or model of device (may not include one of the following: materials, chemical placement, how they are contained and activation method) – may lack detail
-Not designed to scale or missing some measurements.
-Explanation of how to “reuse” device (if possible) – may lack detail / -Representation or model of device (may not include more than one of the following: materials, chemical placement, how they are contained and activation method)
-Not designed to scale or missing measurements.
-Explanation of how to “reuse” device (if possible) is not provided
Presentation –information
visual / -Poster, power-point, brochure includes pictures/description of the product, why it is needed, a slogan/name.
- Looks professional (neat, detailed, easy to read and understand, grabs attention of target audience) / -Poster, power-point, brochure includes pictures/description of the product, why it is needed, a slogan/name.
- Looks professional (mostly neat, but may be missing some detail, easy to read and understand, may not grab attention of target audience) / -Poster, power-point, brochure missing one of the following: pictures/description of the product, why it is needed, a slogan/name.
- Looks professional (mostly neat, but may be missing some detail, easy to read and understand, may not grab attention of target audience) / -Poster, power-point, brochure missing more than one of the following: pictures/description of the product, why it is needed, a slogan/name.
- Does not look professional (missing some detail, difficult to read and understand, may not grab attention of target audience)
Presentation – information (flashcards) / All required information in answered in detail and submitted on individual flash cards. / All required information in answered, but lacks some detail and is submitted on individual flash cards. / Missing one to two pieces of required information. May also lack some detail. Submitted on individual flash cards. / Missing more than two pieces of required information. May also lack some detail. Submitted on individual flash cards.
Presentation - verbal / -All members of the group participate equally in the presentation and address the class in a professional manner
-Presentation is well prepared/rehearsed
-All required information included and answered in detail
-As an audience member: respectful, eyes on speaker, attentive / -All members of the group participate equally in the presentation and address the class in a professional manner
Presentation lacks some preparation/rehearsal
-Not all required information is included and/or answers lack detail
-As an audience member: respectful, eyes on speaker, attentive / -Each group member addresses the class in a professional manner, but not all group members participate equally in the presentation
-Presentation lacks some preparation/rehearsal
-Not all required information is included and/or answers lack detail
-As an audience member: respectful, but not attentive to the speakers / -Not all group members participate equally (or at all) in the presentation.
-Presentation lacks preparation/rehearsal
-Not all required information is included and/or answers lack detail
-As an audience member: disrespectful to speakers, not attentive