Welcome to Business
BTEC Business: Unit 1
Pre Induction Task - August 2017
In order to get you fully prepared for your BTEC Business course, we have set you the following task. We will be using the information you collect for this task in your first few lessons.
Your work must be handed in at your first business lesson or can be uploaded in advance of the first day of teaching, Monday 5th September. You can access the pre-induction tasks from the 'New Student Portal' ( there is alink to the 'New Student Portal' from the College website. The pre-induction tasks are available to download from here and once you have already registered on the portal you can upload any completed tasks via the upload page. If you have any problems registering or logging onto the portal please contact the College on 01204 846215.
Task: Describe[SBALL1][DH2] the type of business purpose and ownership of a Business. You are to conduct your own research into a selected business of your choice - and then create a presentation that can be used as an induction guide for future management trainees.
The presentationshould give a full description of each organisation using the key facts below:
The Nature of the Businesses / Sector of the business activityCan you provide some background information on the company?
Is the business; local, national, international, global, public, private or a not-for-profit/voluntary (primary, secondary and tertiary)
Do they produce products or services, both? / Is it in the primary sector, secondary sector or the tertiary sector? Define each sector and explain your reasons for selecting the appropriate sector for each business.
Business purposes and financial background / Ownership
What purpose does each business have? To supply products or services, to make a profit or is it a not-for profit organisations?
Can you find any financial information?
What are the Sales Revenue?
What was the profit figure for 2016?
Comment on the financial position of the business. / Explain if the business is in the public sector, private sector or the voluntary sectors. Ensure you have defined the sectors and explained your reasons for placing the businesses in the sectors.
Discuss the terms limited liability and unlimited liability. What do they mean? Is your chosen business have limited or unlimited liability. Explain why.
Types of ownership / Evaluation of Business Strategy
Explain each of the following: a sole trader, partnerships, private and public limited companies, government departments, government agencies, worker cooperatives, charitable trusts. What type of ownership does your business have? / Based on your research, what is the strategy of your business over the next few years, is it growth and development? Increase sales and profits? Diversification? Improve reputation?
Evaluate how successful you think this will be?
How to present your information
Create a power point presentation that can be used as an induction guide for future management trainees, ensure you have included appropriate clip art with a vibrant eye catching layout.The main thing is to write in detail and avoid copy and pasting from the internet.
Business BTEC Kit List
Our Kit List is here not only to remind you what the course is about but also to let you know what trips or essential items you will need for the course.
The practical nature of the BTEC in Business makes it the ideal course to set you off in the right direction. Over the 2 years Extended Diploma or 1 year Extended Certificate vocational course you will study all of the major functions in business, through a real “hands-on” approach. Each operational area that you study is linked to a real business. In some cases, you may visit this organisation, or you will benefit from a presentation by one of their managers. Some of the units will have a slightly different focus and be based around other practical activities. The experience that you will gain will help you to understand business theories through seeing them at work in practical situations. This depth of understanding makes you very attractive to employers, and to admissions tutors at universities.
Teachers of BTEC Business have all had experience of working in business, prior to teaching. Between them, the teaching staff have worked in a wide range of functions including marketing, finance, human resources, manufacturing and retail, to list but a few. Their first-hand knowledge further helps you to gain an insight into the real world of business at work
Work experience - over the duration of this course we will be undertaking a minimum of 5 days of compulsory work experience.
Field trips– fieldwork days throughout the course are great fun, informative and develop essential skills. Your teacher will advise you of the trip and the cost associated
How we work – we use a variety of teaching and learning styles such as individual learning, paired work, video analysis, research tasks, discussion and debate and structured tasks.
What we need from you –to bring basic stationary to lessons, be punctual and engaged. To commit to at least 4.5 hours of time per week outside of lesson to be spent on homework, reading, research and completing coursework for this subject.
Skills we develop and assess
- Independent learning – your ability to go away and research to gain knowledge and answers
- presentation and analysis – being able to interpret, present and analyse data
- Team work and communication skills – to answer questions and complete practical activities
- Analysis – the ability to take information and analyse it in terms of impact and make comparisons
- Evaluation – to be able to make judgements using evidence provided
- Employability skills - gained through participation events such as work experience, guest speakers, field trips and industry led workshops
[SBALL1]In your business course you will notice that we indicate the importance of these verbs. Here it is describe so you need to ensure that as you write you are providing detail and not simply bullet points. See if you can use connectives to enhance your work and use “this leads to”, “therefore” and “as a result” at the end of your sentences which will help you to achieve the description needed.