“Welcome to the team” letter

From: coach x x Cell/home/email BEST FOR YOU

And coach xx Cell/home/email BEST FOR YOU

We are excited to start the new soccer season with this great group of boys/girls, and are looking forward to having lots of fun while learning new skills and making new friends. There are a few things we want to share with everyone to help make this a good experience for all.

Our practice is at ………, on ………….day at X.pm until X.pm. Our games will be on Saturdays, at different times, and we are playing at …… . The first game is on XX, and the season finishes on XX. Please arrive at the game field 10 minutes ahead of our start time (COACHES – 1O MINS?) Bring the players to the practice or game field, and make sure the coaches know they are there, and at the end of the session, make sure the coaches know they are leaving with an adult. Carpooling is to be encouraged; please let us know if one family will be picking up a 2nd player on a regular basis. We ask that pick-up be prompt at the end of our sessions.

And remember, MYS rules prohibit dogs at any game or practice.

Every player needs 1. A size X ball; 2. Shinguards and socks to cover them; 3. Appropriate footwear – many players like to wear cleats, but athletic shoes will be fine; 4. Shorts or sweatpants, and a t-shirt. We have team shirts for everyone, which we will distribute at our first practice. Everyone should bring their ball and a reusable bottle of water to every practice and game; they may NOT participate unless they are wearing shinguards and appropriate footwear. And as the weather gets warmer please make sure every child has plenty of liquids ready to drink – water is always the best. And as the weather gets colder please make sure every child has a sweatshirt, jacket, something to keep warm in; on game day the team shirt has to be on top of every layer. Depending on the season

Communication: it is likely that a player may miss a game during the season, because of family events, illness etc. Please let the coaches know about planned absences as soon as you can; we never cancel games because players are missing, but it helps with the planning to know ahead of time (COACHES – DECIDE IF YOU ALSO WANT TO KNOW ABOUT KIDS MISSING PRACTICE)

Expectations: we as coaches expect that the players will come to practice and games on time, have all the right equipment, and be ready to play soccer. We shall help them learn the skills and rules, as well as developing good habits, including sportsmanship, showing respect and courtesy to their team, putting in some hard work and enjoying the sport. We expect the parents to “cheer but not coach”, which means giving them general encouragement and not specific instructions; to keep the cheering to a reasonable level (this is not the World Cup); to offer positive reinforcement and not be critical of their play. The coaches will offer appropriate skills training, will not over-coach as we all know the game is the best teacher, and we will all model the highest standards of behavior, in line with MYS Policy.

Snacks: the players should not bring snacks to practices, as this is too distracting. We would like to have drinks and a small snack for after the games, and propose the following rota (please arrange to switch with another family if your weekend happens to be one you will miss)

April 2 Jones

April 9 Smith COACHES – FILL IN

Inclement weather: Field statu is posted at - www.mcleansoccer.org (navigate to "Fields" and then "Field Status"), and you may opt-in to Rained Out, details on the Fields page. COACHES – DO YOU WANT FAMILIES TO DO THIS THEMSELVES OR WILL YOU SEND AN EMAIL OR CALL? YOU MAY WANT THE FAMILY TO GIVE YOU THEIR BEST OPTION FOR QUICK CONTACT