DRAFT Partnership BIC Locality

Patient Engagement Group Meeting

22nd July2014

Board Room, Phoenix Court, Basildon


Lynne Powell Locality Manager Partnership BIC (Chair & Minute Taker)

Naomi Redshaw Patient Laindon Health Centre

Elaine Ford Patient, Laindon Health Centre

Ron LiveseyPatient, Felmores Medical Practice

Peter Stone Patient, Felmores Medical Practice

Len Green Patient, Muree Medical Centre

Sue TrumanPractice Manager Muree Medical Centre

Peter FelthamPatient, Muree Medical Centre

Kim CauchiAdmin, Knares Medical Practice

Margaret DixonPatient, Knares Medical Practice

Terrence DixonPatient, Knares Medical Practice

Lynne PowellLocality Manager, BBCCG

Laura HannayMinutes, BBCCG

In attendance:

Jeanette Hucey, Transformation Team, BBCCG

Rob Hunt, Business Manager, BBCCG

Alison Reeve, Lay Member, BBCCG

1. / Welcome, Introduction & Apologies
Apologies were received from Maria Mampilly, Dr Mampilly and Bob Hackett.
Lynne welcomed everyone to the meeting and introductions were made.
2. / Minutes of previous meetings
The minutes of the last meeting were agreed as a true record.
3. / Chair
Peter Stone agreed to be Chair of this group from the September meeting.
4. / Presentation
Jeanette Hucey introduced herself to the group as AD for Transformation within BBCCG. She explained she was at the meeting to update the group on the Primary Care Strategy. Copies of “The Heart of Patient Care” were distributed to the group.
This is an Essex wide document which sets out the direction of travel expected across all Essex Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCG’s). Jeanette drew attention to and explained the diagram which showed the primary care hub made up of pharmacists, nurse practitioners, dentists, optometrists, health visitors and GP practices etc. Jeanette further explained how these hubs will come together and focus on the elderly, frailty and care closer to home.
Brentwood area is using a GP led network model of care of the frail and elderly.
The rest of Basildon area will be using a nurse led continuing care model.
Both services will be case managed and there will also be pro-active monitoring of those people who fall just below the tier for care to capture those on the cusp. Support is being built into the models for carers. Business models have been submitted to Board. It is hoped that better quality of care and best use of GP time will also encourage younger/new GPs to work in the BBCCG area.
Jeanette opened the group to questions.
Q: will it be a practice nurse or district nurse led?
A: New nurses will lead and integrate with the existing teams
Q: Patients may well be apprehensive about changes, how will people blend in?
A: The Transformation programme is driven by “Everyone Counts” national document which sets out the view NHS England to meet the needs of the NHS Constitution. The models talked about fit this criteria and the CCG recognises the need for change and is committed to support this development. However patients will not experience huge changes within their practice only changes may be seeing new clinics opening within practices.
Q: What will happen after the 2 years are up on the £5 per head model and how will it be assessed?
A: The programme will be assessed every 3 months. The main work will be around the first year or so. After this the GPs will have a full database of patients and thereafter would be a monitoring exercise.
Q: Will we be losing GPs as a result?
A: No.
Q: Can I still see my GP?
A: Yes
Q: Will there not be more travel disruption for patients if clinics are held elsewhere when the hub models are running?
A: The focus has to remain on the bigger picture and the positive changes it can bring to the area.
Q: What patient involvement is there within the Federation?
A: PPI (Patient Participation Involvement) was explained. A discussion took place regarding the feed-back system from this group (PEG) travels up to Board level via Patient Community Reference Group (PCRG) and through the chain to Practice Managers and their patient groups, involving lead practice nurses.
Q: What is the social care link with healthcare in all this?
A: Already a social care link with healthcare. We have Nick Presmeg who already works within our office. There is funding available through social care to integrate with health. It is expected that there will be a named social care person for the patients that need them.
Jeanette advised that she would be happy to come to the next meeting and update the group.
5. / CCG PCRG (Patient Community Reference Group)
Rob explained:
PPG – Patient Participation Group is a group of patients that meet with the practice manager within their surgery
PEG – Patient Engagement Group is a group of patients from within their locality which also includes a GP, practice managers, Locality Manager and Commissioners.
PCRG – Patient Community Reference Group is made up of patient leaders from each of the localities and feeds information to the Board. Likewise the Board can feed back through the chain to the PPG. A deputy PCRG rep needs to be recruited from Partnership BIC in the absence of Bob Hackett. The role of the PCRG member is to feed back to the PEG.
Patient Leaders – have been recruited through CCG and have undergone training.
PL’s are involved in quality visits to hospitals and have undergone CCG training course.
Action To distribute a structure
6. / Lay Board Member
Alison Reeve explained her background to the group. She advised that she is a lay member on the BBCCG Board. Her role is to oversee and ensure CCG investment and engagement for patients.
7. / Issues to escalate to PCRG
There were none reported.
8. / Any Other Business
The issue arose that patients who attend this group do not necessarily understand all the NHS abbreviations that are used. It was agreed that an acronym list be circulated to the group via Rob Hunt
Action Rob Hunt
A patient representative brought up an issue. A relative with Aspergers Syndrome who had attempted suicide and had burns had to wait 14 hours to see a psychologist at the MHU in Basildon. The patient also reported that the treatment of the family accompanying him was also very bad. Lynne Powell said that details could be shared with SEPT if the patient is willing to make a formal complaint.
Action LP to follow up with Elaine Ford
Mr Feltham raised a complaint re care from nursing team.
Action Sue Truman to follow up and get details from paitent
A question arose from a patient as to whether the Samaritans could take on a role with mental health services speaking to patients. It was explained by Rob that the Samaritans would have to be an official provider and would have to go to tender for this work with mental health commissioners.
Rob Hunt advised that it is proposed there will be a Bulletin newsletter going out to patient groups.
A patient representative asked if they had concerns over treatment or a service what should they do? Can they report to this meeting? Rob responded that in the first instance people should contact the Patient Complaints team which is based in Phoenix Court. BBCCG have a good relationship with Complaints team. The group was advised that issues can also come to the CCG’s attention via this meeting as well. If we are not told about issues we cannot do anything about them.
It was said that the younger population and ethnic groups ought to be targeted to represent at this group. Rob advised that we have more opportunity to explore this now that social care were on board within the CCG.
Len Green brought up issues around H&S issues with Thurrock CCG.
SEEDS are looking for a patient representative – email Lynne if interested.
Lynne Powell advised that CCG are looking at Phlebotomy review and handed out a paper and asked for feedback.
Action All to feedback to LP
Sue Truman advised that the domiciliary phlebotomy service is an overwhelmed service and there have been issues.
8. / Date of next meeting & Future Dates
The next meeting of the Partnership BIC Locality Patient Engagement Group will be held on Tuesday 23rd September 2014 10 – 12 Board Room, Phoenix Court, Christopher Martin Road, Basildon SS14 3HG.
It was agreed to hold meetings at two monthly intervals and review in six months
Tuesday 25th November 2014 10 – 12 Board Room, Phoenix Court
Tuesday 20th January 2015 10 – 12 Board Room, Phoenix Court
Tuesday 24th March 2015 !0- 12 Board Room, Phoenix Court
