THEME: Environment & Economy
The quality of Luton’s built and natural environment is an important benefit to local residents, community groups and businesses. The environment theme has a broad agenda to protect and enhance Luton’s environment including ListedBuildings, Conservation Areas, parks and open spaces and neighbourhood areas. There are key linkages to themes such stronger communities, health and well-being and community safety.
The environment theme is also about supporting communities and individuals to become actively involved and to take their own decisions on issues such as recycling and transport decisions. There are key linkages to other themes such as the economy and stronger communities.
VISION: To make Luton a place where the quality of the environment is protected and improved.
- Priority Outcome 1: To improve Luton’s built and natural environment
- Linked OutcomeOBJ 4: To create a vibrant environment where businesses thrive and prosper
- Linked OutcomeOBJ 6: To protect and enhance the quality of the natural and built environment
- Linked OutcomeOBJ 7: To strengthen community cohesion
Area(s) of Intervention:Types of activity would include:
- Community clear up days
- Creation of new neighbourhood/community gardens andon-going community support to maintain them
- Bringing an empty derelict building back into use for a community use and on-going community use.
- Support for infrastructure which creates sustainable improvements
Evidence of Need:
Needs will be identified through neighbourhood governance or other community led identification of environmental improvements needed in an area.
Measures of Success:
- Community projects leading to improved community and public spaces
- Community projects leading to improvements
- Areas of land improved or new facilities such as cycleways
- Habitats improved or created
- Building brought back into use
Interventions Required:
A key intervention will be an overarching organisation that will support and facilitate local activity including links to issues such as volunteering and training.
- Priority Outcome 2: To support individuals, communities and businesses to make decisions to create sustainable development.
- Linked OutcomeOBJ 4: To create a vibrant environment where businesses thrive and prosper
- Linked Outcome OBJ 6: To protect and enhance the quality of the natural and built environment
- Linked OutcomeOBJ 7: To strengthen community cohesion
Areas of intervention:Types of activity would include:
- Information, advice and guidance on topics such as recycling, reducing the use of the car and encouraging use of public transport, walking and cycling
- Social enterprises which support individuals and communities
- Community recycling schemes
Evidence of need:
Information is included in the Council’s Waste Strategy and the Local Transport Plan to support this outcome.
Measures of success:
- Increase in the number of journeys by other means eg bus, cycle, walking and train
- Increase in the levels of recycling and reductions in waste to landfill
Interventions Required:
A key intervention will be an overarching organisation that will support and facilitate local activity including links to issues such as volunteering and training.
Context - ECONOMY
Luton needs to have a strong and prosperous local economy. Businesses in the town create the wealth and income that is spent with other businesses through the supply chain and the spending power of residents. Supporting businesses to start-up, grown and invest in Luton is a key priority.
Being in work is good for the health and well-being of families and individuals and has strong links to other themes such as information, advice and guidance and children and families.
VISION: To make Luton a place where business thrives and prospers and residents benefit from being in employment.
- Priority Outcome 1: To support the growth of Luton’s economy through business start-up, growth and inward investment
- Linked Outcome OBJ1: To empower, support and protect the vulnerable
- Linked Outcome OBJ 3: To improve life and learning opportunities for all
- Linked OutcomeOBJ 4: To create a vibrant environment where businesses thrive and prosper
Area(s) of Intervention:
Types of activity would include:
- Advice, guidance and mentoring to support business start-up and ensuring business survival rates;
- Support for social enterprise development;
- Supporting skills development for businesses;
- Supporting businesses to provide work placements, work experience, apprenticeships and internships;
Evidence of Need:
Needs will be identified the Council’s Economic Growth Plan (in development) and the Skills and Employability Strategy.
Information on skill levels and total numbers of jobs in the local economy are provided on
Measures of Success:
- Increase in the number of business start-ups and the number of start-ups surviving after one year
- Increased levels in the workforce skilled at NVQ Levels 2 and 4
- Increasing numbers of businesses engaged in supporting work experience activity
- Increasing number of jobs in the local economy.
Interventions Required:
- Priority Outcome 2: To support individuals to access employment opportunities
- Linked Outcome OBJ1: To empower, support and protect the vulnerable
- Linked OutcomeOBJ 3: To improve life and learning opportunities for all
- Linked OutcomeOBJ 4: To create a vibrant environment where businesses thrive and prosper
Areas of intervention:
Types of activity would include:
- Information, advice and guidance on topics as training;
- Support programmes to get people into work
- Targeted activity in areas identified by Job Centre Plus or in age groups
- Activity which overcomes barriers to employment such as childcare or transport
Evidence of need:
Evidence of need will be based on information from Job Centre Plus and through
Measures of success:
- Off flow from benefits into employment
- Increased levels in the workforce skilled at NVQ Levels 2 and 4
Interventions Required: