(ISO 3297)
3rd Baltic Sport Science Conference
Physical Activity and Sport in Changing Society: Research, Theory, Practice and Management
April 29 - May 1, 2010
Riga, Latvia
Riga, 2010
Juris Grants
Latvian Academy of Sport Education
Brivibas street 333
Riga, LV-1006, Latvia
Scientific committee
Prof. U.Grāvītis
Latvian Academy of Sports Education
Prof. J.Lanka
Latvian Academy of Sports Education
Prof. J.Žīdens
Latvian Academy of Sports Education
Prof. T. Jürimäe
Tartu University, Estonia
Prof. J.Jürimäe
Tartu University, Estonia
Prof. M.Pääsuke
Tartu University, Estonia
Prof. K.Milašius
Vilnius Pedagogical University
Prof. A.Raslanas
Vilnius Pedagogical University
Prof. J.Skernevičius
Vilnius Pedagogical University
Prof. A.Vilkas
Vilnius Pedagogical University
Prof. A.Skurvydas
Lithuanian Academy of Physical Education
Prof. A.Stasiulis
Lithuanian Academy of Physical Education
Prof. A.Skarbalius
Lithuanian Academy of Physical Education
Prof. S.Stonkus
Lithuanian Academy of Physical Education
Organizing committee
Prof. J.Grants
Latvian Academy of Sport Education (Chairman)
Prof. A.Ābele
Latvian Academy of Sport Education
Prof. L.Čupriks
Latvian Academy of Sport Education
Prof. A.Rudzītis
Latvian Academy of Sport Education
Ph.D. A.Fernāte
Latvian Academy of Sport Education
M.Ed. I.Bula-Biteniece
Latvian Academy of Sport Education
M.Ed. A.Gulbe
Latvian Academy of Sport Education
M.Ed. I.Ļubinska
Latvian Academy of Sport Education
M.Ed. T.Ņikiforova
Latvian Academy of Sport Education
Tehnical editional and computer composition of text:
M.Ed. I.Rudzinska
M.Ed. A.Kļonova
ISBN 978-9984-9204-6-7
ISSN 1691-6220
© Latvian Academy of Sport Education, 2010
Website: www.lspa.lv
Dear Friends,
Our Baltic Sport Science Society (BSSS) has already established several very good traditions. One of them is an annual conference in sport science. Another, that every year the conference is held in a different Baltic country. The first Baltic Sport Science conference took place in Tartu, Estonia, but the second – in Vilnius, Lithuania. This year everybody – a young scientist or an experienced scientist - is welcome to participate in the BSSS Conference in Riga, Latvia.
We hope that the 3rd Baltic Sport Science Conference will help us to promote deeper development of sport science in Baltic countries with the purpose to integrate more in Europe and world sport science circle, to cooperate with national and international organizations in sport sciences.
The Abstract book includes the key notes of the lectures, oral and poster presentations. The editors welcome the opportunity to thank a lot all authors who gave their contribution to this Conference.
On behalf of the BSSS Conference
Scientific and Organization Committees
Vice President of the BSSS
Prof. Juris Grants
BALTIC SPORT SCIENCE SOCIETY (BSSS) is a non-profit organization founded in Vilnius (Republic of Lithuania) during the Second Baltic States Sport Science Conference (April 23-25, 2009):
a) to promote the study and development of sport sciences in the Baltic States (Republic of Estonia, Republic of Latvia, Republic of Lithuania);
b) to enhance the quality of doctoral studies (PhD) in the Baltic States;
c) to organize scientific meetings and courses in the field of sport sciences;
d) to cooperate with national and international organizations in sport sciences and related fields.
Leading organizations of the BSSS are:
· Faculty of Exercise and Sport Science, University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia,
· Latvian Academy of Sport Education, Riga, Latvia,
· Lithuania Academy of Physical Education, Kaunas, Lithuania,
· Faculty of Sports and Health Education, Vilnius Pedagogical University, Vilnius, Lithuania.
The membership of BSSS includes individual members from the Baltic States (Republic of Estonia, Republic of Latvia, and Republic of Lithuania) who have a PhD degree in sport or related sciences. Doctoral (PhD) students are on the status of junior members. Membership is open for scholars and doctoral students from other countries as well.
The main events of BSSS are annual conferences. Each spring the leading organizations will arrange the Baltic States Sport Science Conference:
· The first Baltic Conference in Exercise and Sport Sciences – Tartu, May 7-10, 2008.
· The second Baltic Conference in Exercise and Sport Sciences – Vilnius, April 23-25, 2009.
· 2010 – Latvia
· 2011 – Estonia
· 2012 – Lithuania
· 2013 – Latvia, etc.
Aims of the conferences:
· to enhance the quality of sport sciences in the Baltic States;
· to organize a young scientist section during the conference in order to promote PhD studies;
· to invite leading scientists all over the world as key-note speakers.
A.L.Claessens (Belgium). Body composition assessment in athletes: concepts and methodological considerations with emphasis on the densitometric two-compartment model...... 14
J.Hanin (Finland). Psychological guidance in sport: emotion and action centred approaches...... 14
J.Nilsson (Sweden). Cross-country skiing in science and practice. Can the double poling technique among elite cross-country skiers be improved?...... 16
THIRD BALTIC SPORT SCIENCE CONFERENCE OF YOUNG SCIENTISTS – Physical Activity and Sport in Changing Society: Research, Theory, Practice and Management (ORAL AND POSTER PRESENTATIONS)..17
H.Aibast, R.Ramadori, A.Cicchella, M.Pääsuke (Estonia, Italy). The 15-markers foot model testing in sprinters to analyze rear-foot, mid-foot and fore-foot motion during running and walking the pilote study...... 18
V.Aleknavičiūtė, N.Masiulis, R.Solianik, D.Parulytė, K.Muckus, A.Skurvydas (Lithuania). The effect of physiotheraphy on functional changes of ankle plantar and dorsal flexion muscles after achilles tendon rupture...... 18
M.Aru, K.Reisberg, K.Alev, A.Pehme, T.Seene, R.Puhke, P.Kaasik (Estonia). Relations between hormonal myopathies and functional overload – changes in protein turnover and muscle cell morphology...... 19
M.Bilinauskaitė, D.Satkunskienė (Lithuania). Analysis of the effect of swimmer’s legs position on underwater swimming performance using computational fluid dynamics (CFD)...... 20
I.Boge (Latvia). Language offer at Latvia State higher education institutions.
J. Boļševa, N.Jaružnijs (Latvia). The content, methods and means for activation of qualitative motorics and standardization of muscular hipertone for babies (3 – 6 months old)…………………………………………………………………………...20
I.Bula-Biteniece, J.Grants, R.Jansone, (Latvia). Holistic approaches in family sport…………………………………………………………………………………..21
V.J.Cesnaitiene, A. Skurvydas, G. Mamkus, E. Kavaliauskiene (Lithuania). How do age and visual feedback affect accuracy and variability of foot flexion and extension output?...... 22
K.Ciekurs, V.Krauksts, D.Krauksta (Latvia). Influence of arm action on total moving speed in roller skiing (18 – 19 years old skiers)...... 23
D.Grazulis, D.Radžiukynas (Lithuania). Physical status of young soccer players' (15 – 16 years old)...... 23
R.Gruodytė, J.Jürimäe, A.Cicchella, C.Stefanelli, C.Passariello, T.Jürimäe (Estonia, Lithuania, Italy). Bone mineral density and adipocytokines in adolescent female athletes with different physical activity patterns.
A.Gulbe, R.Jansone (Latvia). Innovative model of acquiring olympic education for the improvement of sport pedagogue Professional...... 25
M.Jakovļeva, J.Žīdens (Latvia). Coach professional improvement in life-log learning context...... 25
K.Jansen, M.Luik, V.Viljasoo, J.Ereline, H.Gapeyeva H.M.Pääsuke (Estonia). Changes in neuromuscular function characteristics in construction workers before and after working day...... 26
H.Jõesaar,V.Hein (Estonia). Influence of perceived autonomy support from coaches and peer motivational climate on intrinsic motivation among young athletes...... 27
J.Jürgenson, E.Unt, P.Eelmäe, V.Ööpik (Estonia). Effect of walking training on blood pressurein female patients with hypertension...... 27
A.Kaupužs, V.Lāriņš (Latvia). Assessing the multidimensional outcome expectations for exercise scale in community dwelling adults...... 28
D.Klimenko (Russia). Summer universiades and the olympic movement...... 28
A.Kļonova, N.Jaružnijs J.Kļonovs (Latvia). Heart rate and energy consumption during Standard sport dancing………………………..………………………………29
D.Kudaba, A.Vilkas (Lithuania). The values of special abilities of young orienteers which they used in sport, attitude and motives for training...... 30
K.Kuplis, I.Avotiņa (Latvia). The relationships between results of jumping and running control tests in sprint events...... 30
A.Lapchenkov, J.Povareshchenkova (Russia). Fit-ball gymnastics and its influence on psychomotor condition of slow developed children...... 31
E.Lätt, J.Jürimäe, J.Mäestu, P.Purge, R.Rämson, K.L.Keskinen, K.Haljaste, T.Jürimäe (Estonia, Finland). The measurement of oxygen consumption during swimming in young male swimmers...... 32
M.Lesčinskis, L.Čupriks, S.Rozenštoka (Latvia). Aerobic and anaerobic work capacity characteristics of kettlebell lifters...... 32
I.Liepiņa (Latvia). Development of balancing ability in sportsmen...... 33
S Luika (Latvia). Development Tendencies of Fitness Clubs in Latvia (2006 – 2009)
...... 33
T.Malinauskaitė, N.Masiulis, G.Dargevičiūtė, A.Skurvydas (Lithuania). Pilotstudy: effect of knee taping on muscular performance of healthy subjects...... 34
K.Matulaitis, A.Skarbalius (Lithuania). Evaluation and assessment of selected indices of physical fitness in basketball male players aged 10 – 17 years...... 35
A.Molotanovs, J.Žīdens (Latvia). The brain biocurrent influence on the competition effectiveness of the handball goalkeepers...... 35
G.Onusaitytė, A.Skarbalius (Lithuania). Selected physiological demands of high-peak performance players in women handball...... 36
B.Omarov (Russia). Some methods of teaching physical culture...... 36
Y. Papenov (Russia). Youth olympic games: the process of the formation...... 38
A.L. Parm, M. Saar, K. Pärna, J. Jürimäe, V. Tillmann, I. Neissaar, T. Jürimäe (Estonia). Bone mineral density and bone mineral content in 7 – 9 year old rhythmic gymnasts...... 39
K.Pärna, A.L.Parm, M.Saar, J.Jürimäe, V.Tillmann, I.Neissaar, T.Jürimäe (Estonia). Relationships between jumping ability and bone parameters in 7 – 8 year old rhythmic gymnasts and controls...... 39
D.Parulytė, N.Masiulis, A.Skurvydas, V.Aleknavičiūtė, R.Solianik (Lithuania). Evaliuation of balance before anterior cruciate ligament rupture operation and after rehabilitation...... 40
D.Parulytė, N.Masiulis, A.Skurvydas, V.Aleknavičiūtė, R.Solianik (Lithuania). Children‘s posture, muscles endurance and spinal column mobility alternation applying aquatic exercises...... 40
R.Rämson, J.Jürimäe, T.Jürimäe, J.Mäestu (Estonia). Changes in plasma neuropeptide y are sensitive to changes in performance after high volume strength endurance type of trainings...... 41
D.Rauktys, K. Pukėnas, D. Satkunskiene (Lithuania). The application of cluster analysis to study of variability of running pattern...... 42
I.Rudzinska (Latvia) Evaluating quality of “communication in professional (sport) foreign language” study course...... 43
S.Sabaliauskas, S.Poteliūnienė (Lithuania). Going in for sports motivation peculiarities in sportsmen at different levels of excellence...... 43
J.Sagim, M.Kipri, M.Aru, R.Puhke, E.M.Riso, A.Pehme, K.Alev (Estonia). Contractile protein turnover and cellular damage: effect of eccentric exercise...... 44
R.Sakalauskaitė, D.Satkunskienė(Lithuania). Different methods of foot arch estimation...... 45
R.Sakalauskaitė, D.Satkunskienė(Lithuania). Assessment of foot arch with different techniques...... 45
R.Sepp, L.Raudsepp (Estonia). Assessment of the leadership performance of volleyball coaches and cohesion of their teams...... 46
I.Smuka, D.Krauksta (Latvia). The formation of habit – to make regular physical activity in everyday life...... 46
R.Solianik, V.Aleknavičiūtė, N.Masiulis, Z.Andrijauskaitė, D.Parulytė, A.Skurvydas (Lithuania). The effect of ankle angle on maximal voluntary and electricaly evoked calf flexors and extensors force...... 47
M.Strolia, K.Milašius, J.Skernevičius (Lithuania). Characteristics of lithuanian ski sprinters training during yearly pre-olympic training cycle and their fitness...... 48
S.Saulīte, L.Čupriks, V.Fedotova (Latvia). Biomechanical analysis of taekwon-do itf front-leg roundhouse kick...... 48
L.Ventaskrasta, V.Lāriņš (Latvia). Psycho-social correction for primary school pupils having ads/adhs symptoms……………………………………………………49
R.Viir, T.Kums, H.Gapeyeva, J.Ereline, M.Pääsuke (Estonia, Finland). Lying back from seated position promptly diminishes upper trapezius muscle tone and stiffness...... 50
E.Volkova, J.Solovjova, I.Zuoziene, M.Brazaitis (Latvia, Lithuania). Correlations of special Endurance and peak force tests in the water and on the land of Qualified swimmers’...... 50
K.Zaičenkovienė, A.Stasiulis (Lithuania). The effect of prior step exercise on emg of leg muscles during treadmill running...... 51
M.Zienius, A.Skarbalius (Lithuania). Training effect to aerobic fitness in selected youth golfers under three different conditions...... 52
G.Zubitashvili (Georgia). Carefulness and sport results...... 52
A.Zuša, J.Lanka, A.Vagin (Latvia, Russia). Biomechanical comparison of open and square stance forehand technique in tennis...... 53
THIRD BALTIC SPORT SCIENCE CONFERENCE – Physical Activity and Sport in Changing Society: Research, Theory, Practice and Management (ORAL AND POSTER PRESENTATIONS)……………………………………………...…54
A.Ābele, E.Isidori, C.Maulini (Latvia, Italy). Body Values in Youth Education:
A comparative Research between Latvian and Italian Sport Sciences University Students...... 55
E.Adaškevičienė, A.Budreikaitė (Lithuania). Research about values from active and inactive teenagers’standpoint...... 55
E.Adaškevičienė, A.Šarkauskienė (Lithuania). Development of physical capacity of junior adolescents through non-formal physical education at school...... 56
K.Ahlbäck, T.Janson (Estonia). Finnish and Estonian children’s perceived health and physical activity on basic data’s of HBSC study...... 57
L.Aptsiauri, G.Chiladze (Georgia). Social-cultural and juridical meaning of sport in the axiological space of modern education……………………………..……………58
E.Balčiunas, J.Skernevičius (Lithuania). Peculiarities of kayak sprinters preparation for 200 m event...... 58
M.Bánhidi (Hungary). Dual career – the Sport school education system in Hungary
...... 59
J. Bergier (Poland). The offensive actions of the victorious and lost teams in the Women’s European Football Championships Finland 2009…………………………60
Z.Birontienė (Lithuania). Influence of physical training to 5 – 7 year old children’s physical development and morbidity...... 60
M.Bytniewski (Poland). Changes in physical activity of the students of Biala Podlaska colleges in the last decade...... 61
J.Cámara, R.Martínez-Santos (Spain). Comparison of the heel strike transient attenuation between unshod and shod walking...... 62
R.Carlson (Sweden). Talent detection in Swedish biathlon...... 62
S.Capulis (Latvia). The Effect the Karate on the Development of Teenagers’ level of anxiety...... 63
M.Charmas, W.Gromisz, R.Charmas, I.Cieśliński(Poland). Effect of 12 weeks swimming training on body composition in untrained young women...... 63
K.Chmiel (Poland). Hippotherapy – a prospective form of rehabilitation and recreation for disabled……………..…………………………………………………64
K.Chmiel (Poland). Pleasure riding – the most versatile form of outdoor recreation and tourism……………………….………………………………………………..…65
I.Čikotienė, B.Statkevičienė (Lithuania). Relationship between anthrapometrics and sport results for high class figure skaters (men)...... 65
V.Cingiene (Lithuania). Piloting outdoor sector in Lithuania...... 66
A.L.Claessens, M.W.Peeters, K.Pelgrim, G.Keustermans, M.Goris (Belgium). Percentage of body fatness in elite student athletes as measured by the underwater weighing and bod pod techniques...... 66
G.Costa (Greece). Sport system in Greece………………………………...………..67
E.De la Cruz-Sánchez, R.Martínez-Santos, J.Pino-Ortega (Spain). Influence of an active lifestyle in alcohol use in the basque country (Spain)...... 67
O.P.Drachuk, G.I.Stepanyuk, S.A.Oliynyk(Ukraine). Actoprotective activity of a new succinic acid derivative...... 68
A.Emeljanovas, R.Rutkauskaitė, V.Volbekienė (Lithuania). The dose-response relationships between to tal physical activity and health-related physical fitness in adolescent boys...... 69
A.Emeljanovas, K.Poderienė, R.Rutkauskaitė, J.Poderys (Lithuania). Dynamics of recovery of cardiovascular system after dosed exercise test in boys at age of 11 –14 under influence of training in sports games or cyclic sports events...... 69
A.Emeljanovas, R.Rutkauskaitė, V.Volbekienė, E.Maciulevičienė, R.Sadzevičienė (Lithuania). Relationships between physical activity and physical fitness in lithuanian schoolboys...... 70
A.Emeljanovas, R.Rutkauskaitė, V.Volbekienė (Lithuania). Relationships among body composition, muscular fitness, flexibility and physical activity in schoolchildren
...... 70
J.Ereline, H.Gapeyeva, M.Pääsuke (Estonia). Changes in contractile properties of knee extensor muscles during repeated maximal isokinetic contraction in male power-lifters and untrained subjects...... 71
M.Ezerskis, K.Poderiene, B.Miseckaite, J.Poderys (Lithuania). Dynamics of cardiac reaction in cohort of elite greco-roman wrestlers while a one or two training blocks of concentrated heavy workloads applied...... 71
A.Fernāte (Latvia). Relationship between the physical literacy and enhancement of sports proficiency...... 72
A.Fernāte, I.Simonenkova, Z.Vazne, L.Lapina, A.Abele, D.Eikena, V.Dombrovskis (Latvia). Sport psychologists professional perspectives in Latvian sport: athlete's, coaches and employers' view………………………………………..72