ABATE of Ohio – Region 9
Franklin County meeting of April 7, 2013
Held at Heritage Lounge, Reynoldsburg OH
Meeting called to order at 12:00 p.m. by Randy Paul, pledge of allegiance and moment of silence.
Tim Horetski: ABATE mission statement and thanked Louie, the owner of the bar, for having hosted us for our winter meetings.
New Business:
New member Jack Avise present.
Nominations for summer meeting place read: Oak Grove, 10 Mile Inn, American Legion post 490, and Gatsbys. Debbie from Oak Grove stated we are welcome to come back and they will have food. 10 Mile Inn will give special prices and donate a portion of money back to ABATE from each beer sold. Legion will have $1.50 beers and food. Kolman stated that members who renew or join today can vote. If this was an officer election you would already have to be on the voter roster in order to vote.
Motion to waive reading of the minutes made and passed.
Legislative report by J.R.: Agreement between Road America and MRF will terminate 4/13/13. Until that time they will accept new or renewed business in accordance with the existing contract. No new members after that but will service all members. There is a road service program called Rider Rescue at riderrescue.com. April 1st is the official launch of AMA’s Go Ride month. There is information, entertainment, contests and prizes at and AMA Facebook page. On 3.25 President Obama announced the designations of 5 new National Monuments under the Antiquities Act of 1906 without first holding public debate. This will limit recreational opportunities on public lands, is an overreach by the executive branch. AMA opposes this action without input from all affected user groups, Congress, and state and local officials. Sensenbrenner (R-WI) introduced HR875 which requires EPA to conduct a thorough independent study of gas/ethanol blends above 10%. The bill would halt the sale of E15 till studies are complete. Motorcycle Industry Council has cautioned owners against using the blend. MFR supports this legislation. Contact your U.S. Representative and ask them to co-sponsor HR875 asap. Need a large number of co-sponsors to pass this. You can reach the U.S. Capital switchboard at 9202) 224-3121.
Treasurer’s report by Kolman: working balance from end of February was $1114.88, income in March was $1196,00 ($794 from Daytona North party) Expenses were $1310.77, working balance at end of March was $1000.
Regional report by Kolman: No Pickerington run in April. They will have anniversary run September 20th.
Fallen Brothers run for Brillo and Dancer will be April 27th out of American Legion post 490, there will be breakfast at 9 then hog roast.
April 27th they will meet 80 WW II veterans plane returning from Honor Flight at Port Columbus at 8:30 p.m. Go to the baggage area.
Awareness Rally May 5th and after Rally at A.D. Farrow’s downtown. If it doesn’t turn out to be any better than last years we will do our own next year like we used to.
Question about information flyer for MOTM. Can go on website and get info. You can get in free if Ohio ABATE member but will have to work. Dinner will still be $40 however.
ABATE Foundation is raffling off a bike and a scooter on August 24th, ticket’s $20.
Report potholes by calling 614-645-3111 or 111 or or (Rod Taylor’s office) If they are notified about one they have certain length of time to repair it in. People have won settlements due to accidents caused by un-repaired potholes they were notified about. If you hurt bike and found out they knew about pothole and didn’t repair you might have a case.
No texting law in effect now, secondary offense for adults, primary for ages under 18.
There will be a statehouse tour next Friday at 10:00 a.m. Wear ABATE clothing but nothing offensive.
Pins: Ed Williams – 11 years, Jim and Corrina Claggett – 3 years, Nasty Norris – 4 years, Ken Halbern – 4 years, Jan Russell – life (25 years), Kathy Gantner – 11 years, Tammy – 10 years, Recon – 11 years, Sam Moritz – 18 years, David Fogle – 8 years, Toni Bloomer – 22 years, Terry and Sally Wright – 6 years, Taz – 12 years.
MOTM report by Robin- It is an informative seminar. AMA will have a fund raiser for it on Friday night at the conference with City BBQ for $10. She has t-shirts for sale for $5 to raise money for it. The ABATE Foundation has Look Twice Save a Life merchandise for sale.
May 19th is the Blessing of the Bikes in Dayton and we have been asked to help run it, we need volunteers.
Our February seminar made $3,000.
Products Report by Crystal: has new t-shirts available for both men and women, $20 prepay. Don’t forget the points program, you get a free patch and then a year patch each year when you turn in your points in January. She has forms.
Tim thanks the workers and also attendees of the Daytona North Party.
New Business: Mentions State House Tour again.
Report by Jim Elgin: State House Tour next Friday. Meet in rotunda. Spread the word about the Awareness Rally in May. QFM96 has biker bulletin board, will announce and event for a week. Imre and Woody did a lot of work on the fund raid, we will probably be good till the end of Kasich’s term. Thanks all who sent messages.
We got $172 for Buy A Day at The Office.
Good of the Order: Poker fun for Jarrod the manager of Nike, diagnosed with cancer and has about a year to live.
Roger commented he would like to see a good turnout like this at all the meetings, not just elections.
Election results: 36 votes for 10 Mile Inn, 27 for the Legion and 3 for Oak Grove. Our summer meetings will start in May at the 10 Mile Inn.
Meeting adjourned at 1:05
Respectfully submitted by Sally Carroll