Appendix 3.1.2Matlab files used for trajectory calculations
% Habitat Trajectory determination and display
clear all; close all;
AU = 1.495978e8;
% All orbital information is taken from MIDAS files
% Venus orbit information
av = .72333160*AU;
ev = .67663667E-02;
iv = 3.3945649*pi/180;
lanv = 76.641599*pi/180;
aphv = 54.930823*pi/180;
thsv1 = 343.50998*pi/180;
thsv2 = (175.07957+1080)*pi/180;
thsv = linspace(thsv1,thsv2, 793);
% Calculate Venus orbit wrt solar ecliptic
pv = av*(1-ev^2);
thv = thsv+aphv;
rv = pv./(1+ev.*cos(thsv));
xvf = rv.*cos(thv);
yvf = rv.*sin(thv);
yvi = yvf*cos(iv);
rvf = sqrt(xvf.^2+yvi.^2);
xv = rvf.*cos(thv+lanv);
yv = rvf.*sin(thv+lanv);
zv = sqrt(rv.^2-xv.^2-yv.^2).*sign(pi-mod(thv,2*pi));
% Earth orbit
% Mars Orbit
% Habitat Trajectory - Earth to Mars
a1 = 1.2991554*AU;
e1 = .24858019;
i1 = .47247910*pi/180;
lan1 = 293.34263*pi/180;
aph1 = 164.43720*pi/180;
ths11 = 15.757718*pi/180;
ths12 = 143.38146*pi/180;
ths1 = linspace(ths11, ths12, 172);
p1 = a1*(1-e1^2);
th1 = ths1+aph1;
r1 = p1./(1+e1.*cos(ths1));
x1f = r1.*cos(th1);
y1f = r1.*sin(th1);
y1i = y1f*cos(i1);
r1f = sqrt(x1f.^2+y1i.^2);
x1 = r1f.*cos(th1+lan1);
y1 = r1f.*sin(th1+lan1);
z1 = sqrt(r1.^2-x1.^2-y1.^2).*sign(pi-mod(th1,2*pi));
% Habitat Trajectory - Mars to Venus
a2 = 1.1333948*AU;
e2 = .36473009;
i2 = .96953978*pi/180;
lan2 = 263.80166*pi/180;
aph2 = 170.84250*pi/180;
ths21 = 166.51516*pi/180;
ths22 = (3.5842208+360)*pi/180;
ths2 = linspace(ths21, ths22, 255);
p2 = a2*(1-e2^2);
th2 = ths2+aph2;
r2 = p2./(1+e2.*cos(ths2));
x2f = r2.*cos(th2);
y2f = r2.*sin(th2);
y2i = y2f*cos(i2);
r2f = sqrt(x2f.^2+y2i.^2);
x2 = r2f.*cos(th2+lan2);
y2 = r2f.*sin(th2+lan2);
z2 = sqrt(r2.^2-x2.^2-y2.^2).*sign(pi-mod(th2,2*pi));
% Habitat Trajectory - Venus to Earth
a3 = .84188691*AU;
e3 = .20834487;
i3 = .95981576E-01*pi/180;
lan3 = 359.42170*pi/180;
aph3 = 23.281097*pi/180;
ths31 = 55.526393*pi/180;
ths32 = (156.63321+360)*pi/180;
ths3 = linspace(ths31, ths32, 366);
p3 = a3*(1-e3^2);
th3 = ths3+aph3;
r3 = p3./(1+e3.*cos(ths3));
x3f = r3.*cos(th3);
y3f = r3.*sin(th3);
y3i = y3f*cos(i3);
r3f = sqrt(x3f.^2+y3i.^2);
x3 = r3f.*cos(th3+lan3);
y3 = r3f.*sin(th3+lan3);
z3 = sqrt(r3.^2-x3.^2-y3.^2).*sign(pi-mod(th3,2*pi));
% Display trajectory in b&w
x = [x1 x2 x3];
y = [y1 y2 y3];
z = [z1 z2 z3];
px = []; py = []; pz = [];
for i = [1:length(x)]
if (mod(i,5) == 1)
px = [px x(i)];
py = [py y(i)];
pz = [pz z(i)];
% ERA Trajectory Earth to Mars
clear all; close all;
AU = 1.495978e8;
% All orbital information taken from MIDAS files
% Earth orbit
ae = 1.0000002*AU;
ee = .016704123;
ie = .0015476714*pi/180;
lane = 174.84774*pi/180;
aphe = 288.13136*pi/180;
thse1 = 303.54483*pi/180;
thse2 = (245.78624 + 360)*pi/180;
thse = linspace(thse1,thse2, 307);
pe = ae*(1-ee^2);
the = thse+aphe;
re = pe./(1+ee.*cos(thse));
xef = re.*cos(the);
yef = re.*sin(the);
yei = yef*cos(ie);
ref = sqrt(xef.^2+yei.^2);
xe = ref.*cos(the+lane);
ye = ref.*sin(the+lane);
ze = sqrt(re.^2-xe.^2-ye.^2).*sign(pi-mod(the,2*pi));
% Mars Orbit
am = 1.5236915*AU;
em = .93415785E-01;
im = 1.8487363*pi/180;
lanm = 49.524141*pi/180;
aphm = 286.58789*pi/180;
thsm1 = 136.17361*pi/180;
thsm2 = 278.70649*pi/180;
thsm = linspace(thsm1,thsm2, 307);
pm = am*(1-em^2);
thm = thsm+aphm;
rm = pm./(1+em.*cos(thsm));
xmf = rm.*cos(thm);
ymf = rm.*sin(thm);
ymi = ymf*cos(im);
rmf = sqrt(xmf.^2+ymi.^2);
xm = rmf.*cos(thm+lanm);
ym = rmf.*sin(thm+lanm);
zm = sqrt(rm.^2-xm.^2-ym.^2).*sign(pi-mod(thm,2*pi));
% Trajectory information
a = 1.2524394*AU;
e = .21018949;
i = 1.6689473*pi/180;
lan = 46.568310*pi/180;
aph = 7.2399656*pi/180;
ths1 = 352.71606*pi/180;
ths2 = (201.00870 + 360)*pi/180;
ths = linspace(ths1, ths2, 307);
p = a*(1-e^2);
th = ths+aph;
r = p./(1+e.*cos(ths));
xf = r.*cos(th);
yf = r.*sin(th);
yi = yf*cos(i);
rf = sqrt(xf.^2+yi.^2);
x = rf.*cos(th+lan);
y = rf.*sin(th+lan);
z = sqrt(r.^2-x.^2-y.^2).*sign(pi-mod(th,2*pi));
% Display Trajectory in b&w
px = []; py = []; pz = [];
for i = [1:length(x)]
if (mod(i,5) == 1)
px = [px x(i)];
py = [py y(i)];
pz = [pz z(i)];
% ERV Trajectory Mars to Earth
clear all; close all;
AU = 1.495978e8;
% All orbital information taken form MIDAS files
% Earth orbit
ae = 1.0000002*AU;
ee = .016702386;
ie = .0020865941*pi/180;
lane = 174.83777*pi/180;
aphe = 288.15468*pi/180;
thse1 = 351.04569*pi/180;
thse2 = (217.38320 + 360)*pi/180;
thse = linspace(thse1,thse2, 230);
pe = ae*(1-ee^2);
the = thse+aphe;
re = pe./(1+ee.*cos(thse));
xef = re.*cos(the);
yef = re.*sin(the);
yei = yef*cos(ie);
ref = sqrt(xef.^2+yei.^2);
xe = ref.*cos(the+lane);
ye = ref.*sin(the+lane);
ze = sqrt(re.^2-xe.^2-ye.^2).*sign(pi-mod(the,2*pi));
% Mars Orbit
am = 1.5236915*AU;
em = .93419578E-01;
im = 1.8483974*pi/180;
lanm = 49.511935*pi/180;
aphm = 286.61844*pi/180;
thsm1 = 195.49286*pi/180;
thsm2 = 311.74200*pi/180;
thsm = linspace(thsm1,thsm2, 230);
pm = am*(1-em^2);
thm = thsm+aphm;
rm = pm./(1+em.*cos(thsm));
xmf = rm.*cos(thm);
ymf = rm.*sin(thm);
ymi = ymf*cos(im);
rmf = sqrt(xmf.^2+ymi.^2);
xm = rmf.*cos(thm+lanm);
ym = rmf.*sin(thm+lanm);
zm = sqrt(rm.^2-xm.^2-ym.^2).*sign(pi-mod(thm,2*pi));
% Trajectory information
a = 1.3425413*AU;
e = .25115112;
i = 3.0169324*pi/180;
lan = 140.39486*pi/180;
aph = 195.90620*pi/180;
ths1 = 195.36978*pi/180;
ths2 = 344.07345*pi/180;
ths = linspace(ths1, ths2, 230);
p = a*(1-e^2);
th = ths+aph;
r = p./(1+e.*cos(ths));
xf = r.*cos(th);
yf = r.*sin(th);
yi = yf*cos(i);
rf = sqrt(xf.^2+yi.^2);
x = rf.*cos(th+lan);
y = rf.*sin(th+lan);
z = sqrt(r.^2-x.^2-y.^2).*sign(pi-mod(th,2*pi));
% Display trajectory in b&w
px = []; py = []; pz = [];
for i = [1:length(x)]
if (mod(i,5) == 1)
px = [px x(i)];
py = [py y(i)];
pz = [pz z(i)];
% earthorb.m
% determine Earth orbit for entire mission span
AU = 1.495978e8;
% earth orbital constants
ae = 1.0000002*AU;
ee = .016704483;
ie = .0014359985*pi/180;
lane = 174.84981*pi/180;
aphe = 288.12652*pi/180;
thse1 = 357.07811*pi/180;
thse2 = (357.54476 + 6*360)*pi/180;
thse = linspace(thse1,thse2, 2192);
pe = ae*(1-ee^2);
the = thse+aphe;
re = pe./(1+ee.*cos(thse));
xef = re.*cos(the);
yef = re.*sin(the);
yei = yef*cos(ie);
ref = sqrt(xef.^2+yei.^2);
xe = ref.*cos(the+lane);
ye = ref.*sin(the+lane);
ze = sqrt(re.^2-xe.^2-ye.^2).*sign(pi-mod(the,2*pi));
% marsorb.m
% determine Mars orbit for entire mission span
AU = 1.495978e8;
% Mars orbital constants
am = 1.5236915*AU;
em = .093414999;
im = 1.8488065*pi/180;
lanm = 49.526670*pi/180;
aphm = 286.58157*pi/180;
thsm1 = 317.81442*pi/180;
thsm2 = (39.820555 + 4*360)*pi/180;
thsm = linspace(thsm1,thsm2, 2192);
pm = am*(1-em^2);
thm = thsm+aphm;
rm = pm./(1+em.*cos(thsm));
xmf = rm.*cos(thm);
ymf = rm.*sin(thm);
ymi = ymf*cos(im);
rmf = sqrt(xmf.^2+ymi.^2);
xm = rmf.*cos(thm+lanm);
ym = rmf.*sin(thm+lanm);
zm = sqrt(rm.^2-xm.^2-ym.^2).*sign(pi-mod(thm,2*pi));
% Calculate impact of cutting tether on approach trajectory at Mars
AU = 1.495978e8;
mum = 42809.6920936;
rm = 3393.15984;
mue = 398600;
re = 6378.14;
vinf = 6.767978;
rcut = rm + 600000;
rp = rm + 3849.1464;
vp = sqrt(vinf^2 + 2*mum/rp);
h = rp*vp;
a1 = -mum/(vp^2-2*mum/rp);
e1 = 1 - rp/a1;
p1 = h^2/mum;
vcut = sqrt(vinf^2 + 2*mum/rcut);
gcut = acos(h/(rcut*vcut));
thcut = acos((p1/rcut - 1)/e1);
vr1 = vcut*(-sin(gcut));
vv1 = vcut*cos(gcut);
dv = .04325;
vr2 = vr1 + dv*(-cos(gcut));
vv2 = vv1 + dv*(-sin(gcut));
vcut2 = sqrt(vv2^2 + vr2^2);
gcut2 = acos(vv2/vcut2);
h2 = rcut*vcut2*cos(gcut2);
p2 = h2^2/mum;
a2 = -mum/(vcut2^2-2*mum/rcut);
e2 = sqrt(1- p2/a2);
rp2 = a2*(1-e2);
alt2 = rp2 - rm;
vinf2 = sqrt(vcut2^2-2*mum/rcut);
ren = rm+100;
ven = sqrt(vinf^2+2*mum/ren);
gen = acos(h2/(ren*ven));
gend = gen*180/pi;