Term 3 2016- Class 2 Years 2, 3 and 4 Christian Value: Courage Gem: Ruby British Value: Tolerance of Faith and other Cultures Teachers: Mrs Floyd and Mrs Lawrence
Week 1 - 3/1/2017 / Week 2 – 9/1/2017 / Week 3- 16/1/2017 / Week 4- 23/1/2017 / Week 5- 30/1/2017 / Week 6- 6/2/2017Literacy – / Myths and legends
Cold write
Text – The Little Mermaid / Myths and legends
The Seal Children
Identify features of a legend
Create their own mythical character / Myths and legends
Hot write / Editing of writing using peer and self-evaluation / Cold Write
Non- fiction – Recounts
Express ideas
Imitation of recount
Innovation of recount
Learning features of a recount / Planning ideas
Editing of work
Hot write – Recounts
SPaG / Using apostrophes
Looking at powerful verbs
Present and perfect form / Writing in paragraphs
Write an exclamation sentence
1st to 3rd person
Powerful adjectives- expanded noun phrase / Fronted adverbials
Speech marks
Subordination conjunctions / SPAG work
Yr2 sentence structure
Yr3/4 Present and past tense / Adverbs
Using suffix –ly
Co-ordination conjunctions / Adverbials
Past tense
Perfect form of verb
Handwriting / Following Letter Join scheme
HL- lad
DF - data
Add / Following Letter Join scheme
HL- ham
DF - hand
mend / Following Letter Join scheme
HL- yell
DF – jaw
jay / Following Letter Join scheme
DF – quay
queen / Following Letter Join scheme
HL- bap
DF - apple
back / Following Letter Join scheme
HL- vans
DL- rest
Phonics / Spelling – Year 3 /4 spelling group / Suffixes ment and ly / Suffixes ful and less / Prefixes
Sub and tele / Prefixes super and auto / Common exception words
Using a dictionary / Homophones
5 differentiated Guided Reading groups
DF x 3 groups
HL x 2 groups / Respond to books with appropriate questions and answers
Individual guided reading group targets / Start to learn familiar stories
Individual guided reading group targets / Individual guided reading group targets / Individual guided reading group targets / Answering comprehension questions
Individual guided reading group targets / Individual guided reading group targets
Maths / Number - Fractions
SSM- Time / Number – Fractions and Decimals (Y4only)
SSM – Time / Y2 comparing numbers < > and partitioning
Y3 and Y4 Missing Number Problems
SSM – Time / Y2 comparing numbers < > and partitioning
Y3 and Y4 Missing Number Problems and SAT’s test questions
SSM – Capacity / Counting in different size steps
Y2 – 2s , 3,s , 5,s
Y3 – 4, 8, 50, 100 and finding 10 / 100 more or less than a given number
Y4 – 6’s , 7’s 9’s, 25’s and 1000’s
SSM -Capacity / Problem solving using all 4 operations (Y3 and Y4)
Y2- Doubles , halves and estimating
SSM- Position
RE: How important is it for Jewish people to do what God asks them to do? (YR4) / Discussing favourite foods and how the children would feel if these were then ‘forbidden’ . When might they enjoy a ‘special meal’? / Gods rules for Jews about what they can and cannot eat. Introduce the ‘Kashrut’ rules and design a Jewish children’s party menu. / Festival of Passover – The Seder Plate . Retall the story of the Exodus from Egypt under Moses. Discuss the symbolism of the items on the Seder plate. / Discuss the symbolism of the items on the Seder plate. Draw and label. / What might a Jewish person’s response be in different social situations (empathy with other religious beliefs) / Focusing on Children’s Rights and respect for other human beings. Link to Jews keeping God’s requests as they respect God and it is a mark of respect.
Animals including Humans – Digestive System , Teeth and Food Chains / Initial diagnostic assessment
Digestive System- labelling main parts and understanding their function / Digestive System- Role play / Teeth – types of and function
Teeth in carnivores and herbivores / Teeth- egg shell experiment – effect of sugar on teeth / Food chains / Food chains and
final assessment
Geography: Geography skills and fieldwork / Use maps, atlases, globes and digital mapping to locate countries and describe features studied / Use maps, atlases, globes and digital mapping to locate countries and describe features studied / Use field work to observe, measure and record the human and physical features in the local area using a range of methods. / ART / ART / Using a compass
ICT- Yr 3 – Class democracy / E-safety – Risk of using the internet / Introduce the concept of a democracy – Link to BV and PSHCE / To develop a plan of action using a mind map. Using the app poppet / To use word to develop a marketing poster / To use word to develop computer skills / Teams to evaluate each other’s work
X curricular link with Geography and Mapping / Selecting descriptive sounds to accompany a poem
Creating a musical retelling of a poem / Singing in two part harmony
Accompanying a song with a sustained ostinato / Ostinato and performing / critically evaluating ‘My Place’ / Exploring timbre
Singing with expression / Developing the lyrics of a song – writing a rap / Combining chants and sound pictures in a class performance in a rondo structure
PE / REAL PE – Unit 3 Cognitive Skills DF
Coaching Skills in PE – RL
Natasha – Dance ?
Outdoor Games – Joe / REAL PE – Unit 3 Cognitive Skills DF
Coaching Skills in PE – RL
Natasha – Dance ?
Outdoor Games – Joe / REAL PE – Unit 3 Cognitive Skills DF
Coaching Skills in PE – RL
Natasha – Dance ?
Outdoor Games – Joe / REAL PE – Unit 3 Cognitive Skills DF
Coaching Skills in PE – RL
Natasha – Dance ?
Outdoor Games – Joe / REAL PE – Unit 3 Cognitive Skills DF
Coaching Skills in PE – RL
Natasha – Dance ?
Outdoor Games – Joe / REAL PE – Unit 3 Cognitive Skills DF
Coaching Skills in PE – RL
Natasha – Dance ?
Outdoor Games – Joe
PSHCE: Looking forward (yr3)
including P4C / P4C / I am responsible for my own learning behaviours (lesson 1) / P4C / Fair Trade (lesson 4) / P4C / Charity (lesson 5)
Art / 3D landscapes out of paper machė / 3D landscapes out of paper machė
Homework / Find out some interesting facts about their local community
Spellings and CEW lists
Maths at home book
99 test and multiplication tables / Spellings and CEW lists
Maths at home book
99 test and multiplication tables / Newspaper Homework
Spellings and CEW lists
Maths at home book
99 test and multiplication tables
Trips / visitors / Local village walk
MFL – Unit 7 and unit 9 / Mrs Clark to plan
Whole School Drivers / Maths Week in January / Fire Drill / Music week in February / Monitoring Reading HL
E-safety day 7th