Teachers' TV Lesson Plan


P4C approach to Romeo and Juliet

Lesson Plan Author

Karen Lamb

Associated Teachers’ TV Programme

School Matters

Thinking Skills: Child Philosophers

Programme Description

A scheme that aims to help children think for themselves

Note to Teachers

This lesson plan was not created by Teachers' TV but the author has allowed us to publish it here to be used for educational purposes


Karen Lamb / Date: 4 November 04 / Class: Y10 / Mixed ability: mixed / Room: A1
Sequence of lesson in Scheme of Work:
(eg : Lesson 1 out of 8)
Lesson …….…. out of …...... / Focus of the lesson: an introduction to the oppositions in the text Romeo and Juliet
  • Articulate and analyse complex ideas and information
  • Listen to a range of complex speech and concepts
  • Communicate ideas and manage listeners
  • Show originality and flair in the use of vocabulary
  • Synthesize and cross-reference ideas

Must: listen, question, share and reflect on the notion of oppositions within the text
Should: explore and analyse the concepts of love and hate and discover the links to the text
Could: evaluate conflicting evidence to arrive at a considered viewpoint / Equipment/resources needed

Copies of the prologue on red A4

  • Artefacts for visual stimulus
  • Students’ own artefacts
  • Colour background on the white board
  • Music chosen by students


Speaking and listening assessment for GCSE

Key skills to be developed (literacy, numeracy and ICT)
  • Speaking and listening skills
  • Communication and working with others

Contribution to citizenship and SSMC

The concepts of love and hate: a spiritual and moral debate

/ SEN, including gifted and talented
Higher ordering questioning techniques to be used
Evaluating and synthesizing information
(minutes) / Teaching and learning activities
(to include learning and teaching styles) / Differentiation for less and more able students / Learning outcomes
5 / Introduce the focus for the lesson and the objectives to be covered
Ask the students to place their objects in the centre of the circle. Ask volunteers to say why they have brought in their particular object
Starter: Philosopher’s Fruit Salad:
  • All students who woke with a positive frame of mind this morning - stand and change places
  • All students who felt affection for someone – change
  • All students who felt irritated or angry this morning – change
  • All students who have ever felt passionate love for someone – change
  • All students who have ever felt passionate hate for someone – change
/ Differentiation by task


Intra – reflection / To introduce the topic and explain our terms of reference
To inspire an interest in the concept to be discussed
Mix the class
10 / Outline the conventions of the community of enquiry. Ask the students to volunteer these
  • Teacher steers not dominates
  • Everyone listens to the speaker people take turns
  • People respond to the speaker not the teacher
  • Responses should include I agree/I disagree and why
  • Answers are a source of truth/ no right or wrong answers
Project colours on to white board
Questions led by students:
  • What colour is happiness? Responses with justification
  • What colour is hatred? Justify
  • What do you feel when you see the colour - red, blue, green, yellow?
Reflection time in pairs on the following questions:
  • LOVE is the answer – what is the question?
  • HATE is the answer – what is the question?
Ensure there is an understanding of the big question
Philosophical not topical

Students to write up their questions on the flip charts

Vote to be taken with eyes closed
Music for reflection / Inter/G and T
Visual – different colours to be screened on the whiteboard
G and T students to lead
Inter / Visual
Kinaesthetic / To remind the students of the conventions
To try to gain an understanding of our terms of reference
Sharing, questioning and creating
To encourage ownership of the lesson
10 / Enquiry/dialogue, sharing views on the question for debate in whole class circle
I read the Prologue to the class
Ask the students to consider how this links with our discussion
Go around the community asking for their views on what they have learnt from the enquiry
Did they feel it helped them to understand the text?
Do they see the links?
Link back to the aims of the lesson. The responses should show that they have covered the objectives
Homework BLOB sheets / Inter
Inter / Music
G and T / Sharing, questioning, conceptualising, exploring and evaluating
As above