How’s that for a title! For many years I’ve written Elohim’s wisdom and truth from the whole Word, and my own personal walk of faith, on subjects like: what to do when the mind shuts down, how to walk by total faith and dependency on Elohim, how to live out of the re-born spirit that contacts the eternal realm of Yahuweh and Yahushua outside of man’s religion, how to be led by the Spirit of Yahuweh, how to live the life of a servant (taught one/disciple), how to know Elohim personally and intimately, and how to prepare for the coming Kingdom. I’ve taught this practical lifestyle all over the world in over 30 countries, going to some many times, like Africa. He makes me live what I teach--as He has taught me.
This year I will have been born from above for 60 years. I’ve walked with Him since childhood, but now His Presence is getting more strong and more intimate than ever, because soon Messiah will come to set up His Kingdom on earth. I am writing this to hopefully save some from eternal damnation, because we’re entering a time when all that we “think” will be taken from us, even our own identity, unless we live out of the mind of a re-born spirit through the power of Yahuweh’s Spirit in us!
This article puts it all on the line: If you don’t understand and practice what I write here, I can say to you dogmatically: you be taken over by the powerful forces of Satan, or dead before you have a chance to be taken over. This information is for those who desire to overcome, even in martyrdom. I am not a “doomsday” person. We have a glorious Kingdom coming to earth with a glorious King to rule it! Those that know me, know that my life is filled with His peace and joy. I’ve been through a life of spiritual battles with the enemy, near death experiences over and over, and hardship to the max throughout my life, so what I teach here is for our continued peace and joy, our contentment in the face of the coming Dragon (Revelation12:7-11). I teach strongly against fear of anyone or anything except the fear of Yahuweh!
Revelation 12:11: “And they overcame him (the Dragon, the Devil)
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because of the blood of the Lamb, and because of the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives even to death”.
This one verse covers the essentials of those who have eternal life--those born of the Spirit from above. Their salvation unto eternal life is anchored in the blood of Messiah Yahushua, by which we are made just (justified) before Yahuweh. Their testimony is anchored in His Word, by which we are set-apart unto Yahuweh. Their attitude is one of overcoming and enduring to the end--they are prepared to die rather than give in to the enemy, as were the three Hebrew youths in Daniel 3.
In 2008, it was said that all world knowledge doubled every three months. In 2010, it was predicted that all world knowledge would double every two months. That is impossible without outside, and I mean outside, help. In the book of Enoch I we see that the fallen ones offered outside help to the world’s people before the Flood--giving the knowledge of Yahuweh’s technology to sin-loving man. This is happening to the maximum now. Technology now is so advanced that only the most brilliant, and/or the most devout to Lucifer can understand it. Today, many people who live in remote parts of Africa, Asia, Central and South America, the islands of the seas, and other remote areas, are still as primitive in their lifestyle as they were thousands of years ago, except for the technology of bicycles, buses, cars, and paper money. Even in the Middle East Arab world, they still fear and hide from solar eclipses, and basically live as they did in 6th century Arabia, because of their Muslim culture.
I went into remote areas of Uganda near the Rwanda border, where the people had never heard of a computer, or that man had set foot on the moon. I ministered in and out of East Africa for seven years. In remote areas of Tanzania, the children would rub and rub my skin to see if the white would come off. Some were scared, thinking I was a black lady who had been skinned. One man, in his 70s, walked all the way down from a high mountain to meet me because, as the pastors told me: “he had heard that there were white people in the world and he wanted to see one”. These people are so full of faith. They will walk through jungles at night to take the Good News of salvation to remote villages. This is also true in China, where to be baptized publicly or own a Bible could get one killed--definitely imprisoned for a long time. Yet, they risk their lives to help others find the Savior. In the western world, most live as if they don’t care who goes to hell as long as they don’t. Laying down ones life to follow a Master as an obedient servant is repugnant to the western mind of pride and arrogance, materialism, humanism, and pampering of the flesh. The goal of the wicked elite is
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to rid the earth of these ones who have simple faith but who are powerful in the Spirit! The “Illuminati”, which has hundreds of organizations under their rule, is basically comprised of the Vatican at the top, then the “Black Royalty” of Europe--the ancient wealthy families of Satan/Lucifer worshippers, and the beyond 33 degree Masons, want these simple believers dead. They have no bank
accounts--they offer nothing to the super rich. But, more than that—they are those of whom Ya’cob spoke: “Blessed are the poor, rich in faith”. [Refer to the article by that name] These, who know how to hear the Spirit of Abba, and who have no problems dying for their faith are dangerous to the evil ones--they spread the Good News of deliverance from the kingdom of darkness.
Attention westerners, and all people of the earth! This article will tell you what is in store for you very shortly, and in many ways is already in progress. When I finish presenting the mind takeover at hand, I, once again will give you the simple truth that will cause these poor ones full of faith to overcome and be victorious to the end, or to die as victorious martyrs. It is these precious little ones who will rule and reign with Him in the Kingdom.
The first step is for you to make sure you are truly born of the Spirit—born from above. Go over the points in “The True New Birth” article.
John 3:3, 5, 7, Yahushua Messiah speaking to Nikodemas: “Truly I say to you, unless one is born from above he is unable to see the Kingdom of Elohim…truly I say to you that unless one is born of water (natural birth) and the Spirit (spiritual birth) he is unable to enter the Kingdom of Elohim…Do not marvel when I say to you that you have to be born from above”.
Matthew 7:13-14: “Enter through the narrow gate! Because the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction and there are many who enter through it. Because the way is narrow and the way is hard pressed that leads to life, and there are few who find it”.
The way of religion is the broad way to destruction. The walk of the re-born, set-apart ones, is very hard and lonely. It requires total death to self, and obedience to a Master as His bond slave—in training for reigning. Once a person is born of the Spirit by faith in the blood of the Lamb of Elohim, and His resurrection from the dead—our “first fruits”—then they must walk the hard road of obedience, which includes obedience to His written teachings and instructions (Torah) for set-apartness unto the Covenant of Yahuweh. Many do outward religious observances, but without the new birth it is a useless performance, for they end up slaves of religion rather than living lives
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of freedom in service to Him. No one can know Yahuweh and Yahushua through religion--for They are outside of religion! Refer to the articles “Religion”, “Exposing Rabbinic Judaism and Its Link to Rome”, “Exposing the Lies of Monotheism”, and “The Foundation of Deception”] I write prophetically in this article—“thus says Yahuweh…” to warn those, so-called “believers”, who are preparing for their damnation without realizing it, rather than for their salvation.
The narrow road is the road of faith, simple childlike trust in what He has said and obedience to what He has said. It is a life of humility and contriteness, repentance, and a walk in the fruit of the re-born spirit—the nature of Messiah (Galatians 5:22-24).
Right now, the “great falling away” is happening, due to people changing their intellectual mind’s belief system, because of something a deceiving pastor, rabbi, or teachers has said. They do not know the Word as taught by the Spirit, and so they hang onto a teacher that they respect, and allow that teacher to take their mind into hell. Many now are demoting the very Person of Yahushua Messiah, and His relationship to His Abba. This is the basic spirit of anti-messiah as the Word teaches the expression, not as the church teaches it. Without knowing His Person, by lowering His Person, it makes His blood have no effect for salvation. The very nature of Elohim is that like begets like – humans beget humans, and cows beget cows, and tomatoes beget tomatoes. Thus Elohim cannot beget anything less than Elohim. “For Elohim so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son…” (John 3:16) The word “begotten” or “beget” in both Hebrew and Greek means a natural procreation of life--as two humans beget a human baby. It means: “to proceed out of the loins of”. This is why our re-born spirit is in the loins area of our body. The demoting of Yahushua demotes the saving power of His blood, the blood being from His Abba, and this will damn the souls of many. I have known Them since I was four. They have taught me, and I have walked with Them. Thus I know for sure, by 60 years of life’s experience, and by the whole Word from Genesis to Revelation, that Messiah Yahushua Yahuweh is fully Deity.
If a person only has an intellectual religious belief system no matter now sincere they are, or good they appear to be, if their spirit is not re-born from above, if they are not led by His Spirit and taught by His Spirit and manifest the fruit of the nature of His Spirit, then they are lost, and defiled, and on their way to the eternal lake of fire.
But, if a person knows Yahushua intimately, knows Abba Yahuweh intimately, they cannot be deceived. [Please refer to: “Living From the Eternal Mind – The Secret of Never Being Deceived”/November 2010]
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I’ve had so many miracles happen to me in His Name, and seen so many manifestations of His power in places like Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, in Mexico, and other “third world” countries, that for me to demote Him in any way would be insane! I saw Him with my eyes in Jerusalem in 2003—a life-changing experience for sure!
For those who are denying that Messiah has even come, those who want to be “Jewish”, converting to Romanized Vatican-controlled
Rabbinic Judaism, will be damned and lost, for they will disconnect themselves from the Source of life. “Without the shedding of blood, there is no remission of sin!” Yahuweh has provided His Lamb, and without this perfect Lamb, we have no hope!!!
Please refer to the article: “Warning! Warning! Warning!”] I give you no Christian theology, no personal opinions either--I give you only “thus says Yahuweh”! Your eternal life depends on your knowing the Persons of Abba Yahuweh and His “only begotten Son”.
Psalm 2:6-7, first Yahuweh speaking, then Yahushua Yahuweh: “But, I, I have set My King on Zion, My set-apart mountain. I inscribe for a law: Yahuweh has said to Me, `You are My Son, today I have begotten You’ ”. Like begets like kind. He comes in His Father’s Name—Yahu-shua--“Blessed is He who comes in the Name of Yahuweh”—it is the family name. (Psalm 118:26) The whole deception is only possible if one does not know Yahuweh and Yahushua personally – to know Them is to submit to Them in all ways, and then there is mutual trust and knowing. To deny the Father-Son relationship, or to deny that Yahushua is the Messiah, is “anti-messiah”. (I John 2:22-23; 4:1-3)
Isaiah 66:1-2: “Thus says Yahuweh, `The heavens are My throne and the earth is My footstool…and all these My hand has made…yet to such a one I look: on him who is poor and humble of spirit, and who trembles at My Word”. Those who walk in the fear of Yahuweh, in obedience to His Word, without pride and arrogance, can come to know Him intimately.
Religion carries the spirit of Lucifer--pride and arrogance, a know-it-all spirit that is haughty, or a spirit of false pride: those that appear humble, but are full of self-righteousness under their façade.
I’ve been an evangelist almost all my life, since childhood, and my greatest joy is to see people transformed by the Spirit, as they pass from death unto life by faith in the shed blood of Yahushua. I’ve seen the hardest people, even Hell’s Angels gangs, totally transformed by His power. So, I well understand the difference between those who are truly born of the Spirit and those who are only religious with a head-belief system that is rooted in man’s theology. Those with a head
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belief-system will fall apart once the mind is taken over by what is coming.
I Corinthians 5:17: “If any man be in Messiah he is a new creation, old things have passed away, behold ALL things have become new”. There are 40 things that the Spirit of Yahuweh does when a person is truly born of the Spirit—instantly. A new nature is born. This new nature is centered in the re-born spirit that is in the loins area of your body—in the “heart of you”.
Now … Quoting from Dave Bay’s article: Project Blue Beam
“The infamous NASA Blue Beam Project has four different steps in order to implement the new age religion with the antichrist at its head:
The first step concerns the setup of artificially created earthquakes at certain precise locations on the planet where, supposedly, new discoveries will finally explain to all people the error of all fundamental religious doctrines. The falsification of this information will be used to make all nations believe that their religious doctrines have been misunderstood for centuries and misinterpreted. Psychological preparations for that first step have already been implemented with the films like 2001: A Space Odyssey, the Star Trek series, and Star Wars--all deal with invasions from space and the coming together of all nations to repel the invaders. What is important to understand in the first step is that those earthquakes will hit at different parts of the world where scientific and archeological teachings have indicated that arcane mysteries have been buried. By those types of earthquakes, it will possible for scientists to re-discover those arcane mysteries which will be used to discredit all fundamental religious doctrines.
The second step involves a gigantic `space show’ with three-dimensional optical holograms and sounds, laser projection of multiple holographic images to different parts of the world, each receiving a different image according to predominating regional national religious faith. This new `god's’ voice will be speaking in all languages. In order to understand that, we must study various secret services' research done in the last 25 years.
The Soviet's have perfected an advanced computer, even exported them, and fed them with the minute physio-psycological
particulars based on their studies of the anatomy and electro-
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mechanical composition of the human body, and the studies of the electrical, chemical and biological properties of the human brain.
These computers were fed, as well, with the languages of all human cultures and their meanings. The dialects of all cultures have been fed into the computers from satellite transmissions. The Soviets began to feed the computers with objective programs like the ones of the new messiah. It also seems that the Soviets - the new world order people - have resorted to suicidal methods with the human society by allocating electronic wavelengths for every person and every society and culture to induce suicidal thoughts if the person doesn't comply with the dictates of the new world order. There are two different aspects of step two. The first is the `space show.’ Where does the space show come from? The space show, the holographic images will be used in a simulation of the ending during which all nations will be shown scenes which will be the fulfillment of that which they desire to verify the prophecies and adversary events. These will be projected from satellites onto the sodium layer about 60 miles above the earth. We see tests every once in a while, but they are called UFOs and `flying saucers.’ The result of these deliberately staged events will be to show the world the new `christ’ the new messiah, Matreya, for the immediate implementation of the new world religion. Enough truth will be foisted upon an unsuspecting world to hook them into the lie. `Even the most learned will be deceived.’