Manchester Specialist Markets
Manchester Specialist Markets – Trader Selection Process
Manchester Specialist Markets – Loyalty Strategy
Establishing a market can take a great deal of commitment and risk from a number of traders. This may include a substantial capital investment in a stall and/or equipment, in particular for our food and drink traders, who have to take on this risk with no history of trade at the market or guarantee of income.
In recognition of traders who are prepared to help us establish and build markets and are therefore, prepared to take the risk with us, in certain instances we operate a loyalty strategy where we offer traders, who continue to meet our Quality Assurance requirements and Booking Conditions, first refusal to apply to return to the market.
This strategy allows traders the confidence to invest in the market with some assurances that, in the long term, there will be a return in their investment, and this has provided Manchester with good, reliable and proactive traders.
Manchester Christmas Markets
On the Christmas Markets we operate the Loyalty Strategy for our Arts, Craft and Speciality Food Traders and our consumption on-site Food and Drink Traders.
If a trader has met our Quality Assurance requirements and Booking Conditions they will receive a Preferential Application form to apply for the next Christmas Market.
- Arts, Craft, Gift and Speciality Food Traders
After the closing date for the return of the Preferential Bookings forms, any stallsavailable areadvertised to the appropriate traders on the Specialist Markets database.
The selections process for new traders to the Christmas Market is detailed in Appendix 1 – 2.0.
Albert Square –very rarely will a stall become available for Albert Square;therefore we operate a policy of “applications by invitation only”. When a stall becomes available we will make a selection, using the selection process detailed inAppendix 1 – 2.0,but in this instance we will firstly look to invite a trader who has already booked onto one of the other sites we use for the market transferring their booking to Albert Square.
- Consumption on site: Food, Food with Alcohol and Bar Traders
To maintain the interest and variety of the Christmas Markets, we restrict the number of food and drink traders on each site. Wherever possible we will give preference to the arts, craft, gift and speciality food traders, who form the core attraction of the market and maintain Manchester’s position as the leading Christmas Market in the UK.
Additionally, to maintain the quality, authenticity and variety of the market, food and drink traders are required to serve food and drink that is traditional to their country of origin, for example an Italian trader would only be permitted to sell Italian food such as pastas and Italian beers, but not, say, Bratwurst sausages. Our UK traders sell traditional foods such as black peas or Cumberland sausages, English wines and ales.
Established sites: Very occasionally a trading opportunitywill become available on one of our established sites. When a one ariseswe will make a selection using the policy detailed in Appendix 2 – 6.0 and 7.0.
Suitable traders identified from our database are then sent an Expression of Interest form to complete. A selection panel is then formed toevaluate all received Expressions of Interest and select the trader to fill the vacancy.
New sites: When a new site is established we will determine the type of market we are looking to develop, for example Albert Square is our European Market, King Street is our French Market and St Ann’s our German Market. If we are developing a themed market like this we will then seek traders from these countries to trade with goods, foods and drinks from the specific country.
We also develop sites, such as Brazennose Street, that are classified as World Markets or Christmas Markets.For these sites we will seek traders from any country with appropriate products, food and drink. When we have vacancies for these areas we send Expressions of Interest forms to all appropriate traders on our database and a selection is made from the applications received.
New developments:Occasionally traders will approach Manchester Markets with a new idea to develop a new market site or a structure, wooden house etc that would form an attraction to our market offer, to see if it may be accommodated within a new site for the market.
All proposals such as these are viewed on an individual case basis, but the proposal must constitute a significant benefit to the overall market, rather than just an individual trader.
Specialist Regular Markets
Such as: The Real Food Market, Piccadilly by Design, Vintage and Fashion Market
On our Regular Markets we operate the Loyalty Strategy for our Arts, Craft and Speciality Food Traders and our consumption on-site Food and Drink traders.
If a trader has met our Quality Assurance requirements and Booking Conditions they will receive a Renewal Application form to apply for the next booking period for the market.
- Arts, Craft, Gift and Speciality Food Traders
For all additional stalls traders are selected using the selection process detailed in Appendix 1 – 3.0.
- Consumption on site: Food traders – Café traders and food-to-go traders
On our regular markets we only offer a limited number of food stalls, an addition to the main stall to enhance the market experience for the customers.
When a stall becomes available a trader is selected using the selection process detailed in Appendix 2 – 6.0.
Annual Event Markets
Such as: St Ann’s Markets, Summer Arts and Craft Market, FEAST
- Arts, Craft, Gift and Speciality Food Traders
All traders are selected using the selection process detailed in Appendix 1 – 1.0 or 2.0 depending on the designation of the market.
- Consumption on site: Food, Food with Alcohol and Bar Traders - Café traders, food-to-go and bar traders.
On our Annual Event Markets we operate the Loyalty Strategy for our consumption on-site Food and Drink traders.
If a trader has met our Quality Assurance requirements and Booking Conditions they will receive a Renewal Application form to apply to book the market the following year (subject to the market returning).
When a stall becomes available a trader is selected using the selection process detailed in Appendix 2 – 7.0.
One-off Markets
- Arts, Craft, Gift and Speciality Food Traders
All traders are selected using the selection process detailed in Appendix 1 – 1.0 or 2.0 depending on the designation of the market.
- Consumption on site: Food, Food with Alcohol and Bar traders - Café traders, food-to-go and bar traders.
For new one-off markets, that may or may not be repeated in the future, we select traders using the selection process detailed in Appendix 2 – 7.0, however, priority is given to new traders who have not traded with us previously.
Appendix 1
Selection Policy – Arts, Craft, Gift and Speciality Food Traders
Manchester Specialist Markets determine the type of market we wish to operate. This will determine which categories of traders will be invited to apply to trade at the market.
We then implement one of four selection methods, again determined by the type and nature of the market. These are:
1.0“First come first served”
This is used for events with one product line i.e. the Jewellery Markets or markets where the repetition of products is not considered to be detrimental to the market, i.e. PRIDE market
- A maximum number of stalls for an event is determined by the space available at the market site.
- Invitations to trade are sent to all traders in the category or categories who qualify for the market.
- Traders are made aware that there will/may be several other traders selling similar products to their own i.e. all jewellery.
- Traders are requested to return their forms as soon as possible with therequired payment if they wish to trade.
- Bookings are taken up on a “first come first served” basis to our maximum quota.
- If several bookings are received at the same time and we are unable to accommodate all of them, we would give priority in category order from1 to 4.
- If, after above, we have more category 1 traders than stalls, we will then make a selection following these guidelines:
- Products – variety of products for the market, selecting products not/or under represented on the market.
- Quality of stall display and signage.
- Trading history with Manchester Specialist Markets – how often they have traded with us in the past and supported our events.
2.0Selection process
Used for markets where variety of products is important to the event i.e. Arts and Craft Markets
- The type of market is determinedby which trader’s category would be eligible.
- Invitations sent to traders in the determined category.
- Traders are given a deadline by which to return booking forms.
- The selection process is undertaken, taking into account the following:
- Products – establish a variety of products for the market.
- Category order
- Quality of stall display and signage
- Trading history with Manchester Specialist Markets – how often they have traded with us in the passed and supported our events.
Where we receive a large percentage of applicants trading in one/similar products i.e. jewellery a point system will be used based on b, c and d above to determine the selection.
3.0Specific Markets – Eligibility Policy
For the avoidance of doubt, with some specific markets we create an Eligibility Policy; traders invited to trade at these markets would need to comply with the eligibility requirements. For example:
Manchester Fashion Market - Eligibility Policy
The Manchester Fashion Market is intended to promote sales of designer clothing and fashion accessories, designed and produced by independent fashion designers.
- Products sold at the market must therefore comply with one of the following criteria:
a)Clothing and accessories sold at the market must be completely designed and produced by the trader applying for the stall.
b)Clothing designs based around the alteration of a pre-existing item of clothing must demonstrate a radical change/embellishment to the original item of clothing.
2Personnel working at the market are required to have substantial knowledge of the products on sale.
Selection Policy
- Quality of the design and production – Manchester Markets will only consider applications to sell products of a fitting standard for the market, as judged by our Manchester Specialist Markets team.
- Diversity of product – Preference will be given to applications to sell fashion items that are not represented, or are insufficiently represented, on the market.
Whilst assessing your application we may choose to do one, or more, of the following:
- Request more information about your designs and how you produce them.
- Telephone you to discuss your application.
- Ask you to attend a meeting to discuss your application.
- Ask you to supply more samples of your designs.
When a suitable stall becomes available you will be sent a Manchester Fashion Market booking form detailing available market dates and stall charges.
4.0Manchester Specialist Markets – Loyalty Strategy
Establishing a market can take a great deal of commitment and risk from a number of traders. This may include a substantial capital investment in a stall and/or equipment, in particular for our food and drink traders, who have to take on this risk with no history of trade at the market or guarantee of income.
In recognition of traders who are prepared to help us establish and build markets and are therefore, prepared to take the risk with us, in certain instances we operate a loyalty strategy where we offer traders, who continue to meet our Quality Assurance requirements and Booking Conditions, first refusal to apply to return to the market.
This strategy allows traders the confidence to invest in the market with some assurances that, in the long term, there will be a return in their investment, and this has provided Manchester with good, reliable and proactive traders.
Appendix 2
Selection Policy’s –Food, Food with Alcohol and Bar Traders
Manchester Specialist Markets determine the type of market we wish to operate. This will determine which categories of traders will be invited to apply to trade at the market.
We then implement one of four selection methods, again determined by the type and nature of the market. These are:
5.0“First come first served”
This is used for markets where the food element is not integral to the market i.e. St George Day Market
- A maximum number of stalls for an event is determined by the space available for food stalls at the market site.
- Invitations to trade are sent to all traders in the category or categories who qualify for the market.
- Traders are made aware that there will/may be several other traders selling similar product to their own.
- Traders are requested to return their forms as soon as possible with payment if they wish to trade.
- Bookings are taken up on a “first come first served” basis to our maximum quota.
- If several bookings are received at the same time and we are unable to accommodate all of them, we would give priority to variety determined by what has already been booked onto the market or we will then make a selection following these guidelines:
- Food – variety of food for the market
- Quality of stall display and signage.
- Trading history with Manchester Specialist Markets – how often they have traded with us in the passed and supported our events.
6.0Specific Markets - Application by invitation only
Depending on the type of market we are operating, traders may be specifically invited to fulfil our requirement for an event i.e. a Paella stall for a Spanish event/market.
7.0Selection process
Used for markets where variety of food lines is important to the event i.e. FEAST
- The type of market is determined by which trader’s category would be eligible.
- Invitations sent to traders in the determined category.
- Traders are given a deadline by which to return booking forms.
- The selections process takes into account the following:
- Type and quality of food – selecting a variety of food products for the market.
- Category order
- Quality of stall display and signage
- Trading history with Manchester Markets – how often they have traded with us in the passed and supported our events.
- Adherence to our Health and Safety and Market Operations requirements.
Where we receive a large percentage of applicants trading in one/similar foods i.e. curries, a point system will be used based on points a to e above to determine the selection.
8.0Manchester Specialist Markets – Loyalty Strategy
Establishing a market can take a great deal of commitment and risk from a number of traders. This may include a substantial capital investment in a stall and/or equipment, in particular for our food and drink traders, who have to take on this risk with no history of trade at the market or guarantee of income.
In recognition of traders who are prepared to help us establish and build markets and are therefore, prepared to take the risk with us, in certain instances we operate a loyalty strategy where we offer traders, who continue to meet our Quality Assurance requirements and Booking Conditions, first refusal to apply to return to the market.
This strategy allows traders the confidence to invest in the market with some assurances that, in the long term, there will be a return in their investment, and this has provided Manchester with good, reliable and proactive traders.
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