Lakeview Manor Property Owner’s Association

General Meeting

July 29, 2014


Call to Order: The Lakeview Manor Property Owner’s Association General meeting, held at the clubhouse, was called to order by Michael Freeman, Vice President at 8:02 P.M.

Roll Call was taken. In attendance were Sylvia Clark, Michael Freeman, Josh Snoe, Rick Swanson, Bobby Vincent, Gene Walters, Carmen Wartemann, Jim Maxwell, Diane Orlando and Anthony Frisenda. Also present for IMC: Steve Durham.

Quorum was established.

After review motion was made by Josh Snoe to approve the minutes of the last meeting, seconded by Bobby Vincent and carried.

After review, motion was made by Josh Snoe to accept the financials.

Motion was seconded by Rick Swanson and carried.

Committees reported as follows:

(Note) All committee reports were given during the POA Town Hall Gathering, proceeding the BOD meeting to the membership attending.

Committee Requests:

ACC – none

Security – none

Communications – none

Re-Write Committee – none

Playground – none

Benevolence – none

Social – none

Clubhouse – a/c needs to be repaired and/or replaced. Bids will be obtained.

Park – flag was stolen and replaced. Discussed possible purchase of a game camera

Old Business:

Air Conditioner in the Clubhouse needs to be replaced. Two contacts for bids were given: Dave Collins (713-454-4889) and Don Woods of Climate Services (936-788-4267).

Motion was made by Bobby Vincent to have the A/C repaired for the upcoming weekend. Josh Snoe seconded. Rick Swanson abstained. The motion carried.

Discussion followed concerning the park mowing. The park was partially mowed and no weed eating has been done. Rick Swanson talked to the contractor. Residents are mowing the entrance. Contractor cannot mow the entire property in one day.

Rick will talk with John tomorrow about the dissatisfaction with the service.

Rick will also review the contract.

Concerning the Clubhouse use by owners, after discussion, Sylvia offered a Motion to allow free use for property owners/member functions only. Carmen Wartemann seconded and the motion carried unanimously.

Rick stated that the bylaws revisions were still in the hands of the attorney.

New Business:

Meeting opened to the floor – no comments.

Motion was offered by Josh Snoe to close the General Session, seconded by Sylvia Clark and carried.

Meeting adjourned at 8:54 p.m.

Lakeview Manor Property Owner’s Association

Executive Board Meeting

July 29, 2014


Call to Order: The Lakeview Manor Property Owner’s Association Executive Board meeting, held at the clubhouse, was called to order by Michael Freeman, Vice President at 9:00 P.M.

Roll Call Taken

Quorum was established

The Deed Violation Report was reviewed and actions recommended. Bobby moved to approve the actions on the Deed Restriction report, seconded by Josh Snoe and carried.

Newsletter discussion followed: Motion was offered by Gene Walters, seconded by Josh Snoe to prepare the Newsletter and mail. The motion carried.

There being no further business, on motion offered by Rick Swanson, seconded by Josh Snoe, the meeting adjourned.

Meeting adjourned at 9:48 p.m.