Planning Applications List with Recommendation for 7thMarch 2018 Planning Committee
Item No / Reference No / Proposal / Location / Recommendation / Representations1 / LA11/2015/0639/O / Proposed dwelling on a farm /
Adjacent to 19 Terrydreen Road, Feeny
/ - / 02 / LA11/2016/1002/F / 14no. social housing units – 12no. semi-detached and 2no. detached (13no. two storey dwelling and 1no. detached complex needs bungalow) and associated works including access, visibility splays, roadways, footpaths and planting belt etc / Lands 56m south east of Broadbridge Primary School, 3 Coolafinney Road, Eglinton, Co. Derry BT47 3PG / - / 42
3 / LA11/2016/1036/RM / 176 new housing units; consisting of 170 general needs units and 6 complex needs units, with associated parking and landscaping vacant land / Galliagh, South of Skeoge Link and North of Lower Galliagh Road at Glendale Park, Glendale Gardens and Glendale Drive, Derry / Approve / 2
4 / A/2011/0516/F / To develop a microhydro electricity generating renewable energy system (5kw) on the adjoining stream on the outskirts of Park, Claudy. Electricity generated will be exported to the grid. Turbine house 50m north west of 10 Altinure Road, Park, Claudy. Intake structure 330m south south east of turbine house. / Turbine house - 50m north west of 10 Altinure Road, Park, Claudy.
Intake structure - 330m south south east of turbine house. / Approve / 4
5 / J/2014/0295/F / Proposed quarry restoration by way of infilling with inert and excavated waste material, weighbridge, wheel wash, site office and new access / Lands adjacent to and 120m NW of an existing concrete works, Strahan’s Road, Strabane / Approve / 0
6 / LA11/2017/1061/F / Retention of installed Micon 530 Wind Turbine (250kw 30m hub) and retention of alternate installed access lane both in substitution of that previously approved under J/2014/0011/F to support Engineering Business / Lands 218m SSW of 109 Lettercarn Road, Castlederg, Co Tyrone / Approve / 0
7 / LA11/2017/1150/F / Erection of new ball stop fencing (10M in height) along two sides of 3G pitch / Leafair football pitches, 34 Leafair Gardens, Derry / Approve / 0
8 / LA11/2017/0864/RM / 6 semi-detached dwellings and 1 detached garage / Lands opposite Nos. 6, 7, 8, 9, 18, 19 & 20 Glebe Gardens, Garvan Road, Sion Mills / Approve / 0
9 / LA11/2017/1013/F / Redevelopment of existing recreation area, to provide a new community garden, including play areas, informal garden space, boundary treatments, and associated works. New gate and pathway proposed within the garden of No 38 Innisfree Gardens / Lands to the rear of the Fountain Street community centre adjacent to and including No 38 Innisfree Gardens, Strabane / Approve / 0
10 / LA11/2017/1023/F / Demolishing and replacement of existing community centre to include a new build two storey 498 sq m premise with kitchen facilities and lift. Also, with addition of 2no. parking spaces / 186A Lincoln Court, Londonderry / Approve / 0
11 / LA11/2017/0610/F / Change of use from vacant estate agency office to hot food takeaway (including public waiting area, kitchen, storage, office and ancillary spaces) / 159 Strand Road, Londonderry / Approve / 15 objections
1 petition
12 / LA11/2016/0175/O / Site for 5no. Detached Dwellings / Lands at 338- 340 Glenshane Road, Claudy / Approve / 0
13 / LA11/2016/0530/F / Proposed new entrance to St Columb’s Park including new gates, stone piers, stone walls and railings and resurfacing of the laneway / St. Columb's Park, 4 Limavady Road, Derry / Approve / 0
14 / LA11/2017/0855/F / 2 storey new build community centre to include for offices, child care facilities, youth facilities, social hall with external landscaping and associated car parking / Lands 82m South-West of the Church of the Immaculate Conception, 10 Trench Road, Derry / Approve / 0
15 / LA11/2016/0947/F / Proposed retention of single storey lean-to shed to the end of existing car repair workshop & proposed retention of 2no. flues on roof of car repair workshop used for oven for paint spray for car parts / No. 51B Beragh Hill Road, Derry / Approve / 8
16 / LA11/2017/0242/F / Retention of conversion of two storey mid terrace single occupancy dwelling to a house of multiple occupancy / 20 Barry Street, Pennyburn, Derry / Approve / 17
17 / LA11/2017/1096/F / Provision of 1no. temporary office unit and temporary relocation of existing storage and managers office units to facilitate staff from community centre during the approved extensions/renovations at Car parking area / Ardnamoyle Park, Stantallow, Derry / Approve / 0
18 / LA11/2017/0875/O / 1no. residential dwelling / Hilltop Farm Elagh, Upper Galliagh Road, Derry / Refuse / 0
19 / LA11/2017/1100/F / Erection of new secure fencing and floodlighting / Mullabuoy Community Centre, Lettershandoney, Derry. / Approve / 0