Many people within and outside of the National Park Service have contributed to this multi-year project. Archivists in multiple locations mentioned in the bibliography shared comprehensive knowledge of their holdings and provided targeted assistance in locating appropriate material. In addition to these archivists, family and community members who love the house provided assistance, as did many programs in the North east Region of the National Park Service.

Hunt Family

Peggy Hunt Van Kirk, Great-great Granddaughter of Richard P. and Jane Hunt (Interview June 29, 2007)

Hunt Family Members Carol Hunt Hauf, Barbara Hunt Knight, Nicole Emerick Hunt, Richard and Adele Hunt, Nancy and Bill Kronenwetter

Greenwood and Olmstead Families

Joan Greenwood Olmstead, Daughter of Mrs. Greenwood (Interview June 2, 2008, telephone interview )

Doris Greenwood Depp, Daughter of Mrs. Greenwood (Interview June 2, 2008)

Thomas G. Olmstead, Son of Joan G. Olmstead (Interview June 2, 2008)

Robin Olmstead Cain, Daughter of Joan G. Olmstead (Interview June 2, 2008)

Doug Cain, Son of Robin Olmstead Cain (Interview June 2, 2008)

Leland C. Henry, Nephew of Marie and Irving Greenwood (telephone interview June 5, 2008)

Women's Rights National Historical Park

Noemi V. Ghazala, Superintendent

Tammy Duchesne, former Superintendent

Tina Orcutt, former Superintendent

Anne M. Derousie, Historian

Guy B. Hock, Jr., Facility Manager

Benjamin Secor, Maintenance Mechanic

Dylan Williams, Maintenance Worker

Robert Fenton, former Facility Manager

Gene Freese, Administrative Officer

Judy Toombs, Volunteer

Kevin Palotti, Volunteer

Northeast Regional Office, National Park Service

Robert (Bob) Page, Cultural Resources Preservation Program Fund Source Manager

Stephen Spaulding, Program Manager, Historic Architecture, Conservation and Engineering Center

William Eric Breitkreutz, Program Manager, Historic Architecture Program

James Lee, Historical Architect, Historic Architecture Program

Barbara Yocum, Historical Architect Emerita, Historic Architecture Program

Sharon Ofenstein, Publications Editor, Historic Architecture Program

Waterloo and Seneca County

Walter Gable, Seneca County Historian

William Sigrist, President, Waterloo Library and Historical Society

William Holmes, Volunteer, Waterloo Library and Historical Society

James Hughes, former Director, Waterloo Library and Historical Society

Tanya Warren, former Curator, Waterloo Library and Historical Society

Jim King, Manager, Maple Grove Cemetery, Waterloo, NY

Doris Wolf, Park Supporter, Waterloo, NY

Additional Participants in Hunt for the Hunts Community Meetings

Jim Odell

Miranda Odell Polmanteer

Nicole Emerick Hunt

Floyd and Rosemarie Marsh