The Survey of Well-being of Young Children
In order for CC4C staff to always have the most up-to-date documents, we are not downloading most SWYC forms and supporting document to put in the toolkit. Instead, we are providing links where you can obtain the latest information.
Remember, we are using the SWYC forms developed by the Floating Hospital for Children at Tufts Medical Center except for the following ages: 2 months, 4 months and 6 months of age. For these three ages, we are using the Survey of Wellbeing of Young Children for Massachusetts (SWYC/MA) for Postpartum Depression developed by the Massachusetts Child Psychiatry Access Programs, as these forms contain the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale questions on the 2, 4 and 6 month forms. All other parts of the SWYC/MA at these three ages are identical to the Floating Hospital SWYC. The remaining age-based forms areidentical.
Below are links to access each age-specific form:
- If less than 2 months adjusted age, use the 2-month SWYC/MA (next bullet) and only complete the Emotional Changes with a New Baby(Edinburgh) section
2 month SWYC-MA (1 month, 0 days to 3 months, 31 days adjusted age)
- English:
- Spanish:
- Portuguese:
4 month SWYC-MA (4 months, 0 days to 5 months, 31 days adjusted age)
- English:
- Spanish:
- Portuguese:
6month SWYC-MA (6 months, 0 days to 8 months, 31 days adjusted age)
- English:
- Spanish:
- Portuguese:
9month SWYC (9 months, 0 days to 11 months, 31 days adjusted age)
- English:
- Spanish:
- Bilingual Spanish-English:
- Spanish Audio:
- Portuguese:
- Bilingual Portuguese-English:
- Burmese:
- Nepali:
12month SWYC (12 months, 0 days to 14 months, 31 days)
- English:
- Spanish:
- Bilingual Spanish-English:
- Spanish Audio:
- Portuguese:
- Bilingual Portuguese-English:
- Burmese: Not available
- Nepali: Not available
15month SWYC (15 months, 0 days to 17 months, 31 days)
- English:
- Spanish:
- Bilingual Spanish-English:
- Spanish Audio:
- Portuguese:
- Bilingual Portuguese-English:
- Burmese: Not available
- Nepali: Not available
18month SWYC (18 months, 0 days to 22 months, 31 days)
- English:
- Spanish:
- Bilingual Spanish-English:
- Spanish Audio:
- Portuguese:
- Bilingual Portuguese-English:
- Burmese:
- Nepali:
24month SWYC (23 months, 0 days to 28 months, 31 days)
- English:
- Spanish:
- Bilingual Spanish-English:
- Spanish Audio:
- Portuguese:
- Bilingual Portuguese-English:
- Burmese:
- Nepali:
30month SWYC (29 months, 0 days to 34 months, 31 days)
- English:
- Spanish:
- Bilingual Spanish-English:
- Spanish Audio:
- Portuguese:
- Bilingual Portuguese-English:
- Burmese:
- Nepali:
36month SWYC (35 months, 0 days to 46 months, 31 days)
- English:
- Spanish:
- Bilingual Spanish-English:
- Spanish Audio:
- Portuguese:
- Bilingual Portuguese-English:
- Burmese: Not available
- Nepali: Not available
48month SWYC (47 months, 0 days to 58 months, 31 days)
- English:
- Spanish:
- Bilingual Spanish-English:
- Spanish Audio:
- Portuguese:
- Bilingual Portuguese-English:
- Burmese:
- Nepali:
60month SWYC (59 months, 0 days to 65 months, 31 days)
- English:
- Spanish:
- Bilingual Spanish-English:
- Spanish Audio:
- Portuguese:
- Bilingual Portuguese-English:
- Burmese:
- Nepali:
Additional Documents of Interest:
- Calculating Age and Selecting Forms
- Forms Selector and Milestone Calculator: go to “Click here to download an Excel file” under SWYC Form and Milestones Calculator.
- Calculating Age and Selecting Forms Tutorial: when the PowerPoint opens, to the Slide Show tab and click on “From Beginning” on upper right; be sure your volume is up on your computer.
- Milestones Scoring
- Milestones Hand Scoring Guide:
- Milestones Scoring Tutorial:
- BPSC Scoring
- BPSC Scoring Guide:
- BPSC Scoring Tutorial:
- PPSC Scoring
- PPSC Scoring Guide:
- PPSC Scoring Tutorial:
- POSI Scoring
- POSI Scoring Guide:
- POSI Scoring Tutorial:
- Family Questions Scoring
- Family Questions Scoring Guide:
- Family Questions Scoring Tutorial:
- Scoring Resources
- SWYC Scoring Cheat Sheet:
- SWYC Comprehensive Scoring Chart:
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