Lobby for your Country
Students will pick one of the two major countries that settled the New World. They will support their claim to the land with compelling reasons they find in their research including economic, religious, and political. Students will create a product of their choice to display their stance.
To “lobby” means you are trying to influence important people to side with you on a specific issue.
Your goal is to choose one of the two main countries that explored North America during the Age of Exploration (England or France), and support your country’s claim to the New World.
You product can be in any form that fits the idea of the project. You have the freedom to choose. It needs to be neat and have an appearance that makes others want to look at it. I mean, how can you properly convince people of your ideas, if they won’t even stop and look at your presentation???
Make sure when you present you information that is supports why you have the rightful claim. You need to make things sound good even if they are not the greatest. Make sure you include something about each of the following and why YOUR country has the rightful claim to the New World.
CONTENT / QUESTIONS TO ANSWER / POINTSCountry / Pick one of the three main countries to settle the New World. / 10 pts.
Economics / How could your country use the New World to make economic gains to support itself? / 10 pts.
Religion / What religious reasons does your country have to settling the New World? / 10 pts.
Political / What types of benefits are there for your country politically? / 10 pts.
Technology / How does your country compete with others when it comes to sailing back and forth across the Atlantic? / 10 pts.
Established Colonies / What colonies has you country successfully established so far from home? / 10 pts.
Native Americans / What type of relationship does your country have with Natives? / 10 pts.
Needs/Wants / What benefits has the New World already provided for you country? What do you need/want from the New World? / 10 pts.
Presentation / Your presentation should be neat and organized. Those looking at it should be persuaded to support your country and its claim to the New World. / 10 pts.
References / You should have at least three references to support the claims you are making. At least one has to be a book reference. Ten bonus points if you use a primary source*. / 10 pts.
* Primary Source - documents that were created by the witnesses or first recorders of these events at about the time they occurred, and include diaries, letters, reports, photographs, creative works, financial records, memos, and newspaper articles (to name just a few types). http://www.library.illinois.edu/village/primarysource/mod1/pg1.htm