January 1, 2003 - December 31, 2003
NumberSubject of Resolution Adopted
03-01Recognizing unanticipated revenue from an insurance 01-14-03
settlement for site drainage repairs at Fire Rescue
Station #8 (OrangeHeights)
03-02Establishing a fund to be entitled A2002 Fire Act 01-14-03
03-03Providing an ad valorem tax exemption for historic 01-14-03
preservation of property located at 221 SE 7 Street
03-04Amending Resolution 02-91 adopted August 27, 200201-14-03
to add citizen representation and add non-voting status
for provider organization members on the Poverty
Reduction Advisory Board
03-05Authorizing the release of a portion of an existing 01-28-03
CountyDrainage Easement within the Tower Hill
ProfessionalPark (Recorded in Official Records)
03-06Establishing a Special Revenue Fund to be entitled 01-28-03
“HUD-EDI Grant FY 03"
03-07Ratifying the Clerk’s report on the disposal of 02-11-03
AlachuaCounty Surplus Property
03-08Ratifying Community Support Services Donation 02-11-03
of surplus property to the City of Archer
03-09Ratifying the Public Health Unit’s sale of surplus 02-11-03
property to Jefferson County Health Department
03-10Authorizing the advertisement for vacating a portion 02-11-03
of a certain street in the Bailey Survey in Island
03-11Reiterating Resolution No. 02-120, authorizing the 02-11-03
exchange of 0.370 acre drainage easement, owned
by AlachuaCounty for a 0.555 acre drainage easement
owned by Arthur A. Adkins, III and Kathleen Adkins
(Recorded in Official Records)
NumberSubject of Resolution Adopted
03-12Declaring specific County owned property no longer 02-25-03
needed for County purposes (David Locascio)
03-13Recognizing unanticipated revenues received from03-11-03
the corporation for National and Community Service
under the RSVP (Retired Senior Volunteer Program)
03-14Establishing a fund to be entitled “Pre-Disaster03-11-03
Mitigation Grant”
03-15Establishing a fund to be entitled “Coop Emergency03-11-03
Management Grant”
03-16Amending Resolution 02-93, providing the Schedule03-11-03
of Fees and Charges for FY 2002-03 to amend
Certain fees and charges
03-17Recognizing unanticipated revenues received from the 03-11-03
corporation for National and Community Service
under the FGP (Foster Grandparent Program)
03-18Recognizing unanticipated revenue from the State03-11-03
of Florida Department of Health for the FY 03
Crisis Management Team Grant Fund
03-19Restating the Commission’s Rules and Procedures03-11-03
03-20Urging the Florida Legislature to ratify the Equal03-11-03
Rights Amendment (ERAA) in the 2003 Legislative
Session and send a letter to the Speaker of the
House and President of the Senate indicating their
support of this amendment to the Constitution
03-21Authorizing the issuance of not exceeding 03-11-03
$14,000,000 Initial Aggregate Principal Amount of
Alachua County, Florida Limited General Obligation
Bonds (Alachua CountyForever Project)
NumberSubject of Resolution Adopted
03-22Authorizing the vacation of a portion of a certain 03-11-03
platted street in the Bailey Survey in Island Grove
(Recorded in Official Records)
03-23Ratifying the Clerk’s report on the disposal of 03-25-03
AlachuaCounty Surplus Property
03-24Recognizing unanticipated revenue from the 03-25-03
Alachua County Library District for the FY03
General Fund
03-25Authorizing the granting of a 15 foot wide and 03-25-03
a 20 foot wide public utilities easement on the
Fire Rescue Headquarters Property
(Recorded in Official Records)
03-26Authorizing the advertisement for vacating 03-25-03
portions of two plats in the Town of Windsor
03-27Opposing the portion of Governor Bush=s proposed 03-25-03
FY2003-04 budget that eliminates the State Housing
Trust Fund and the Local Government Housing Trust
03-28Establishing the Special Revenue Fund to be entitled 03-25-03
“Slosberg Driver Education Safety Fund’
03-29Supplementing a Resolution adopted on March 11, 03-25-03
2003 entitled AA Resolution authorizing the issuance
of not exceeding $14,000,000 Initial Aggregate
Principal Amount of Alachua County, Florida Limited
General Obligation Bonds (AlachuaCounty Forever
03-30Establishing a capital fund to be entitled “Alachua 04-08-03
CountyForever Capital Fund”
03-31Establishing a debt service fund to be entitled 04-08-03
“Alachua CountyForever General Obligation Bonds”.
NumberSubject of Resolution Adopted
03-32Authorizing the granting of a 20 foot wide Public 04-08-03
Utilities Easement on the Kanapaha Botanical
Gardens property to the City of Gainesville
(Recorded in Official Records)
03-33Amending the Schedule of Fees and Charges for 04-08-03
Fiscal Year 2002-03 relating to Animal Services
03-34Establishing the AlachuaCounty Advisory Committee04-08-03
on rural concerns
03-35Adjusting the Municipal Services Taxing Unit-04-08-03
Unincorporated Fund to reflect revised fund balance
03-36Adjusting the Civil Traffic Fines Fund to reflect04-08-03
revised fund balance
03-37Adjusting the Coastal Impact Fund to recognize04-08-03
federal revenue to be received
03-38Adjusting the DEP Groundwater Monitoring Fund to04-08-03
reflect revised fund balance
03-39Adjusting the St. Johns River Water Management04-08-03
District Water Quality Monitoring Fund
03-40Adjusting the Court Facility Charge Fund to reflect 04-08-03
revised fund balance
03-41Adjusting the Donation Fund to reflect revised fund 04-08-03
03-42Adjusting the Tourist Development Tax Fund to reflect 04-08-03
revised fund balance
03-43Adjusting the Local Housing Assistance FY 01 Fund 04-08-03
to decrease the budget appropriation
03-44Adjusting the Local Housing Assistance FY 02 Fund 04-08-03
to decrease the budget appropriation
January 1, 2003 - December 31, 2003
NumberSubject of Resolution Adopted
03-45Adjusting the additional court costs F.S. 939.18 04-08-03
Fund to reflect revised fund balance
03-46Adjusting the Court Space Needs Fund to recognize 04-08-03
additional revenue to be received
03-47Declaring certain delinquent accounts receivable 04-22-03
from October 8, 1999 through December 17, 2002
as Uncollectible (Ambulance)
03-48Increasing the 2003-03 Emergency Medical Services 04-22-03
Trust Fund to provide for unanticipated grant revenue
and rollover funds from the 2001-02 Emergency
Medical Services Trust Fund
03-49Amending Resolution 02-93, providing for the Schedule 04-22-03
of Fees and Charges for FY 2002-03 to amend certain
fees and charges (Fire Rescue)
03-50Approving the execution and delivery of an Interlocal04-22-03
Agreement with Jacksonville Economic Development
Commission (Goodwill Industries of North Florida,
Inc., Project - Variable Rate Demand Revenue Bonds
Not to Exceed $5,200,000.)
03-51Requesting that the United States not reduce Citrus 04-22-03
Tariffs on imported citrus products
03-52Ratifying the Clerk’s report on the disposal of 05-13-03
AlachuaCounty Surplus Property
03-53Authorizing the Clerk to remove from the Board’s 05-13-03
“Amounts Invested in Property” the value of un-
accounted for property for the Court Services
03-54Approving the issuance of not exceeding $4,600,000 05-13-03
Alachua CountyHousing Finance Authority Multifamily
Housing Revenue Bonds, Series 2003 (Forest Green
and Village Green Apartments)
NumberSubject of Resolution Adopted
03-55Increasing a Special Revenue Fund entitled “DOR 05-13-03
Hearing Officer 07/03-06-04" for Child Support
03-56Authorizing the vacation of a portion of the plats 05-13-03
of the Town of Windsor (Recorded in Official Records)
03-57Opposing Senate Bill 676 05-20-03
03-58Increasing the Emergency Management Base 05-27-03
Grant Fund
03-59Establishing an Alachua County Sheriff’s Office 05-27-03
FY 2002-2003 Local Law Enforcement Block Grant
Fund for Federal Fiscal Year 2003
03-60Requesting that the Board of Trustees, State 05-27-03
of Florida, amend Deed Restrictions and release
a reverter re: Fairgrounds and CountyAgricultural
Extension Facility in 1972
03-61Supporting the Florida Department of Transportation06-10-03
posting of restricted parking on State Road 26 in
the Town of Melrose
03-62Requesting that the Governor of the State of Florida06-17-03
veto Committee Substitute for Senate Bill 1660
(Re: to AgricultureLands and Practices)
03-63Establishing a fund to be entitled “FEMA Public06-24-03
Education Grant”
03-64Request to adopt the Resolution, approve the Budget07-8-03
Amendment and Interfund Loan for the FGP
03-65Request to adopt Resolution, and approve the Budget07-8-03
Amendment for the Retired and Senior Volunteer
03-66Resolution authorizing the Clerk to remove from the07-22-03
Board’s amounts
NumberSubject of Resolution Adopted
03-67Resolution Ratifying the Division of Waste Management’s 07-22-03
Donation of Surplus Property to SumterCounty
03-68Resolution increasing the “Weed and Seed” Grant Fund07-22-03
to administer revenues received from federal grants
03-69Resolution ratifying the emergency services07-22-03
dept’s donation of surplus property to
Darlington/Gaskin Fire District
03-70Resolution establishing proposed millage rates and 07-22-03
establishing a public hearing
03-71Authorizing the advertisement for vacating certain8-12-03
platted streets and alleyways in the “Riverview
03-72Relating to the collection, disposal, recycling and 8-12-03
management of Solid Waste
03-73Adopting the Comprehensive Emergency Management8-12-03
Plan for AlachuaCounty
03-74Ratifying the Emergency Services Department’s sale8-12-03
of surplus property to the Shands Hospital Flight
Program at the University of Florida
03-75Authorizing the Clerk to remove from the Board’s 8-26-03
“Amounts Invested in Property” (Administrative
Services Department - Facilities)
03-76Authorizing the advertisment for vacating a portion8-26-03
of ArredondaPark
03-77Authorizing the Clerk to remove from the Board’s8-26-03
“Amounts invested in Property” (Emergency Services
NumberSubject of Resolution Adopted
03-78Establishing and imposing a non-ad valorem assessment08-26-03
for implementation of the Sugarfoot Oaks/Cedar Ridge
Enhancement Plan
03-79Electing to adopt an Emergency Local Communications08-28-03
Services Tax Conversion Rate to recoup estimated
revenue shortfalls occurring as a result of the
Communications Services Tax Simplification Law
03-80Establishing the Schedule of Fees and Charges for09-03-03
the Fiscal Year 2003-04
03-81Relating to the levy of GeneralCounty purpose Ad09-03-03
Valorem Taxes for the 2003 Tax Year; approving
proposed millage rates
03-82Relating to its budget for the 2003-04 Fiscal Year; 09-03-03
revising the County Budget Officer=s estimate of
receipts and balances to be brought forward;
approving an adjusted tentative GeneralCounty
Budget setting a public hearing date
03-83Relating to the levy of Alachua County Municipal 09-03-03
Services Taxing Unit-Unincorporated Services Ad
Valorem Taxes for the 2003 Tax year; approving a
proposed millage rate
03-84Relating to its budget for the 2003-04 fiscal year; 09-03-03
revising the County budget officer=s estimate of
receipts and balances to be brought forward; approving
an adjusted tentative Municipal Services Taxing Unit-
Unincorporated Services Budget; setting a public
hearing date
03-85Relating to the levy of Alachua County Municipal 09-03-03
Services Taxing Unit-Sheriff Law Enforcement Ad
Valorem Taxes for the 2003 Tax Year; approving a
proposed millage rate
NumberSubject of Resolution Adopted
03-86Relating to its budget for the 2003-04 Fiscal Year; 09-03-03
revising the County Budget Officer=s estimate of
receipts and balances to be brought forward; approving
an adjusted tentative Municipal Services Taxing Unit-
Sheriff Law Enforcement Budget; setting a public hearing
03-87Authorizing the removal of uncollectible accounts 09-09-03
from Financial Statements
03-88Donating Surplus Property (1994 Jeep Cherokee, 09-09-03
1995 Dodge Caravan, 1991 Ford F-150 Pick-up) to
the Florida Certified Organic Growers & Consumers,
Inc. (FOG)
03-89Authorizing the release of a platted public utility09-09-03
easement in the Kanapaha Pines, Unit 2, subdivision
(Recorded in Official Records)
03-90Changing signatory authority on the General Assistance 09-09-03
Program’s Imprest Cash Bank Account from Rebecca
Falmlen to Susan Myers, Director of the Office of
Social Services
03-91Setting rates for Solid Waste Assessments and09-09-03
authorize the Chair to certify the Non-Ad Valorem
Assessment Roll to the Tax Collector
03-92Vacating certain streets and alleyways in the 09-09-03
Riverview Subdivision
03-93Requesting the MTPO for the Gainesville urbanized09-09-03
area to recommend that the FDOT revise their plans
to acquire right-of-way on State Road 26, aka
University Avenue, within the area of North/South
Drive and N.W. 23 Street in the City of Gainesville
03-94Adopting the Budget and Financial Policies 09-17-03
03-95Adopting Final Millage Rates for FY 2003-04 09-17-03
NumberSubject of Resolution Adopted
03-96Approving a Final General County Budget 09-17-03
03-97Adopting a Final Millage Rate for the MSTU- 09-17-03
Unincorporated Services Ad Valorem Taxes for
the 2003 Tax Year
03-98Approving a FinalAlachuaCounty Municipal Services 09-17-03
Taxing Unit-Unincorporated Services Budget
03-99Adopting a Final Millage Rate for the MSTU- 09-17-03
Law Enforcement Ad Valorem Taxes for the 2003
Tax Year
03-100Approving a FinalAlachuaCounty Municipal Services 09-17-03
Taxing Unit-Law Enforcement Budget
03-101Authorizing the Clerk to remove from the Board’s 09-23-03
“Amounts invested in property ”the value of unaccounted
for property for the Health Department
03-102Increasing the Grant-In-Aid for Child Dependency 09-23-03
Fund to administer revenues received from the
Justice Administration Commission - Child Dependency
03-103Ratifying the sale of surplus property to the University 09-23-03
of Florida
03-104Establishing a Grant Fund to be entitled “FY 2003 09-09-03
2004 Local Law Enforcement Block Grant”
03-105Initiating the Florida Governmental Conflict 10-07-03
Resolution Process with the Town of LaCrosse
03-106Authorizing the acceptance of the WaysidePark at 10-14-03
Hague from the State of Florida Department of
NumberSubject of Resolution Adopted
03-107Authorizing the granting of a public utilities easement 10-14-03
on the Southeast Landfill Property, owned by Alachua
County (Recorded in Official Records)
03-108Recognizing unanticipated revenue from the City of 10-14-03
Archer and budget adjustment to the FY 2003-04
Fire Rescue Services Fund and MSTU Fund
03-109Opposing Creation of a State-Wide Water Authority10-14-03
03-110Establishing the AlachuaCounty Blue Ribbon Committee 10-14-03
03-111Vacating a portion of the plat of ArredondaPark 10-14-03
(Recorded in Official Records)
03-112Opposing Endorsing the 2003 Reapportionment Plan 10-21-03
of the Metropolitan Transportation Planning
Organization for the Gainesville Urbanized Area
03-113Adopting the North Central Florida Economic 08-12-03
Development District Comprehensive Economic
Development Strategy 2002-2003 Annual Report
03-114Establishing a grant fund to be entitled “Juvenile 10-28-03
Drug Treatment Program”
03-115Approving the issuance of not exceeding $6,100,000 10-28-03
Alachua CountyHousing Finance Authority Multifamily
Housing Revenue Bonds Series (Forest Green and
Village Green Apartments)
03-116Establishing a grant fund to be entitled “Pharmaceutical 10-28-03
Waste Collection Pilot Program”
03-117Relating to its budget for the 2003-04 Fiscal Year; 10-28-03
amending revenue, appropriations and use of fund
balance for the General County Budget
NumberSubject of Resolution Adopted
03-118Relating to its budget for the 2003-04 Fiscal Year; 10-28-03
amending revenue, appropriations and use of fund
balance for the MSTU-Unincorporated Budget
03-119Ratifying the Clerk’s Report on the Disposal of 10-28-03
AlachuaCounty Surplus Property
03-120Authorizing Signatories on the Bank Accounts 11-25-03
03-121Recognizing unanticipated revenue from the State 11-25-03
of Florida for Voter Education
03-122Authorizing the Escambia CountyHousing Finance 11-25-03
Authority to operate within the boundaries of Alachua
03-123Transferring certain streets, roads and easements to 11-25-03
the City of Gainesville(Recorded in Official Records)
03-124Recognizing unanticipated revenue from registration 11-25-03
fees and corporate sponsorship of the Florida Water
03-125Establishing a Grant Fund to be entitled “GPD Byrne 11-25-03
Grant for Victims of Violent Crimes”
03-126Ratifying the Clerk’s Report on the Disposal of Alachua 12-09-03
CountySurplus Property
03-127Issuance of an installment of the Health Facilities 12-09-03
Revenue Bonds (Shands Teaching Hospital and Clinics,
Inc. Revolving Loan Program)
03-128Declaring specific County owned property no longer 12-09-03
needed for County purposes (Cola Corporation)
03-129Authorizing the advertisement for vacating certain 12-09-03
platted streets in the “ArcherHills” Subdivision
January 1, 2003 - December 31, 2003
NumberSubject of Resolution Adopted
03-130Electing to Use the Uniform Method of Collecting Non- 12-09-03
Ad Valorem Assessments for Solid Waste Collection,
Disposal, Recycling and Management (Sugarfoot Oaks/
Cedar Ridge Preservation and Enhancement District)