Appendix 1
Group of variables, together with scores and comments to scores
Group / Variables / Comments on valuesA. Field soil samples 2007 / pH, exchangeable K and Mg, P (0.5 N sodium hydrogen carbonate extractable), N-mineralization, % dry matter (6 variables).
B. Silt trenches 2008 / Nature quality for salt meadow and for fresh meadow (2 variables). / Fredshavn & Ejrnæs 2007
-1, 0, 1 to 7
Ellenberg F (moisture), Ellenberg N (productivity), Ellenberg S (salinity) (3 variables). / Ellenberg et al. 1992
Canopy height (potential green vegetation height) (1 variable). / Grime et al. 1988,Hansen 1981
Amount of bare soil (1 variable). / Score: 0, 1, 2
C. Field physical structure 2008 / Anthill presence (1 variable) / Score: 0, 1
Heterogeneity (1 variable). / Score: 0, 1, 2
Areas with bare soil (1 variable). / Score: 0, 1, 2
Watering pools (1 variable). / Score: 0, 1
D. Field general vegetation 2007 and 2008 / Number of species with Ellenberg N (productivity) ≤3 and ≥7, respectively (2 variables). / Ellenberg et al. 1992
Number of species with Canopy height (potential green height) = 1 (< 10 cm) and = 4 (≥ 60 cm), respectively (2 variables). / Grime et al. 1988,Hansen 1981
Vegetation height in spring (1 variable). / Measured mid May 2007
Occurrence of large amount of litter in mid May (1 variable). / Score: 0, 1
E. Field plot vegetation (circle of 78 m2) / Score for cultural species, natural grass species, natural broadleaved species, ranunculus sp. species, moss carpet, sedge rush species (6 variables). / Dominating species were allocated double weight of other species
Number of species per plot (1 variable).
Nature quality for salt meadow and for fresh water meadow (2 variables). / Fredshavn & Ejrnæs 2007
Dominating species were allocated double weight of other species
Ellenberg F (moisture), Ellenberg N (productivity), Ellenberg S (salinity) (3 variables). / Ellenberg et al. 1992
Dominating species were allocated double weight of other species
Canopy height (potential green vegetation height) (1 variable). / Grime et al. 1988,Hansen 1981
Dominating species were allocated double weight of other species
F. Field edge vegetation / Two or more of the four edges have the following type of vegetation:
Grazed meadow, ungrazed rush, ungrazed sea scirpus, ungrazed reed, ungrazed tall nutrient rich verge (cow parsley, couch grass etc.)(5 variables). / Score: 0, 1
G. Field edge physical structure / Percentage of the eight edge check points characterized as follows:
Free water, step slope, in level with field, trampled down by grazing animals, grazed in 2006 (5 variables).
H. Field management
Farmer interview / Field in rotation (1 variable). / Score: 0, 1
Application of N and P fertilizer (1 variable). / Score: 0, 1
Agro-environmental 0-fertilizer subsidy (AES) 2007 and 2008, respectively (2 variable). / Score: 0, 1
Cutting for silage or hay before grazing (1 variable). / Score: 0, 1