Asbestos Management Plan Guidance
Company Name:
Roles and Responsibilities
Training and Awareness
Risk Assessment
Risk reduction
Controlling work within the premises
Monitoring and review
Appendix 1 – Management Survey Report, including
- Material Risk Assessment and
- Priority Risk Assessment for acceptance, and
- Photographs and drawings of location of Asbestos Containing Materials (ACMs)
Appendix 2 – Asbestos Management Plan / Log
Appendix 3 – Permit to work near to ACMs
Although it is now illegal to use ACMs in construction there can be a legacy of ACMs from the past. There is a requirement in Law to establish whether there are ACMs within non-domestic premises.
Once ACMs are known within premises there is a duty to manage them and this document describes the plan of how this will be achieved.
The application of this management plan will protect those who work within areas of the building that contain asbestos. This management plan will be applied in all cases.
The person completing this Asbestos Management Plan must have the competence to do so.
Roles and Responsibilities
The person who controls the premises (the Duty Holder) has the following responsibilities:
· To implement the asbestos management plan
· To ensure that the asbestos management plan continues to be effective
· To ensure that it is communicated to all relevant parties
· To ensure that all persons with responsibilities under the plan are aware of them
· To ensure that all persons who require training receive training
· To ensure that effective systems and procedures are in place to prevent uncontrolled work on ACMs and to ensure employees and others are not exposed to ACMs as a result of their location or condition
· To ensure that ACMs that become deteriorated or damaged are repaired, removed or isolated
· To ensure that the asbestos management plan is reviewed periodically
· To amend the plan if there are discoveries or other significant changes
Training and awareness
Training and awareness will be given to employees who need information and skills to participate in this plan.
Where contractors are working on the premises assurances will be sought to ensure that their employer understands the risks associated with ACMs and that training has been provided to their employees.
Risk Assessment
There are two main components to the risk assessment of ACMs these are :
· The Material Risk Assessment, and
· The Priority Risk Assessment
The Material Assessment simply assesses the condition of the material. It identifies the materials that present a higher risk of fibre release if disturbed. It does not automatically follow that materials with a higher score should be given a higher priority for remedial work.
The Priority Risk Assessment then considers the Material Assessment score along with other factors involved, such as the location of the material, its extent, occupancy and the type of activity likely to affect it, such as maintenance, building, installation of pipe-work / wiring or demolition work. Consideration also needs to be made of other everyday activities that may contact or disturb the ACM.
Both the Material Assessment and the Priority Risk Assessment are important components of this Asbestos Management Plan.
The Material Risk assessment is provided by the competent surveyor who carries out the Management Survey on the premises and is contained within Appendix 1.
The Priority Risk Assessment will be facilitated by the competent surveyor but with the assistance of persons who understand the activities and operation of the premises.
When the Priority Risk Assessment has been provided by the surveyor it MUST be signed off by the person onsite with overall managerial control, otherwise known as the Duty Holder.
Risk reduction
Risk Reduction is achieved by implementing the items contained within the Asbestos Management Plan / Log in Appendix 2.
The Duty Holder will complete the table in Appendix 2 and implement the actions within the plan.
All completed actions are to be recorded in Appendix 2.
Where there is a change to the condition or removal of ACMs a modified drawing and photographs should be added as part of the record.
Controlling work within the premises
When work is to take place in areas of the premises where there is the potential of coming into contact or disturbing ACMs, this work needs to be carefully controlled.
The following processes will be used in all cases :
Monitoring and review
It is a requirement to monitor the condition of ACMs within the premises.
Health and Safety executive guidance asks that the condition of ACMs be checked every six to twelve months even if it is in good condition. The frequency of checking for an ACM should be completed in Table 3 of Appendix 2 together with the person required to carry out the check.
The Law also requires that the Asbestos Management Plan is reviewed and revised at regular intervals and immediately if there are any reason to suspect that the plan is no longer valid or there has been significant change in the premises to which this plan relates. The minimum review term of the Asbestos Management Plan will be 12 months.
Appendix 1 – Management Survey Report
(Place a copy of the Management Survey here)
Appendix 2 – Asbestos Management Plan / Log
1. Plan Actions relating to ACMs (risk reduction)
Item No. / ACM Reference No. / Condition at survey / Management action / Current condition / Person responsible / Action deadline / Date completed1.n
2. Training
Item No. / Person requiring training / awareness / Skills Required / Training / awareness required by / Person responsible / Training required by date / Training complete date / Refresher due date2.n
3. Monitoring of condition of ACMs
Plan Revision No. / ACM Reference No. / To be monitored by / Date of planned monitoring / Person responsible / Date of monitoring / Has condition changed? / Is further action required?3.n
4. Review of Asbestos Management Plan
Item No. / Date of last review / To be reviewed by / Date of planned review / Actual date of review / Date of new plan completion / Details of significant changes to the Asbestos Management Plan4.n
5. Contractor Information Record (for work near to ACMs)
Item No. / Contractor’s Company Name / ACM Reference number (ACM close to the work) / Has the Management Survey been made available to the contractor? / Date of information transfer / Person receiving the information / Was a permit to work issued? / Permit to work number / Contractor’s signature5.n
Appendix 3 – Permit to work near to an ACM
This permit is required for building or maintenance work which may disturb asbestos containing material (ACM). Permit MUST be available at the site while work is in progress and returned to the Duty Holder once work is complete.
It is essential that ALL damage to ACMs is reported to the Duty Holder immediately however minor.
Work Permit NumberStart Date of Permit
End Date of Permit
Location of work
Description of Work
Reference number of ACM near to work
Condition of ACM prior to work
Name of Contracting Company
Contractor’s responsible person on site
Has the contractor been given / shown a copy of the asbestos Management Survey? / Yes / No
Do the contractor and all the contractors’ employees on site understand the risks associated with asbestos? / Yes / No
Has the contractor been shown the location and extent of the ACM near to the area of work. / Yes / No
Does the contractor understand that ALL damage to ACMs however minor must be reported to the Duty Holder? / Yes / No
Signed by the Duty Holder ……………………………………………………..
Signed by the Contractor ……………………………………………………..
Has the work been completed without damage to the ACM? (to be completed on handing back the permit) / Yes / No