Complete this form for any non-local travel or educational programs that utilize FCPS funds

Conference and Non-Local Travel Guidelines

Funding for conferences, special programs, travel, lodging, food, and some equipment items have two main funding sources within the school – PTSA and TJHSST funds. For approval purposes, both sources are considered to be FCPS funding sources. Guidelines governing the approval process follow this page. Please read the guidelines closely. Non-local travel dependent on funding from FCPS (including the PTSA and Partnership Fund) requires approval from the Cluster. There are forms associated with approval from each of the funding sources as well as the Cluster. In order to decrease paperwork for the applicant, duplicate questions will be minimized among the 3 forms. Please use the chart below to determine applicable forms and submission guidelines in order to meet your needs.

Funding Request / PTSA Form
(must have digital format for submission to PTSA) / Region Form
(must have digital format for submission to Cluster office) / TJ Form (digital or hard copy) / Submit All Forms To
Equipment, materials, professional books, professional society dues, etc. /
Conference registration local / x /
Conference registration non-local / x / x / Pam Gravitte
Education Project/Program / x / x / x
if additional funds requested / Pam Gravitte
Travel / x / x / x / Pam Gravitte
Lodging / x / x / x / Pam Gravitte
Meals / x / x / x / Pam Gravitte


PTSA FormSeptember 21, November 10, March 10 and May 10

Region Form1 month prior to trip; should be submitted along with initial application

TJHSST FormFirst day of the month that is aminimum of 8 weeks prior to trip (to travel on February 15, the form should be submitted by December 1).

Travel and Consultant Restrictions

Effective October 15, 2013

As a learning organization, professional learning is necessary for raising student achievement, continuous improvement, and capacity building in schools. Since the optimal place for professional learning is embedded in the workplace, both schools and central office staff should utilize FCPS expertise to the maximum extent to develop proven practices that address the district’s priorities. However, we’re currently facing a substantial budget deficit for FY15, and need to conserve resources. Therefore, travel to conferences outside FCPS and the use of outside consultants for professional development will be limited until the district budget situation improves.

In order to judiciously conserve resources, effective October 15, 2013:

There will be no reimbursement for employees’ non-local travel or expenses for any purpose (training, conferences, presentations) without the approval of the appropriate Leadership Team sponsor (Cluster Assistant Superintendent or Department Assistant Superintendent). LT member travel must be approved by the Superintendent or Deputy Superintendent.

  • Employees may be reimbursed for non-local travel, expenses and training costs only if the training is essential and has been approved by the employee’s Leadership Team member. “Essential” means necessary for certification requirements, training a trainer, or other mission critical purposes.
  • No reimbursement for non-local travel for FCPS employees to serve as presenters, speakers, conference coordinators or consultants. Employees may accept such invitations if they take annual leave and it does not result in a conflict of interest as defined by regulation 4430.
  • All employees should continue to take advantage of training offered within FCPS by FCPS employees, or by outside individuals or entities that provide such training within FCPS at no cost. (Before approving free training by non-FCPS employees, the appropriate Leadership Team member must determine that there will be no conflict of interest under regulation 4430.)
  • No hiring of outside consultants or organizations for training within FCPS unless the training is necessary for job-related certification requirements, training a trainer, or mission critical as determined by the appropriate Leadership Team member.
  • All of these restrictions apply regardless of the source of FCPS funds (appropriated, local activity, or optional grant funds) or FCPS-related funds (PTA, Foundation or other funds).
  • Exceptions to these rules are limited to (1) training/travel arrangements that were contracted prior to the effective date of these rules; (2) grant-funded training if the grant requires the specific training (if training is optional under the grant, the grant monies should be used for direct classroom purposes, not training); (3) single occasion training for which the Superintendent or Deputy Superintendent determines that the value of the training to the school system significantly outweighs the cost and justifies deviation from these rules.
  • Approval of the Superintendent or Deputy Superintendent is required for any non-local travel that is outside the continental United States.




September 21, 2017 for a PTSA vote on September 30, 2017

November 10

March 10

May 10

SUBMIT T0: Gary Grosicki and Nandini Mattapalli, Faculty Allocation Committee Chair



AMOUNT REQUESTED (itemize costs):

(Place X in appropriate category in box below)

Professional Development: __

Equipment: _____

Education Project/Program: ___

Other (please specify): _____

If requesting funds to participate in an educational conference, attach a copy of materials

indicating cost of conference participation. Please indicate whether you request funding for a


DESCRIPTION: Consider how funds will be used. How will the program benefit the school?

Please answer the following questions first; then provide description below.

Is this a new program? Yes __ No ___

Is it related directly to the curriculum? Yes __ No ___

If equipment is needed, is it available for use by another department? Yes ___No __

Number of students impacted:

Number of faculty impacted:

Other sources of funds, if any (including any honorarium received):

Project description (attach additional pages if necessary)

Stop here if travel is local or request is for equipment

Rev. 11/2/14


RegionRequest for Approval of Leave for Non-Local Professional Development and Training

School / Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology (TJHSST)
Staff Member(s) Who Will Be Traveling
Request Synopsis
(e.g. Attend the xxxx conference)
Travel Location
Travel Dates
Are FCPS-related funds going to be used to cover travel/event costs? If so, what is the amount that will be paid from the FCPS-related funds (cannot exceed $2,000)? What is the funding source?
Are there other options for gaining similar benefits that are less costly? If so, why were these not selected?
Justification – Specify how the training is necessary for job-related certification requirements, is training a trainer, or meets one or more of the mission-critical elements of FCPS below:
1) Creating High Functioning Professional Learning Communities in every school and department;
2) Closing the Achievement Gap;
3) Implementing FCPS’ Best Practices in Teaching and Learning; and
4) Ensuring we retain system-wide performance knowledge for the future
What are your plans for utilizing the learning from the training to positively impact your school?
Any Other Important Information

Complete this form for any non-local travel or educational programs that utilize FCPS funds

Stop here if no TJHSST funds are requested

Complete this form for any non-local travel or educational programs for expenses related to transportation, meals, lodging, or program support beyond that provided by PTSA

TJHSST Request for Approval of Leave for Non-Local Professional Development and Training
Staff member who will be traveling
How and when will you share what you have learned from the professional development opportunity with a minimum of 3 of your colleagues (brown bag lunch, JLC presentation, podcast, Division meeting, etc…)
Did you travel at the expense of any FCPS related group (to include PTSA and Partnership Fund) in the past school year?
Detailed Expenses
Transportation Expenses
Transportation Type / Total Requested / Guidelines
Ground / Attach mileage amount from online mapping program; carpooling is expected where possible
Air / Attach preliminary estimate from reservation query
Rail / Attach preliminary estimate from reservation query
Meal Expenses
Meals/# days / *GSA Rate for locality / Total Estimated Refund Amount / Guidelines
Receipts required; meals are not reimbursed when part of conference fee
Lodging Expenses
# of Days / Rate/Day / *GSA Rate for locality / Total Requested / Guidelines
Based on 2 person occupancy where possible
Total Requested
Transportation / Meals / Lodging / Total
(Expenses may not exceed $2000)
Details and Expenses Related to Onsite Professional Development Support
What school or division related goal will be addressed by the onsite professional development?
How many staff members will benefit from the training?
How will this onsite professional development impact student learning at TJHSST?
Have you checked to make sure that instructors for this professional development are not available through FCPS internal resources?
Total amount requested to support this project
Please attach a detailed program agenda and
budget that outlines all expenses related to this project