Publications Sale
Bargain Prices
We have small stocks of an interesting range of Inn publications, some dating from many years ago and very collectable. They are available to members from the Library, either in person or by mail order (see order form below).
The Records of the Honorable Society of Lincoln’s Inn: the Black Books. Vol. 5: 1845-1914. lxxxvi, 546 pp. 11 plates.
Published in 1968 in continuation of volumes 1-4 (1422-1845) published 1897-1902, this volume has an extensive introduction which coverage of much retrospective material. £8 (reduced from £40)
Two Postscripts to the Black Books Vol. V. 31 pp.
In this pamphlet issued in 1977, Sir Ronald Roxburgh addresses the question of the architect of the Chapel and the extent of the involvement of Inigo Jones, and deals with new historical discoveries since 1968.. 50p (free to purchasers of vol. 5)
The Records of the Honorable Society of Lincoln’s Inn: the Black Books. Vol. 6: 1914-1965. xvii, 893 pp. 16 illustrations. 2 folded plans.
Published in 2001. As with volume 5, there is an extensive introduction. A notable feature is a series of 12 plans in panels on a single long folded sheet showing the historical development of the site from 1230 to 1883. £10 (reduced from £60)
The Records of the Honorable Society of Lincoln’s Inn: Admissions 1420-1893 and Chapel Registers. 2 vols.
As published in 1896. Very small stock in the original quarter leather binding, which when sold will be followed by a small number of sets in mixed buckram bindings at the reduced price of £18. £20
Sir John W. Simpson: Some Account of the Old Hall of Lincoln’s Inn. Brighton: The Dolphin Press, 1928. 90 pp. 7 plates.
An account by the Inn’s Architect, responsible for the restoration of the Old Hall in 1924-28. Hardback; handsomely printed on thick laid paper. £6.50
The Honourable Society of Lincoln’s Inn: Quincentenary Celebration 1422-1922. 1922. 51 pp. 6 tipped-in plates.
Our bestseller to date on account of its lavish and imaginative 1920s design and printing. £3
The Heraldry of Lincoln’s Inn. 1902. 119 pp.
A separate reprint of the catalogue of arms which was originally published as an appendix to volume 4 of the Black Books. £1
A Selection of Lord Macnaghten’s Judgments 1887-1912. Produced for Private Circulation only by Butterworth & Co (Publishers) Ltd, 1951. vi, 167 pp.
A selection of twenty-four of his more memorable judgments, which were highly regarded in their day for their brilliant style and injection of humour. £3
J. Douglas Walker: Short Notes on Lincoln’s Inn.1906. 16 pp. 1 colour plate.
An interesting item, but its unique selling point is the colour reproduction of the Wattsfresco, together with the key identifying the figures and the artist’s friends who modelled many of them. £2