Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held in the Clubhouse on Thursday 18 July 2013at 7.30 pm.
Present:Mr T Ward, Mr G P Smith, Jason Brian, Fiona Armstrong, Tracey Binns, Ben Brian, Darren Emmerson, Frank Halford, Stuart Hill, Alan Klenk, Tom Hoyle, Chris Mellor, Heidi Sowrey, Stuart Taylforth, Neil Walsh and Ian Booth,Richard Conway, K. F. Marshall , J. G.Farrar, , Harry Brook, Mrs. E. Brook , Raymond Chambers , David Hoyle ,
- Apologies:Norman Bedford, Ray Chambers, Tony Curtis, Mick Greenwood, Tim Greenwood, P Haigh, Ken Helliwell, Tony Mazey, J Myers, Ray Tyer and Colin Whitaker,Mick Fitzgerald,P Marshall, Graham Allan, Andrew Backhouse
The meeting began at 7.40 pm with a minutes silence for Club members Rodney Childs and Andrew Feather
- The minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting held on 18 July 2013 were accepted unanimously.
- The Chairman’s Report had been circulated and was accepted.Grayham re-iterated the role of younger ‘volunteers’ working for the Club is of vital importance.
Ladies – HS gave overview of the plans for 2014-15 and the links to Huddersfield University.
Mixed Ability – SH made an excellent presentation on the recent success that this team has had and the future plans with possible tours to take on international challengers.
Juniors – RC confirmed that the struggles are well documented but the club will be putting out an u12 side next season and the aim is to increase to another age group. A Schools festival is being held in Sept as part of the recruitment drive. An action was taken to look into investing in this festival. To be discussed at the next committee meeting on 14/8. A warm club thank you was also given to the efforts of former player Stuart Taylforth who has been a junior coach for around 7 years and is now standing down.
- The Hon Treasurer’s Report and Presentation of Accounts was presented by Alan Klenk and accepted. The increased cost of catering was discussed but this is also in part due to the increase in senior teams at the club. An action point was taken for the club to reconcile the cash flow held with the account at least once per month due to a minor anomaly in the last 12 months.
The Committee members are to look at volunteers to help with the bar and reduce staffing costs even further.
Darren commented on his experience this may increase the level of anomalies with the bar takings and put unnecessary pressure on the new premises supervisor to manage.
This needs further discussion as the general agreement was that we needed to use volunteer staff more often.
The Finance Report was unanimously accepted.
- Election of Officers
All Officers below were unanimously elected after generous praise from their ‘Proposer’. However, the Chairman asked the meeting to agree to the temporary withdrawal of the Hon Secretary until he had had spoken to him.
Nominations for Officers of the Club – to be elected by ballot if necessary at the AGM
Mr F HalfordPresidentMr T WardMr T G Hoyle
Mr G P SmithChairmanMr I P BoothMr R Conway
Mr J BrianHon SecretaryMr G P SmithMr D Emmerson
Mr Colin WhitakerTreasurerMr T WardMr N Walsh
VacancyMedical Officer…………………………………………..
Mr I P BoothFixture SecretaryMr G P SmithMr T G Hoyle
Mr R Cole1st XV CaptainMr D EmmersonMr T Curtis
Ms F ArmstrongSafeguarding OfficerMr R ConwayMr G P Smith
Committee Members – the under mentioned are nominated for election:
Proposer Seconder
Ms H Sowrey, Mr R Conway and Mr T CurtisMr G P Smith Mr IP Booth
Pursuant to Rules 5 and 6, notice is given that there have been nominations for membership as Archery members the following:
Michael Greenwood (Chairman of Archery section)Mr G P SmithMr T Ward
Ms Tracey BinnsMr G P SmithMr T Ward
Independent Accountant (para 13 Rules)
It is proposed that Mr A Klenk be asked to continue in this position
- The following were elected to the Wines Committee
Richard Conway, Neil Walsh, Terry Ward, Tracey Binns, Darren Emmerson and Stuart Taylforth.
- Captain of Rugby
It was proposed by Darren Emmerson that Richard Cole be elected as Rugby Club captain for the coming season. This was seconded by Tony Curtis. Darren gave a glowing statement about Richard who was not present but has accepted the role of Captain for the 2014-15 season. Jason Brian also praised the efforts and commitment of the outgoing 1st Team Captain Dwaine West and the new direction taken by the clubs new head of coaching is no reflection on this.
- Richard Conway, Heidi Sowrey and Tony Curtis form the remainder of the general committee.
- Alan Klenk was unanimously invited to act as Independent Accountant. He accepted our thanks for previous efforts and agreed to continue.
- Richard Brook Trophy was presented to Neil Walsh ( Most dedicated member ) by Mrs. Brook .
- Any Other Business. N/A
The AGM concluded at 09.30pm.
Minutes of Annual General Meeting
10 July 2014