Gospic 1809 Scenario Notes.doc
Battle of Gospic
May 21, 1809
GD Auguste de Marmont vs. Oberst Matthias Freiherr Rebrovic von Razboj
Start time: 0900 hours. French and Dalmatian forces have first movement. The scenario starts with the French marching across the tabletop battlefield sending their converged voltigeur detachments ahead towards Barlete (Jadova river bridge) and Bilaj while the rest of the army advances.
End time: At start of 1800 hours (nightfall turn) or if either side retires from the scenario tabletop. If army MFP level hasn’t exceeded at nightfall, that army may conduct nighttime combative action for additional six (6 turns) using the nighttime rules.
Starting MFP level: Franco-Dalmatians have used 6 MFP (75 total) marching from Medak that early morning towards Barlete while watching the area around Bilaj. The Austrians has been entrenched behind the Licca and Jadova Rivers and waiting for the French arrival, using only 4 MFP (of total 61) during the morning hours. If all outlying “detachments” arrive, increase Austrian MFP to 74 (61 plus 13 = 74) total.
Special scenario rules: French and Austrian national characteristics rules in effect. Some are outlined below. See Wargamerabbit.wordpress.com blog site for the current (.pdf) NC downloads.
French Bridging material: Historically the Austrians destroyed or removed some planks on Barlete bridge preventing easy French crossing over the Jadova. If French bridging event card played, enterprising voltigeur find nearby bridging material for their corps HQ sapper detachment to repair the broken bridge, even while under fire, in one stationary unit turn.
French Hospital train: GD Marmont was marching north to join up with Army of Italy and Viceroy Eugene. So his march column had the corps medical trains carrying the wounded and sick soldiers from the previous battles in Dalmatia. If attacked, the hospital base will fight against irregular bandits or local levies (CMR 4 or less), but will immediately surrender upon shock combat attempt by any Austrian regular or grenz unit. The Dalmatian Pandours were assigned to protect the army flank march and all French trains from hillside bandit raids.
French Train Movements: Normally train units are restricted to tabletop roads or pathways to travel along, only being allowed to pull off the roadway when required for other unit passage. At Battle of Gospic it seems GD Marmont was planning to march his train cross-country to reach Barlete, then onwards to Budak via secondary roads. Thus the army bypassing the defended Austrian river positions near Novoselo, behind the Licca River. So for this scenario the French train units can cross-country march over the open flat terrain at normal 6” train speed.
Battalion Masse: Austrian regular infantry (Line or Grenadiers) units had a special anti-cavalry formation called “battalion Masse”. When a regular infantry battalion is formed into a dense column with the miniatures arranged at least 3 ranks deep then the battalion is formed for a battalion masse formation. When faced by a cavalry charge morale check, the battalion has a +2 CMR adjustment morale modifier to pass the morale check. No modifier is given for infantry shock combat. The front face of the battalion is assumed to be a square formation vs. charging cavalry shock combat. When using musket fire, use the normal 3 rank firing line found on the small arms firing charts. If the battalion is in morale disorder, all benefits for battalion masse are lost. The battalion masse formation can be used against European and Ottoman Turk armies. Only the Licca Grenz #1 regiment and 4th Garrison battalion are rated regular infantry for this scenario rule.
Reserve and Composite Grenz Battalions: These recently raised formations are not like the regular Grenz regiments in training or abilities. They had minimal training and lacked much field equipment. So they cannot perform open order semi-skirmisher formation, nor use “battalion masse” rule above, with the entire unit, but have the ability to deploy two-skirmisher miniatures maximum per unit to screen each battalion’s frontage.
Militia Rule (M): All Austrian 1809 Landwehr and Insurrection battalions follow the Militia rule below restrictions. The Reserve Grenz battalions follow this rule for this scenario.
Units rated as militia (code M) have several rules unlike normal regular units. Militia (code M) units are locally raised levy units and have very limited training or active service, especially in defense against charging cavalry.
a. No actual square formations allowed. May form “all rounded” firing formation but still have -2 CMR adjustment for shock combat with charging cavalry unless Ottoman / Islamic state unit (see d. below).
b. “All rounded” formation still test for charging cavalry using basic CMR rating (adjusted for losses etc) only instead of normal -5, -3 or -1 receiving CMR adjustment for foot units not in square formation. Note the difference that square formations don’t morale check for charging cavalry but “all rounded formations” do morale check.
c. “All rounded” formation don’t receive the +5 CMR square defensive formation adjustment in shock combat and suffer the -2 CMR shock combat for not being in square vs. charging cavalry.
d. Ottoman / Islamic states units don’t suffer the -2 CMR shock combat adjustment for charging cavalry.
e. “All rounded” formation firepower as a square formation.
f. “All rounded” formation cannot move unlike a square formation.
g. European or USA militia rated units having CMR 4 or less use Class C movement rates. Ottoman or Islamic states Class A movement rates.
Weather: Late spring day with clear weather Chart 4 since no bad weather was mentioned in the historical accounts.
Line of communications (LOC): French LOC exits the road entrance at G2 / G3 towards Medak. The Austrian LOC exits at E6 / A4 towards Gospic for the two Austrian commands.
Terrain notes: Terrain per the standard terrain charts with the following special notes. The rocky / bushy hills and outcrops are terrain disordering with 4” movement cost for all close order formation infantry, open order formations are unaffected. No cavalry, artillery, or train may transverse the rocky/bushy hills or outcrops. The rocky hills and outcrops are like “light woods” for firepower effect (-1/4). The Licca and Jadova Rivers (3” wide) are un-fordable except at the bridges or ford. The Barlete bridge location has shallow water or a ford capability, which allows units to cross till the bridge is repaired.
Note: The French bridging event card not required to be played during scenario, but having the bridge repaired quickens the river-crossing rate. Players cannot use the bridge and ford at same time as basically they are occupying the same terrain space for scenario purposes.
Bridge Capacity:
All scenario map bridges can cross 18 infantry, 9 cavalry or 3 artillery batteries / train per movement phase or unit ratio thereof. Miniatures remaining over the water count during each game phase for capacity. Routing units across the bridge may cause over capacity issues. See main rules for details on bridge capacity limits.
Ford Capacity: Fords can cross 12 infantry, 6 cavalry or 2 artillery batteries / train per movement phase or unit ratio thereof. Miniatures remaining in the ford count during each game phase for capacity. Routing units across the ford may cause over capacity issues. See main rules for details on ford capacity limits.
Battle Map picture (w/o counters):
One-foot tabletop grid squares at 50 yards to inch. North direction is given by arrow. Map legend at bottom to identify terrain features. See terrain notes for effect on movement & shock combat.
Battle map with command counters:
Picture of map with all command counter starting locations. Note the off map arrivals next to map square.
Starting positions and Initial Orders: All French & Dalmatians are acting under “Advance position” senior order with General Marmont acting like a senior Corps level headquarters for this scenario. Austrians are under Divisional “senior” command level (Oberst Rebrovic) and use the “Advance position” order selection. Both sides have all their starting on tabletop commands either in strategic or battle mode with the initial order restrictions detailed below. All off map reinforcement commands (if any) are in strategic March order till their arrival when they immediately assume the parent tabletop commands orders (they are attached to specific tabletop commands and are not independent commands). All French and Austrian units set up in the rear half of each map square per normal miniature tabletop deployment rules. Definition of command orders covered at Wargamerabbit.wordpress.com.
French & Dalmatians:
Dalmatia Corps HQ (Marmont) * Off map arrives 1000 hours at G2 HQ, ammo train only
1st Division (Montrichard) * Off map arrives 0940 hours at G2 with March order
2nd Division (Clauzel) * G2 with March order
All trains & Dalmatian Pandours Off map arrives 1100 hours at G2
* Note: The two voltigeur detachments and chasseurs are marching ahead of their main divisional column. Place voltigeur detachment A and sapper detachment in map E2. Place the voltigeur detachment B and chasseurs a’ cheval sqn. in map G3. The Voltigeur detachment A is from 5th Ligne Regiment. The Voltigeur detachment B is from 8th Legere Regiment. These regiments have no voltigeur miniature companies in their battalions on tabletop.
Austrian Dalmatia Detachment:
Acting HQ (Rebrovic) F6 with all HQ attachments
Rebrovic Brigade F5 and F6 with Engage order
Hrabovsky detachment * B2 with Engage order, except for Banal Reserve Grenz
* Note: Banal Reserve Grenz battalions start off map and arrive at map A4 on 1100 hours.
Off map reinforcements: French have none. There are possible optional Austrian detachments during scenario. See Austrian OOB notes below.
Exiting the tabletop: If a unit exits the tabletop either voluntary or ordered from the tabletop (not removed by rout or failed morale rally test), remember to count the unit’s current MFP unit valuation (add the points) to the running MFP usage total or reduce the available pool level (same thing). Unit’s removed by failed morale tests or rout movement count the actual miniatures removal count per the MFP rules.
Example: Battalion of six line grade infantry miniatures marching off scenario tabletop edge is worth 2 MFP as a unit, but if routs off by failed morale rally test then 6 MFP points.
Order of battle:
French & Dalmatian:
GD Marmont Corps HQ
Voltigeur detachments A & B 2x2 CMR 8
Dalmatian Pandours 2x5 CMR 5
Converged Chasseur Sqns. 1x3 CMR 7 Note: 3rd and 24th Chasseurs a’ cheval
Sapper detachment 1x2 CMR 8
Corps Ammo train (1) CMR 5
Hospital train w/sick & wounded (1) CMR 4 Note: See special rules
Baggage trains (2) CMR 4
1st Division (Montrichard)
5th Ligne 2x7 CMR 7 Note: No voltigeur companies
18th Legere 2x7 CMR 7
79th Ligne 2x7 CMR 7
8lb Foot battery* (6) CMR 7
2nd Division (Clauzel)
8th Legere 2x6 CMR 7 Note: No voltigeur companies
23rd Ligne 2x6 CMR 7
11th Ligne 3x6 CMR 7
81st Ligne 2x7 CMR 7 Note: From 1st Division for battle
8lb Foot battery* (6) CMR 7
*Note: WR is unsure if Marmont’s corps had 8lb or 6lb foot artillery cannon. Either can be used for scenario.
Austrian Dalmatian Detachment:
Acting Cmdr. Oberst Rebrovic HQ (Rebrovic)
4th Garrison Btn. 1x6 CMR 6 Note: See event cards, historically didn’t arrive.
6lb Positional battery (6) CMR 7
Dalmatian Volunteers * 1x5 CMR 4
Divisional Ammo train (1) CMR 5
Baggage train (1) CMR 4
Oberst “Rebrovic” Brigade (Unknown Oberst)
Licca Grenz #1 2x9 CMR 7 Note: Regulars
Licca Reserve Grenz btn. * 1x8 CMR 6
Ottocac Reserve Grenz Btn. * 1x8 CMR 6
Oqulin Reserve Grenz Btn. * 1x8 CMR 6
Composite Land Grenz Btns. * 2x7 CMR 4 Note: From Grenzer districts
3lb Brigade battery (Grenz) (8) CMR 6
Hauptmann Hrabovsky Detachment (Hrabovsky)
Local Landwehr Btn. * 1x8 CMR 4 Note: Locals and hill bandits
Hohenzollern Chevauleger #2 1x3 CMR 7 Note: Regulars
Banal Reserve Grenz Btns. * 2x9 CMR 6 Note: From Rebrovic’s cmd., Delay to arrive at A4
Additional Landwehr Btn. * 1x8 CMR 4 Note: Locals and hill bandits
· Note: These reserve grenz battalions, composite grenz battalions, and local “Landwehr” or “hill bandits” have ability to deploy one miniature to screen the parent battalion (two miniatures for larger 6+ unit size). Due to lack of training and equipment shortages, these battalions cannot deploy the entire battalion into open order formation. All are Class C firepower rated.
· Possible extra Landwehr or hill bandits battalion (1x8 (CMR 4) arrival from event card use (French bridging). This “battalion” unit joins Hrabovsky’s command for scenario per event card.
Detachments nearby: These two outlying detachments could have been summoned to the battlefield in time to add their strength to the Austrian defense. If players agree to the Austrian detachment reinforcements, roll a d6 every game hour. On a rolled six, either detachment has been summoned and will arrive three hours (9 turns) to current game turn hour. Add +1 to roll if cannon fire heard on battlefield during previous game hour. Mark on time record sheet arrival time and detachment name. Continue rolling the d6 every hour to see if the other detachment is successfully summoned. Roll another d6 roll to determine which detachment arrives on first d6 roll. When detachment arrives they immediately become part of either Hrabovsky’s command (Pioca) or Velebit added to Rebrovic’s brigade. See command’s roster notes box for recalculated % loss values without these detachments.
1-4 Velebit Pass detachment
5-6 Pioca fugitive detachment
Hauptmann Hrabovsky “Pioca fugitive” detachment camped near Pioca (20km) on morning of battle. If marched to battle from early light, they could have arrived mid afternoon for the battle. Haupt. Hrabovsky himself rode into Oberst Rebrovic’s headquarters on night before the battle and assumed command of the Austrian “Barlete” left flank where his fugitive detachment arrives at map C1. For MFP calculations, the detachment adds in zero since the five available have been spent on marching to battlefield. The detachment is part of Hauptmann Hrabovsky command:
Converged Reserve Grenz btns. 2x5 CMR 6 Note: Mixture of different btn. companies