August 9, 2007
Macon, GA
The DHR Sexual Assault Advisory Committee met August 9, 2007 in Macon, GA. In attendance were:
Anna Robertson, GNESA
Crystal Barkley, DHR Budget Analyst
Anne Ealick-Henry, Rape Crisis and Sexual Assault Services (Augusta), chair
R. Demetrius Taylor, DHR Deputy Budget Director
Phyllis W. Miller, Grady RapeCrisis Center (until 8/31/07), DekalbRapeCrisis Center (after 9/4/07)
Ann Burdges, Gwinnett Sexual AssaultCenter
Terri Strayhorn, Rape Response, Gainesville
Mary McAlister, RCC Savannah
Wendy Wilmoth, Griffin SAC
Kyle A. Bair, Columbus Rape SASC
Jennifer Bivins, Southern Crescent Sexual AssaultCenter
Pat Holloway, DHR Acting Family Violence Unit Manager
Kathie Hollis, SAFE
Sonya Logan, WINGS
Dottie Stafford, HODAC
Julie Steele, Crisis Line and Safe House of Central Georgia
Shankeria Walker-Calvin- DHR
Zina Ponsell, Satilla Advocacy Services
Mandy Rowe, The Haven
I.The meeting was called to order at 11 am by Anne Ealick Henry, Chair.
II.Dottie moved that the committee approve the minutes from the May 10 meeting. Kyle Bair seconded. The minutes were approved with the following corrections: the date will be changed to May 10, and Bria Andrew’s name will be listed as the recorder.
III. DHR Report (Pat Holloway):
-There is still no chief, and the recruitment/selection process is ongoing.
-Demetrius Taylor identified funds for an additional consultant in the DHR family Violence Unit budget. This consultant will be specialized and assigned to the sexual assault centers. The recruitment and hiring process has not begun yet.
-Pat Holloway met with Sarah Cook and Anna Robertson regarding the GeorgiaState university (GSU) contract for the needs assessment. Anna mentioned that GNESA has a part-time staff member, Tiffany Kelly, working on the needs assessment. GNESA would like to do a salary survey in conjunction with the needs assessment. Pat Holloway stated that the GSU contract has just recently been finalized, and that this caused a delay in the process. It was clarified that the contract is actually between DHR and GSU, but GNESA is providing assistance. Anna Robertson is working on identifying viable new centers, and mentioned Albany, the Lily Pad, Winder, and possibly Brunswick if they are able to reconstitute, which seems doubtful. Several centers have had trouble contacting the Cobb WYCA. The committee discussed new centers and mentioned Statesboro as a possibility. Mary McAlister stated that Cheryl Perry, director of StatesboroOutreachSexualAssaultCenter, has reported being unable to make contact with DHR and GNESA. Athens was discussed as a possible new center if their status can be determined. At this time there is some confusion as to whether the Athens center should be considered to still be in existence since services have been continued by Project SAFE, or if a totally new Athens entity (if one arises) would be considered a new center. The decision to close Athens was blocked by a judge. If anyone hears of any other possible new centers, please contact Anna Robertson. New centers must be located in the north, south, and east portions of the state per legislative mandate. Part of the purpose of the needs assessment to be distributed by GNESA is to determine what is needed to meet needs, and what resources are required to meet these needs.Each area will be explored with respect to what currently exists and what is needed. It is separate from the RFP but may influence it. According to Pat Holloway the three new centers should be funded and operating by January 1. Terri Strayhorn mentioned that the timeline for the RFP process should be developed by GSU and the Areas of Need committee, which has yet to meet. Phyllis Miller will chair this committee and will be the contact person for it.
-Pat Holloway asked the Advisory Committee to send three representatives to the RFP committee. Terri Strayhorn moved that we appoint three representatives from the Areas of Need committee to the RFP committee. Julie Steele seconded. The motion carried with no opposition.
-Anna Robertson stated that the GNESA website will be updated August 20 with a new, upgraded service area map. It will include contact information for all centers, including GCASA centers. Jennifer Bivins suggested that statistics should be on the site. Pat Holloway said DHR could provide these based on the rape crisis centers’ monthly reports.
-DHR technical assistance is available on the last Monday of each month. Please fax your registration by the 10th of the month to 404-463-0192.
-Pat Holloway reported that some agencies are not up to date with spending on their contracts. Meetings have been set up to find out why. DHR will ask if they can take any unspent funds to use for other centers.
-Pat Holloway distributed questionnaires before the meeting to find out how to make these meetings more productive. Anne Ealick-Henry read the responses to the Advisory Committee:
- What is your expectation for the DHR Sexual Assault Advisory Committee Meeting?
- DHR informs centers, Updates from DHR
- Centers advise DHR re: preferences, trends, etc.
- I wish it were a time that DHR shared how contracts (RFP’s) were being administered
- Other key players such as GNESA, CJCC, etc. inform centers
- Would like to discuss any changes/updates in DHR funding, expectations
- Would like to have operational updates from centers
- Some sort of ideas/concepts to allow all of us to further our cause- working together is the only way!
- Technical Assistance
- Training on new issues facing Rape Crisis Centers. This could be accomplished by reviewing 1 or 2 particularly interesting cases.
- Committee meetings
- Annual Planning
- I would like to see a 3 hour meeting to learn of issues & information that pertains distinctly to direct sexual assault services throughout Georgia with contracts with DHR and RFP information.
- An honest, open discussion of issues that affect all of us and our centers.
- What do you hope to accomplish by coming to these meetings? What is your number one reason for attending?
- To become more informed with usable information
- Connection with other center directors
- Learning what is happening throughout the state
- To be informed of updates re: grants, funding, policies, laws, etc. re: sexual assault
- Seeing friends to share information
- Seeing other Center Directors
- Hear what other Centers are doing
- Great Networking!
- Contract Requirements!
- Funder expectation
- Sharing policy updates and center issues
- Collaboration
- Pat has asked me to attend to represent my organization until we get a new President/CEO
- #1 reason for attending is networking with other directors
- To learn from those who have more experience
- I had hoped that the Rape Crisis Centers would be utilized to drive the work/direction of DHR efforts to secure increased funding therefore services
- What is your role?
- None in the meetings
- Operate RCC Programs
- Be a member of a working committee
- Participate in discussions during the meeting
- Participate
- To be present and active in discussions
- Center looking for guidance and direction
- Helping other centers by sharing experience to success
- Expertise on provision of services
What is DHR’s role?
- Establish uniform guidelines for all grant recipients to achieve minimum standards
- Answer our questions openly
- Participate responsibly
- Be truthful and fair
- An agency helping provide guidance and direction
- Provide resources
- To provide answers to questions asked
- Provide information
- Treat Rape Crisis Centers equitable
- Host meetings
- Give information on contracts and the DHR process
- Build collaboration with centers
- Be a partner with Rape Crisis Centers not an adversary
- To guide the meeting
- Determine training opportunities and bring in speakers to conduct
- Funding, technical assistance
- Provide training based on input from RapeCrisis Center
- How often do you think these meetings should take place?
Quarterly 8
Less Often 2: twice annually; annually before RFP goes out; would work if nothing to do
More Often 0
Not at all 0
- What is one thing you would do or add to make this meeting better?
- Always have a one hour training component
- Gather/present/answer//discuss current issues affecting centers
- ?
- More Training/ Technical Assistance
- Having a good moderator who can unite the group
- A co-chair from GNESA
- Cooperation from DHR to confirm the meeting and set the agenda in a timely manner
- Improved communication between DHR and the Chair
- Announce agenda 1 month in advance for better discussion
- RapeCrisis Center Directors contribute items to the agenda upon request
- Not have as many DHR staff present who are not contributing to the process
- Centers and DHR to stop viewing the meeting as GNESA members against non GNESA members
- What’s one thing you would change or take away?
- Send minutes and any assignments out one month after meeting
- Receive written committee reports at the meetings
- Less hostility
- Limit the participants to Rape Crisis Center Directors only
- Let’s get settled on the standards already and start getting help with compliance
- Contract sub grantees only seems most appropriate
- Limit to RapeCrisis Center Directors only!
- Location change!
- Bringing lunch is awkward- especially for those who travel a distance. We can order for delivery and have everyone bring money
- Not have GNESA staff present
- How can we help to make the sub-committees more productive?
- Set goals at an annual planning meeting
- Assign work and include committee chair reports at every meeting
- Work/tasks should go through the committee process instead of committees being circumvented
- Some can do more than others- I am not sure how to fix this!
-A discussion ensued regarding the presence of two coalitions in the state and how it affects Advisory Committee meetings. Some felt that the committee needs to be co-chaired by a GNESA member center and a non-GNESA member center in order to provide equitable representation. Terri Strayhorn suggested that there should not be an advisory committee at all, that these meetings should be contractors’ meetings led by DHR for informational purposes, and mentioned that the meetings are expensive. Pat Holloway noted that this would make them one-way meetings with no input from the centers. Mandy Rowe suggested that these meetings are an opportunity for collaboration and we need to build this group. Wendy Wilmoth suggested that in the absence of a strong coalition, this group is the only way that all of the centers can influence DHR as a bloc, and if that does not happen in these meetings it must happen somewhere. Anne Ealick-Henry stated that in order to facilitate she needs input and information from DHR and the centers, and that collaboration among centers should take place away from grantors. Terri Strayhorn agreed that discussion of centers’ issues should not take place in front of DHR. Jennifer Bivins strongly suggested that the meetings should either be co-chaired by a GNESA center or facilitated by DHR. There was a brief discussion of the contract process and how proactive this committee needs to be to obtain additional funding from the state.
-Terri Strayhorn moved that we change our meeting schedule to an annual DHR contractors’ meeting with a semi-annual meeting as needed determined by DHR. Ann Burdges seconded. Eight members voted for the motion and two against with one abstention. The motion was carried.
-Jennifer Bivins moved that the meetings be coordinated and led by DHR staff and not a center director. Ann Burdges seconded. Eleven voted for the motion. With no opposition, the motion was carried.
IV. Committee Reports:
-The standards were approved at the last meeting with the following corrections:
-Change “accreditation” to “certification.”
-Changes to Agency/Program references and Board/Advisory Committee references
-Standardize the training requirements in all sections that mention advocate training.
There was discussion regarding collapsing the levels of compliance to eliminate the A and B designation. Development of a grading system may need to be considered later. Also several committee members suggested that a structured volunteer training be mandated. There was an extensive discussion of the inclusion of support groups. Many committee members felt strongly that support groups should remain under Specialized Services due to the difficulty in finding and hiring licensed facilitators, the liability of using unlicensed facilitators, and the frequent difficulty in finding enough interested people to form one. Wendy moved that the committee strongly recommend to DHR that support groups be retained in the Specialized Services section and not moved to Core Services. Phyllis Miller seconded. Seven voted for, two voted against, and there was one abstention. The motion carried. Phyllis Miller moved that we drop the “levels of compliance: A or B” from the Standards. Mary McAlister seconded. Eight voted for, and two against. The motion carried. Dottie Stafford moved that the committee recommend that the centers be given one year after the contract in which the standards are adopted to come into compliance. Phyllis Miller seconded. Nine voted in favor with one abstention. The motion carried. Julie Steele will send out a new standards document with dates of approval and revision. Although the bulk of the standards work is done, work may be continued to work on compliance issues and forms.
-The Outcome Measures Committee met before the May 10 Advisory Committee meeting, where the CJCC outcome reporting forms and requirements were discussed. Since the yare expected to be adopted by DHR as well, the outcome measures committee may be disbanded.
V. Training Information
-Upcoming trainings include:
Law Enforcement Training
Advanced Sexual Assault Investigation
40 hour Advanced/Specialized classes
Georgia Public Safety Training Center
Forsyth, Georgia
POST credits
August 13-17, 2007
September 17-21, 2007
October 15-19, 2007
November 5-9, 2007
Advanced Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Training
Duluth, Georgia
September 12-14, 2007
Predators Among Us
Gwinnett Justice Administrative Center
POST and CLE credits
October 9, 2007
Sexual Assault Investigation Training
for Law Enforcement and the District Attorney
Cobb County
December 7, 2007
Basic Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Training
Augusta, Georgia
January 2008
Hijacking the Adolescent Brain
Rape response
Gainesville, Georgia
October 12, 2007
Respectfully Submitted,
Wendy S. Wilmoth