FSU Educational Professions Scholarship Application
This application is required for scholarships offered by Educational Professions. The questions in this application are specific to departmental scholarships. Please see the FSU Financial Aid and Scholarships brochure, available in the Financial Aid office, for the specific criteria for each scholarship. With the receipt of this completed application and any required support materials, applicants will be considered for all scholarships for which they are eligible.
Sections A, B, D, E, and F are to be completed by all applicants. See instructions for C, G and H.
Section A: General Information
(Last) (First) (M.I.)
PAWS #______
Local Address______
Permanent Address______
(City)(State) (Zip Code)
HS Graduation County______State______
Local Phone/Cell______
Permanent Phone______
Email Address______
Section C: OPTIONAL (Certain scholarships have specific criteria. See the Scholarships brochure for details.)
Male_____Female_____ Racial/Ethnic Identification______
Have you filed a FAFSA for next semester?_____ If not, do you plan to?_____ Explain any special circumstances of financial need.
Section D: Areas of Teaching Interest (to be completed by all scholarship applicants)
Are you a member of the Western Maryland Reading Council? Yes ______No ______
List other professional association memberships______
Do you have a specific interest in teaching in any of the areas below? Circle your answer and briefly describe how you have exemplified your interest through research, course work, work experience, volunteer work, or memberships.
Early Childhood Math Science Reading Economically Depressed Inner-city Youth
Do you plan to teach in the State of MD for at least 2 years after receiving your degree? Yes _____ No _____
If “yes,” indicate the communities or counties in which you want to teach______
Section E: Experience (to be completed by all scholarship applicants) Attach extra sheet(s) if needed.
Work Experience (Graduate students--attach resume)________
University and/or Community Service______
Leadership Experience______
University Honors or Awards Received______
University Creative Projects/Research______
Extra-curricular activities/interests______
Have you previously applied for or received a scholarship from this department?
_____ Yes, I have previously applied_____ No, I have not previously applied
_____ Yes, I received the scholarship_____ No, I did not receive the scholarship
If “yes,” please identify the scholarship(s) and date(s)______
Section F: High School Information (to be completed by all scholarship applicants)
Date of High School Graduation______School Name ______
Address of High School Graduated______(City) (State) (County)
High School Honors/Awards Received______
High School Creative Projects/Performances/Clubs______
Section G: Education (to be completed by currently enrolled FSU Undergraduates)
Date (semester and year) of anticipated or actual completion of each level of the teacher education sequence:
Phase I______Phase II Block I______Phase II Block 2______Phase III______
CURRENTLY ENROLLED FSU STUDENTS: Please print your transcript from PAWS and include it.
Section H: Education (to be completed by incoming Transfer and Graduate Students)
Complete Name of Institution Attended______
Address of Institution Attended______
Degree and Major from Institution Attended______Date Received/Receiving______
Date of official acceptance at FSU______Entrance at FSU (semester) ______
(For transfers only) Number of Credits Being Transferred to FSU______Transfer Institution GPA______
* * TRANSFER/GRADUATE APPLICANTS: You must order an OFFICIAL transcript from all colleges attended.* *
CERTAIN SCHOLARSHIPS REQUIRE ESSAYS (See list on reverse; consult Financial Aid booklet for details)
Statement of Certification
All scholarship applicants must sign the completed application.
My signature below certifies that all of the information I have provided in this application and in any attached documents is completely accurate to the best of my knowledge. I understand that incomplete or late scholarship applications may be ineligible for awards.
Submit your completed application to the Department of Educational Professions by March 1st.
By completing this application, you are applying for all available departmental scholarships. Actual list may vary from below.
All scholarships awards are pending on availability of funds and meeting specific criteria.
Information about non-departmental scholarships is available at the Financial Aid Office, Pullen Hall, FSU.
Allegany County Teachers Association Scholarship *essay required (see below)
Allegany County Teachers Credit Union Scholarship
Alma Logsdon Scholarship (Elementary)
Amy and Martha Meek Scholarship
Annual Fund Alumni and Friends Education Scholarship
Donald P. Hutchinson Scholarship *essay required (see below)
Eleanor Porter Tennant (Graduate or Undergraduate Elementary)
Hedrick Teacher Excellence Award for Math / Science (Graduate and/or Undergraduate Secondary)
Hilda Holt Gellner Scholarship (Graduate and Undergraduate Elementary) *essay required (see below)
Ida B. Wells Scholarship
James Graham Bravery Award Scholarship
Jimmy Hollis Scholarship
John and Iva Kneisley Memorial Scholarship
John Leake Scholarship
Kenney Education Scholarship (Graduate)
Kopp Elementary Education Scholarship (Elementary)
Lillian Compton Scholarship
Llewellyn/Sigler Education Scholarship Award (Secondary)
Mary T. Lascaris Slider Memorial Scholarship (Undergraduate Reading)
Mary T. Lascaris Slider Memorial/Children’s Literature Scholarship (Graduate)
Nancy Gibney Binkley Scholarship (Graduate and Undergraduate)
Nancy Ginder Memorial Scholarship
Nellie Hilton Scholarship
Norman W. Nightingale Education Scholarship
Paul and Ethel Hollinger Malchenson Scholarship (Graduate or Undergraduate)
Paul V. Vandenberg Scholarship
Twylah Murphy Stewart Scholarship (Elementary)
Upper Division Education Achievement Award (Secondary)
Walter and Elmyra Hahn Frederick County Scholarship
CHECK IF ESSAY(S) ATTACHED (suggested 500 words) (Note: These three scholarships also require Allegany Co. residency)
_____ACTA essay topic: “Why Education is My Career Choice”
_____Hutchinson essay: “My Future Contributions to the Field of Education”
_____Gellner essay: “One Teacher Who Made a Difference”
Form rev 1/09
Before submitting, please remember to:
Complete the application accurately and legibly. Detailed answers may give you an advantage.
Sign and date the application.
Attach any essays required for the scholarships in which you are interestedand check above.
Attach a copy of your resume (required for graduate students; optional for undergraduates).
Include a copy of your PAWS transcript if currently enrolled AND/OR order official copies be sent (if grad students or transfer).
Mail or hand-deliver to:
Educational Professions Scholarships
Attn: Dr. Joyce Wheaton
Rm. 207 Framptom Hall
Frostburg State University
Frostburg, MD 21532
Form rev 1/09