Dual Credit Approval Form – SY16-17 (5 Pages)
The DCPS Dual Enrollment Program is an opportunity for DCPS students to enroll in college level courses to gain college exposure and have the potential to earn college credit. All students enrolled in the DCPS Dual Enrollment Program will receive college credit from the university upon the successful completion of each course in which they are enrolled according to the university’s standards regardless of whether the course is approved for Dual Credit.
A select group of courses at GWU, Howard, and UDC-CC (which are listed at the end of this form) have been pre-approved to be eligible for Dual Credit, if a student receives approval from their parent/guardian, school, and Central Office via this form. When taking a college course for Dual Credit, students and families understand that grades earned will be reported on the official DCPS high school transcript regardless of grade earned (A through F, including withdraw [W]) and that DCPS credit will only be awarded for approved courses which are completed and passed with a grade of C or better.. This grade will be calculated with the weight of an AP course as a part of each student’s GPA.
Completion of this form and the steps outlined below are required for a course to be approved for Dual Credit.
- Prior to submission of this form, a student must meet with his/her counselor to determine whether Dual Credit is an appropriate option for this course and the student.
- This form must be completed with signed permission from the principal, counselor, and the student’s parent/guardian, and must be submitted via email from the counselor to Renee Scott in the Office of College and Career by Friday, August 26, 2016.
- The counselor will tentatively add the Dual Credit course to the student’s schedule, pending the signature of a representative from the Office of College and Career.
- The student has until the end of the secondweek of classes to withdraw his/her dual credit application, at which point the course will be removed from the student’s DCPS Schedule.
- At the conclusion of first week of class at the Dual Enrollment university, the Office of College and Career will send signed forms for students that have completed all steps to counselors.
- Counselors will finalize the Dual Credit course on the student’s schedule.
Student Name: School: Grade:
Name of Dual Enrollment University:______
Name of Proposed Dual Credit Course: ______Course Number: ______
Corresponding DCPS Course Title: ______DCPS Grad Req Category: ______
Anticipated start date: ______Anticipated completion date: ______
Guidelines for Dual Credit Courses:
- A student must have been accepted into the college where they intend to take a Dual Credit course via the DCPS Dual Enrollment Program.
- Only approved courses at GWU, Howard, and UDC-CC (see pages 3-5) are eligible dual credit.
- A student may not enroll in a Dual Credit course for credit if they are presently or have formerly taken the same course at a DCPS school.
- Students will be graded on the same basis as traditional college students in the same courses and will be reported on both the students’ official university transcript and their official DCPS high school transcript.
- Grades and credits earned will be reported on both the student’s official university transcript and the DCPS transcript as specified in 5-A DMR § 2403.1.
- All student grades and student records at the University will be shared by the university with Central Office and the home high school.
Student’s Signature Date
Counselor's Signature Date
Principal's Signature Date
Office of College and Career Designee’s Signature Date
I, guardian of ______, authorize ______(College Name) to release the student’s grades for the courses taken at the college/university to the home high school and the DCPS central office.
Guardian’s Signature Date
Appendix A: GW Courses (2/13/2015)
(Restricted: Anacostia, CHEC, Coolidge, Eastern, Phelps, SWW, Wilson, and Woodson)
GW Course / DCPS Course Code / DCPS Course Title / DCPS HS Graduation Requirement CategoryAMER STUDIES/HIST 2020: DC History, Culture, and Politics / YGC / College DC History / DCH
ASTRO 1001: Stars, Planets, Life in the Universe / YGR / College Lab Science / LAB and SCI
BISC 1005: Biology of Nutrition Health / YGG / College Biology / LAB and SCI
BISC 1006: Ecology & Evolution of Organisms / YGR / College Lab Science / LAB and SCI
BISC 1111: Intro Biology: Cells and Molecules / YGH / College Biology / LAB and SCI
BISC 1112: Intro Biology: The Biology of Organisms for Sci Majors / YGH / College Biology / LAB and SCI
CHEM 1003/1004: Contemporary Science for Non-Sci Majors / YGJ / College Chemistry / LAB and SCI
CHEM 1111: Gen Chemistry for Sci Majors / YGJ / College Chemistry / LAB and SCI
Chinese 1001 / YGS / College World Language / FLA
Chinese 1002 / YGS / College World Language / FLA
ENGL 1330/1330W: Myths of Britain / YGA / College English Lit / ENG
ENGL UW1015: University Writing Seminar / YGN / College Writing 1 / Elective (OTH)
English UW1020: University Writing / YGO / College Writing 2 / Elective (OTH)
ENGL 1320W: Literature of the Americas / YGB / College Humanities / ENG
ENGL 1510/1510W: Intro to American Literature I (Added 2/13/2015) / YGB / College English Lit / ENG
ENGL 1511/1511W: Intro to American Literature II / YGB / College English Lit / ENG
ENGL 1410/1410W: Intro to English Literature I / YGB / College English Lit / ENG
ENGL 1411/1411W: Intro to English Literature II / YGB / College English Lit / ENG
HLWL 1114: Personal Health and Wellness / YGU / College Health / HPE (sub for P26 Health only)
French 1001 / YGS / College World Language / FLA
French 1002 / YGS / College World Language / FLA
GEOL 1001: Intro Physical Geology / YGR / College Lab Science / LAB and SCI
HIST 1311: U.S. History—1876 to the Present / YGD / College US History / USH
MATH 1009: Mathematical Ideas I / YGT / College Mathematics / ULM
MATH 1010: Mathematical Ideas II / YGT / College Mathematics / ULM
MATH 1220: Calculus with Precalculus I / YGM / College Calculus A / ULM
MATH 1221: Calculus with Precalculus II / YGF / College Calculus B / ULM
MUS 1101: Elements of Music Theory / YGP / College Music / MUS
MUS 1103: Music in the Western World / YGQ / College Elective / Elective (OTH)
GEOG 1002: Intro to Physical Geography / YGR / College Lab Science / LAB and SCI
PHYS 1011: General Physics I / YGK / College Physics / LAB and SCI
POL SCI 1002: American Government & Politics / YGE / College Political Science / USG
Spanish 1001 / YGS / College World Language / FLA
Spanish 1002 / YGS / College World Language / FLA
STAT 1051: Intro to Statistics for Business & Economics / YGT / College Mathematics / ULM
STAT 1053: Intro to Statistics for Social Science / YGT / College Mathematics / ULM
STAT 1011: Statistics for Business & Economics / YGT / College Mathematics / ULM
HIST 1011: World History 1500-Present* / YGC / College World History / HIS
*Special permission from DCPS and GWECP needed to apply this course in the GWECP Program of Study.
Appendix B: Approved Howard Courses (2/13/2015)
(Restricted: Ballou, Banneker, Cardozo, Dunbar, Ellington, & McKinley)
Howard University Course / DCPS Course Code / DCPS Course Title / DCPS HS GradReq. CategoryCOMP 001: Life Sciences Lec/Lab
COMP 002: Planetary Science Lec/Lab
COMP 003: Physical Science Lec/Lab / YGR / College Lab Science / LAB and SCI
BIOL 101: General Biology I Lec/Lab
BIOL 102: General Biology II Lec/Lab
BIOL 200: Genetics
BIOL 220: General Microbiology / YGG / College Biology / LAB and SCI
CHEM 001: General & Applied Chemistry
CHEM 003: General Chemistry I Lec
CHEM 005: General Chemistry I Lab / YGJ / College Chemistry / LAB and SCI
ARAB 001: Arabic I GERM 001: German I
JAPN 001: Japanese I FREN 001: French I
RUSS: 001: Russian I KORE 001: Korean I
CHIN 001: Chinese I PORT 001: Portuguese I
SWAH 001: Swahili I SPAN 001: Spanish I
HACR 001: Haitian I WOLO 001: Wolof I / YGS / College World Language / FLA
ENGL 054: Afro American Lit to 1940
ENGL 055: Afro American Lit from 1940 to the Present / YGA / College English Lit / ENG
ENGL 002: Freshman Composition I / YGN / College Writing 1 / Elective (OTH)
ENGL 003: Freshman Composition II / YGO / College Writing 2 / Elective (OTH)
ENGL 014: Intro to Humanities I
CLAS 014: Intro to Humanities I
SPAN 014: Intro to Humanities I
GERM 014: Intro to Humanities I
FREN 014: Intro to Humanities I / YGB / College Humanities / ENG
ENGL 015: Intro to Humanities II
CLAS 015: Intro to Humanities II
SPAN 015: Intro to Humanities II
GERM 015: Intro to Humanities II
FREN 015: Intro to Humanities II / YGB / College Humanities / ENG
HIST 101: World Geography / YGC / College World History / HIS
ARTH 161: Art Appreciation / YGL / College Fine Arts / ART
HIST 010: US History Since 1877 / YGD / College US History / USH
PSYC 050: Intro to Psychology
SOCI 001: Intro to Sociology / YGQ / College Elective / Elective (OTH)
PHYS 001: General Physics I Lec/Lab / YGK / College Physics / LAB and SCI
POLS 001: Intro to Political Science / YGE / College Political Science / USG
MATH 009: Introduction to Statistics
MATH 007: Pre-calculus
MATH 012: Patterns in Math
MATH 026: Applied Calculus / YGT / College Mathematics / ULM
Math 156: Calculus I / YGM / College Calculus A / ULM
Math 157: Calculus II / YGF / College Calculus B / ULM
SYCA-135 – Computer Science 1
SYCS-453 - Intro to Cybersecurity / YGX / College Comp Science / Elective (OTH)
CIEG – 207 – Intro to Environmental Engineering
ARCH-003:Environment and Architecture / YGW / College Engineering / Elective (OTH)
Appendix C: Approved UDC Courses (2/13/2015)
(Open to all DCPS High School Students)
UDC Course Code / DCPS Course Code / DCPS Course Title / DCPS HS Graduation Requirement CategoryUDC-CC - ENGL 111C: English Composition I / YGN / College Writing 1 / Elective (OTH)
UDC-CC - ENGL 112C: English Composition II / YGO / College Writing 2 / Elective (OTH)
UDC-CC - MATH 151C & 155C (Lab): Calculus I / YGM / College Calculus A / ULM
UDC-CC - MATH 152C & 156C (Lab): Calculus II / YGF / College Calculus B / ULM
UDC-CC - MATH 116C: Finite Mathematics / YGT / College Mathematics / ULM
UDC-CC - MATH 215C: Calculus for Business, Sociology, and Life Sciences / YGT / College Mathematics / ULM
UDC-CC - BIOL 101C and BIOL 103C (lab): Biological Sciences I / YGH / College Biology / LAB and SCI
UDC-CC - BIOL 102C and BIOL 104C (lab): Biological Sciences II / YGH / College Biology / LAB and SCI
UDC-CC - BIOL 111C & BIOL 113C (lab): Fundamentals of Anatomy & Physiology I / YGR / College Lab Science / LAB and SCI
UDC-CC - BIOL 112C & BIOL 114C (lab): Fundamentals of Anatomy & Physiology II / YGR / College Lab Science / LAB and SCI
UDC-CC – PHIL 105C: Introduction to Logic (Intro to Philosophy) / YGQ / College Elective / Elective (OTH)
UDC-CC – PSYC 201C: Principles of Psychology / YGQ / College Elective / Elective (OTH)
UDC-CC – AETC 101C: Architectural Drawing and Design I (Architecture) / YGW / College Engineering / Elective (OTH)