The Greatest Gift! (341 words)
By Bob ‘Idea Man’ Hooey
December is a month of hectic activity. For North American retailers, it is traditionally a month that can make the difference in their fiscal year. For the rest of us in business it can be very busy as well. It will be for me... as I write this, I am in Halifax for the 1st of three presentations.
Not everyone celebrates Christmas, but most of us at least pause to reflect on 'gifts' during this tremendously commercial part of the year.
I'd like to challenge each of you to consider the greatest gift of all.
Danny Thomas once said, "Success in life has nothing to do with what you gain in life or accomplish for yourself. It's about what you do for others."Wise words from a very successful entertainer, investor and community supporter.
Wise words for those of us in business as well. Isn't 'giving' the essence of what makes the successful business grow?
What is the greatest gift you may be thinking? Well, I believe the greatest gift we can give is our appreciation and recognition that we care.
· Have you told your family that you appreciate their contributions and support over the past year? Their gifts of love and support.
· Have you told your friends and colleagues the same thing?
· How about your staff who have worked with you this year to build or work through the challenges together? Their gifts of diligence, support and value-added contributions.
· How about your suppliers who helped you and were consistent in making sure you had what you needed to serve your clients? Their gifts of service and support for your efforts.
· How about the most important people in your business life - your customers? Have you let them know how much you appreciate the gift of their trust in doing business with you lately?
My challenge for each of you is to take a moment and reflect on the people who have given you the gift of their friendship, love and support and then find some way to let them know.
© Copyright 2015 Bob ‘Idea Man’ Hooey
All rights reserved. Used with permission of the author.
Bob ‘Idea Man’ Hooey is a creative, productivity and leadership strategist who regularly writes for North American Consumer and Trade Journals, on-line magazines and company intranets. He works with Canada’s 50 Best Managed Companies. He is the prolific author of multiple business and leadership books and the 48th person in the history of Toastmasters International to earn their coveted professional level Accredited Speaker designation.
Articles may be copied or used for non-profit purposes, without the consent of the author, subject to the following being included: © Copyright 2015 Bob ‘Idea Man’ Hooey All rights Reserved. Used with permission of the author.