Switch: At the Movies
Guardians of the Galaxy
The Point
God created us to be in community.
Let’s close our eyes and bow our heads.
Some of you have realized today that you and your friends are just common-interest friends. But, you want to go deeper with your friendships and become core-value friends. You want your friends to trust each other, put each other first, and bear each other’s burdens. If you want to become that type of friend and lead your friends to become those types as well, if you’re willing to commit to working toward those types of friendships, then raise your hand right now and let me pray for you. (Pray for the students.)
With your eyes still closed and heads still bowed:
Maybe you haven’t given much thought to your friends at all, or even the type of friend that you are. But you’re starting to understand what spiritual community is all about: being the type of person that points others toward God, and having friends that help encourage you to become who God wants you to be. If you’ve never been a part of a spiritual community, and that’s something that you want, the first step is to start a relationship with God. If you want to start that relationship with God, all it takes is believing and understanding that God wants that relationship with you so much so that He sent His Son Jesus to die for you. Once you’ve accepted that, you then begin your relationship with God and participate in spiritual community. If that’s something you want that you’ve never really had before, then I want you to raise your hand right now and repeat this prayer after me…(Have students repeat the prayer after you to receive Jesus in their lives and to begin to live for Him.)