Longhorn Alumni Band Board of Directors Meeting
January 28, 2002 – 6:30 pm
The Board of Directors of the Longhorn Alumni Band, Inc. met at 6:30 p.m., January 28, 2002, at the home of Donna Beth McCormick. This was the first meeting for the year and the following members were present:
Donna Beth McCormick, President;
David Carter, Secretary;
Jeanne Yturri;
Bill Kaigler;
Kent Kostka; and
Susan LaRonde
Absent: John Fleming, President, LHAB
Donna Beth McCormick, temporary presiding officer and third year Board Member, called the meeting to order. Donna Beth McCormick was elected President. David Carter was elected Secretary.
The minutes of the August meeting were presented and amended. The first two paragraphs of the previous minutes now read (changes in BOLDFACE):
The LHAB President’s report: Allan Adelman reported on the work day session re Band Day. The third BLAST is out and the emphasis for next year will be on getting the BLAST online and getting the directory online. The LHAB instruments at Pflugerville High School will be returned to our warehouse. They no longer need them. The budget has been approved. The LHAB and LHB will coordinate the video with the Digital and VHSC cameras owned by the LHAB. DVDs will be done of old and new shows, thus saving them for the archives. Many shows have been lost from the early LHB days of filming. Kent Kostka will be working on the videotape.Kent Kostka is on the Ex Student’s Board of Directors and starting 9/1/2001, the immediate past president of the LHAB will serve on the Ex Student’s Local Involvement Committee, which is comprised of the Presidents of every Texas Exes chapter.
President’s Report: John Fleming was absent and unable to give the LHAB President’s report.
Officer Descriptions: Bill Kaigler will contact John Fleming to obtain complete descriptions of the officers for the next meeting of the Board of Directors.
LHB Video: Discussion was held on a video project that is being developed by Castle Video. Ted Barnhill of Castle Video has undertaken a significant amount of work to conduct interviews that provide a personal history of the Longhorn Band. Mr. Barnhill has been unable to complete many of the interviews intended, because several potential interviewees have refused to participate as a result of the video not officially being sanctioned by the LHAB. Mr. Barnhill is also running into some funding issues with this project. He was under the impression that LHAB would cover the costs of the project. Regardless, LHAB never entered into an agreement with Castle Video to fund any work.
To complete the project, Mr. Barnhill simply wants the LHAB to offer its “seal of approval,” as an endorsement of his work. He is no longer seeking funds from the LHAB to assist with the development of the project. A decision was made that David Carter will craft a letter to refer Mr. Barnhill to the Ex Student’s Association and Jim Boon for potential funding assistance. The letter will also express our position that we will in no way be able to offer funding assistance from the LHAB. The letter will be considered at the next meeting of the Board of Directors, and upon approval, forwarded to Mr. Barnhill.
Dues, Fees and Football Tickets: A discussion was held on the potential that our ticket base that is offered by the Athletic Department might shrink. This is a major concern and a potential threat to our organization’s viability in the future. The seats that are provided for the Alumni Band are currently provided at no cost to the LHAB.
A suggestion was offered that we determine the cost – per person – to run the organization. It may be necessary to restructure the way that we collect membership dues/fees. For example, if you come to Band Day, you may need to pay nominal dues, plus the cost of a football ticket. This would ensure our future ability to maintain the organization, and attend the Band Day football game. This will be an agenda item for the next Board meeting, to determine an official position on how to analyze this problem. Consideration will also be given to placing some type of poll on our Web site to obtain member feedback on any changes.
Agenda items for the next meeting should include: president’s report, budget and treasurer’s report, assembly of the officer nominating committee, dues and fees discussion.
Next meeting date: April 22nd, 6 p.m. at Donna Beth McCormick’s home at 5703 Shoalwood.
Respectfully submitted,
David Carter
Longhorn Alumni Band
Board of Directors
PO Box 1204 • Austin • TX • 78767
April 22, 2002
Ted Barnhill
Castle Video
1100 Castle Court
Austin, Texas 78703
Dear Mr. Barnhill:
At the last meeting of the Longhorn Alumni Band’s Board of Directors, we were made aware of a video project that you are undertaking to provide a personal history of the University of Texas Longhorn Band. We fully approve of your efforts to carry out this project, but regrettably cannot offer you any financial assistance in this endeavor. If we can offer any other kind of non-financial support to help your project along, please let us know how we can assist you.
For potential funding assistance, you may wish to consult with Jim Boon of the Ex Students Association. At times, they are in a better position to provide the type of support you may be seeking.
Should you have any questions about this letter, or our endorsement of your project, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Donna Beth McCormick
President, Board of Directors