Welcome to Damascus Elementary’s 2017 Summer Bingo Challenge
Dear Parents, Guardians and Students:
The purpose of the summer BINGO Challenge is to encourage students to become lifelong learners in reading, writing, and math and prevent the “Summer Slide”- children who read during the summer gain reading skills, while those who do not often slide backward. The Bingo Challenge is intended to provide fun and engaging ways to build their independent learning skills.
How to Play BINGO
•Student first and last name, grade entering in the fall and teacher name should be filled out at the top of the BINGO sheet.
•Complete the activities on each math and reading BINGO card.
•A parent or adult needs to initial each square when the student completes an activity.
•Student should then lightly color each square when the activity is complete.
•Earn BINGO by completing 5 squares across, down, or diagonally.
•Keep track of all the books you read over the summer and record them on the reading log.
Please join Damascus Elementary School in providing support and encouragement to make reading, writing and math a part of your child’s summer by participating in our Summer BINGO Challenge. How many BINGO’s can you earn?
Damascus Elementary Staff
Below are some suggested local resources that offer free reading incentive programs that will keep your summer filled with fun activities !
- Montgomery County Library has a reading program to match any age group. Participation is free! Sign up starts Saturday, June 10, 2017.
- Barnes & Noble summer reading program gives children an opportunity to earn a free book.
- Scholastic Summer Reading Challenge is a free online program designed to motivate kids to read as they log minutes they spend reading to earn rewards and help read for the world record.
- Chuck E. Cheese offers 10 free tokens. Just bring in the filled out reading rewards calendar. Offer expires 12/31/17.
Additional Reading Resources
Additional Math Resources
Bienvenido a la Escuela de Verano de Damascus 2017 Duelo Bingo
Estimados Padres y Estudiantes:
El propósito del veranoDuelo BINGO esanimar a losestudiantes a convertirseenaprendices de porvidaenlectura, escritura y matemáticas y evitar el "Verano del Olvido" - losniños que leendurante el veranogananhabilidades de lectura, mientras que los que no leen se atrasanmás. El Duelo Bingo tieneporobjetoproporcionarformasdivertidas y atractivas para construirsushabilidadesindependientes de aprendizaje.
Como Jugar BINGO
•El nombre y apellidodelestudiante, gradoentrandoen el Otoño y el nombre del profesordebenestarescritos al principio del papel del BINGO. Hacertodas las actividades de la tarjeta de BINGO.
•Un padre o adultonecesitaponersusinicialesencadacuadrocuando el estudianteterminaesaactividad.
•Luego el estudaintedebecolorearligeramentecadacuadrocuando la actividad se ha completado.
•Gana BINGO al completar 5 cuadros sea horizontal, vertical o diagonal.
•Mantenga un registro de todosloslibros que leyóduarnte el veranoy anóteloen el diario de lectura.
Por favor ayude a la Escuela de Damascus proveyendoapoyo y ánimo a suhijo(a) enlectura, escritura y matemáticasparticipandoen el Duelo Bingo del Verano. Cuántos BINGOS puedesganar?
Personal de Damascus
A continuacióntienealgunosrecursos locales sugeridas que ofrecenprogramasgratuitos de incentivo de lectura que mantendrásuveranolleno de actividadesdivertidas!
•La BibliotecadelCondadotiene un programa de lectura que coincide con cualquiergrupo de edad. La participaciónesgratuita! La inscripcióncomienza elsabido, Junio 10, 2017
•El programa de verano de lectura de Barnes & Noble ofrece a losestudiantes a ganarunlibro gratis.
•DueloAcadémico de Verano de Lecturaesunprogramagratuitoenlíneadiseñadapara motivar a losniños a leer, ya que acumulanminutos que dedican a la lectura para ganarrecompensas y ayudar a leer para el récordmundial.
•Chuck E. Cheese ofrece 10 fichasporllevar el calendariocompleto de lectura. La ofertaexpira 12/31/17.
RecursosAdicionales de LecturaRecursosAdicionales de Matemáticas
Summer Math BINGO for Students Entering Grades 3-5
Name ______Grade Entering this Fall ______Teacher Name______
B / I / N / G / OCount all the loose change you can find. How much is it? If you counted correctly, ask your parents if you can keep it!
/ Use a ruler to draw a shape robot. Label each shape. / Choose a number between 2501000. How many different equations can you make with your number as the sum?
Example: My number is 275
____+____= 275
100+ 175= 275
273+ 2= 275 / Cut a snack, such as an apple or orange into equal parts. What fraction represents the number of equal shares there are?
/ What shapes can you build with two identical short straws and two identical long straws?
Help a family member make a meal. Write down the starting time and the ending time. How long did it take to make the meal? / Draw a rectangle that has four sides equal to 24 inches. Label each side of the rectangle.
Now, draw a different rectangle that also has all four sides equal to 24 inches. Label each side of the rectangle. / Create a number pattern using five numbers. What is the rule?
Example: 100, 200, 300, 400, 500.
My rule is that the numbers keep increasing by 100.. / Write a multiplication word problem for another family member to solve.
/ The areas of two shapes are almost the same, but the perimeters are very different.
What might the shapes be?
Pick two friends or family members. Add both of their ages together.
/ Help mom or dad write a grocery list. Estimate how much each item will cost and find the estimated total. Compare your total with the actual total after the grocery shopping has been done. / List as many different factors as you can for the product 100.
____ x ____= 100 / Read a book about a math concept.
/ Go to the grocery store with an adult. Estimate the number of items in another person’s shopping cart.
Choose four numbers. Create the biggest number using those four numbers.
/ You multiply two numbers together and the product is 2,400. What numbers might you have multiplied?
_____ X _____= 2,400 / Exactly three sides of a shape are equal in length. What could the shape look like? How do you know? / Choose five digits from 1-9. What is the biggest number that you can create? Is it odd or even? How do you know? / Choose four numbers. Create the smallest number you can using those four numbers.
Choose 3 three digit numbers. Find their sum. What strategy did you use? Explain your thinking to a family member or friend.
______+ ______= ______/ Find out how many different arrays you can draw for the number 48. / Write a division word problem for another family member to solve.
/ Choose a two digit number and a one digit number. Multiply them together and find their product.
What strategy did you use?
Explain your thinking to a family member or friend. / Find the least amount of amount of dollars and coins that you could use to create the value $387.67.
Parents, please initial in each box as it is completed.
BINGO de Matemàticas para el VeranoGrados 3-5
Nombre ______Grado para esteOtoño ______Nombre de el maestro______
Padres, favor de firmarencadaespaciocadavez que losestudiantescompletenunaactividad.
Buscatodas las monedas que puedasencontrarentu casa! Si loscuentascorrectamentepregunta a tuspadressitepuedesquedar con el dinero!/ Usaunaregla para dibujar un robot utilizandodistintasfiguras. Esrcribe el nombre de cadafiguraen el dibujo.
/ Choose a number between 2501000. How many different equations can you make with your number as the sum?
Example: My number is 275
____+____= 275
100+ 175= 275
273+ 2= 275 / Cortaunanaranja u manzanaenpartesiguales (las que quieras) Cualfraccionhazrepresentadotomandoencuanta las partesiguales? / Cuantasformaspuedescrear solo utilizando dos pitillos largos y dos cortos?
Ayuda a un familiar a cocinar! Escribe la hora en la que comenzaste y la hora en la que terminaste de cocinar. Cuantotiempoen total tetardasteencocinar? / Dibuja un rectangulo que al sumar la medida de todosloslados el total sea igual a 24 pulgadas. Escribe la medida de cadaladoen el rectangulo.
Dibujaotrorectangulo que tambienmida un total de 24 pulagadaspero con distintasmedidas de las que usasteen el rectangulo anterior. / Create a number pattern using five numbers. What is the rule?
Example: 100, 200, 300, 400, 500.
My rule is that the numbers keep increasing by 100. / Escribe un problema de multiplicacion para que alguien de tufamilia lo resuelva!
/ El area de dos figurasescasi la misma, pero el perimetroesdiferente. Cualesseran las figuras?
Elije a dos familiares u amigos, adicionasusedades!
/ Ayuda a papa u mama aescribir la lista del Mercado. Predicecuantocostaracadacosa. Adiciona el costoestimado. En el Mercado encuentralosobjetos y escribe suverdaderocosto. Adiciona el costo y comparalo a tuprediccion! / Hazunalista de todoslosfactores de 100 que sepas!
____ x ____= 100 / Lee un librorelacionado con la matematica.
/ Acompana a un adulto al Mercado. Trata de estimarcuantosobjetos hay en el carrito de compra de otras personas.
Elijecuantro numerous. Construye el numeromasgrande que puedas con esoscuatronumeros.
/ Multiplicaste dos numeros y la respuesta final fue 2,400. Cualespudieronhabersidoestos dos numerous?
_____ X _____= 2,400 / Hay unafigura que tienelostresladosexactamenteiguales. Cuales la figura? Como lo sabes? / Elijecinconumeros del 1al 9. Cuantosnumerospuedescrear con estenumero? / Elijecuatronùmeros y crea el nùmeromaspequeno que puedascrear con esoscuatronùmeros!
Elije un nùmero de tresdigitos.
Adicionacadadigito del nùmero. Cuales la respuestas? Explicaletuestrategia a un familiar.
______+ ______= ______/ Explora las distintasmanerasen que puedesrepresentar el numero 48. / Crea un problema de matemàticas de division para que otrosen la casa lo resuelvan. / Identify un nùmero de dos digitos y un numero de un digito. Multiplicalos. Que estrategiaescojiste? Explicala a un familiar. / Cuales la menorcantidad de dòlares y monedas que utilizarias para crear el valor de $387.67.
Summer Reading & Writing BINGO for Students Entering Grades 3-5
Name ______Grade Entering this Fall ______Teacher Name______
Parents, please initial in each box as it is completed.
Check out a book from the library and read it./ Have a reading picnic with your family – bring a book to read after you eat. / Read a book that has been made into a movie.
/ Read a math book.
/ Turn out the lights and read a story by flashlight.
Read a book about an animal.
/ Write your opinion about a book and why you have that opinion. / Identify an unfamiliar word from a book you are reading. Look up the definition and use it in a sentence. / Write and illustrate (draw pictures for) your own story.
/ Take a walk and write about the things that you see.
Read outside.
/ Help mom or dad write a grocery list. / Record all the books you have read this summer on the reading
log. (Must be turned in with your
Bingo Board) / Read a book about a real person
/ Read a fable, folktale or a fairy tale
Take turns reading a book aloud with someone special.
/ Write a story about your favorite adventure – real or imaginary.
/ Write a list of words you can read at the grocery store.
/ Read a story together with your mom or dad. Be
creative and make some
changes to the story.
“The Dog in
In the Sock ” / Make a fort and read your favorite book in it.
Read the instructions for a game you have never played before. / Write a postcard, email, card, or letter to someone about a book
you read
/ Read a nonfiction (true) book / Sign up for Montgomery
County Public Library’s
Summer Reading Program and start logging your books!
/ Make a craft or recipe from a book
BINGO de Verano de Lectura y Escritura para EstudiantesEntrando a losGrados 3-5
Nombre ______Gradoen el Otoño ______Nombre del Profesor______
Padres, por favor pongasusinicialesencadacuadrohayancompletado.
Préstate un libro de la biblioteca y léelo./ Tén un picnic con tufamilia y lleva un librocontigo para leer después de comer. / Lee un libro que se hizoenunapelícula.
/ Lee un libro de matemáticas.
/ Apaga las luces y lee un libro con unalinterna.
Lee un libro de animales.
/ Escribe tuopiniónacerca de un libro y porquéesaopinión. / Identificaunanueva palabra del libro que estásleyendo. Buscasusignificado y úsaloenunaoración. / Escribe e ilustra (dibuja) tupropiocuento.
/ Sal a caminar y escribe las cosas que vez.
Lee afuera.
/ Ayuda a papa o mama aescribirunalista de comida. / Registratodosloslibros que leísteesteveranoentudiario de
lectura (Debeserdevuelto con tutarjeta de Bingo) / Lee un libroacerca de una persona real.
/ Lee unafábula, cuentotradicional o cuento de hadas.
Tomaturnosleyendo con alguien especial.
/ Escribe un cuentoacerca de tu
Aventura favorita, puedeser real o imaginaria.
/ Hazunalista de palabras que puedas leer en el mercado.
/ Lee un cuento con tumamá o papá. Se creativo, hazcambios al cuento.
“The Dog in
In the Sock ” / Hazunafortaleza y lee tulibrofavoritoenella.
Lee las instrucciones de un juego que nunca lo jugaste.
/ Escribe unatarjeta, email, o carta a alguienacerca del libro que
leíste / Lee un libro de no ficción.
/ Inscríbeteen el programa de
Verano de lecturaen la bibliotecapública, marca lo que leíste! / Hazunaartesanía o receta de un libro.