Coastal CarolinaUniversity
The mission of the E. Craig Wall Sr. College of Business Administration
is to educate each of our students to have the qualities and attributes
essential to his/her progressive and continuing development throughout
careers in private, public, and non-profit organizations in a globally
competitive and diverse environment.
Instructor:Dr. Arlise Mc Kinney
Office:323I WALL
Office hours:TBD
Office phone:843-349-2390
Class meeting:TBD
Prerequisite: CBAD 301
Course Description: This course provides exposure to essential concepts related to working with and leading others in small groups and teams. The course will explore aspects of interpersonal dynamics including power, communication, trust, team decision making, and conflict. Students will practice organizing, leading, and collaborating in a team environment. As a result, this course will devote significant time to personal leadership development and the improvement of interpersonal skills, such as conflict management, active listening, and supportive communication.
Course Objectives: The primary objectives of the course will be to:
- Developthe knowledge, skills and abilities of students as members of high performance teams and as leaders of such teams.
- Reinforce basic definitions of teams and team dynamics by applying basic understanding of team process roles and dynamics.
- Extend a student’s understanding of a personal leadership style by engaging in self-assessment and the development of individual skill sets required for an effective work life as an organizational team member or in leading organizational teams.
- Extend an understanding of team processes to include team composition,team development, and address challenges facing teams in today’s work environment.
- Examine the effects of individual behavior on groups such as the impact of norms, power relationships, and cultureson team decision-making, communications, and team outcomes.
- Enable students to effectively use teams to address problem solving and decision making through the use of creative group techniques and practical meeting management and project management tools.
Student Learning Outcomes: At the conclusion of this course, a student should be able to:
- Identify the type of team appropriate for use in specific organizational setting and to meet different organizational goals.
- Interpret self-assessments to determine needed areas of personal improvement for skills, knowledge and abilities related to being a leader in an organization.
- Monitor personal performance in leadership skill, knowledge and ability areas, such astime management, emotional intelligence, personal values and ethics basis, critical thinking/problem solving, self-control, oral communication skills, and formal/informal persuasive presentations and written technology-mediated communication skills.
- Apply knowledge of team composition, dynamics, and performance to a given organizational team scenario.
- Demonstrate use of team decision making based on creative and critical thinking while considering ethical, organizational, and quality standards.
- Create and use team planning and organizing tools such as team contracts, basic work plans/developmental plans, scheduling of people, resource, and time, meeting management techniques.
- Create and use team work progress tools such as team meeting reports, using formal feedback techniques such as milestone reports, peer evaluations, and outcome quality assessments along with informal feedback opportunities.
- Demonstrate effective use of interpersonal skills and tools in managing team interactions over the team’s life cycle.
Course requirements and grade distribution:
1.Exams & Quizzes: Learning will be assessed periodically via quizzes and/or exams consisting of, for example, multiple choice, short answer or essay questions.
2. Team Projects:Students will be engaged in one or more team projects that will be evaluated based on overall project quality and quality of individual contributions.
3.Leadership Development Plan:Students will create and implement a continuous improvement plan for personal leadership development.
5. ParticipationPreparation:Students will receive credit for their preparation for and engagement in class activities.
Your grade will follow this breakdown: Points
1 Exams& Quizzes 30% 300
2 Team Projects30% 300
3 Leadership Development Plan25% 250
5 Participation & Preparation 15% 150
Grading Scale:
90 – 100% = A
87 – 89% = B+
80 – 86% = B
77 – 79% = C+
70 – 76% = C
67 – 69% = D+
60 – 66% = D
0 – 59% = F
Thompson, L. L 2011. Making the Team (4th Ed.) ($105) ISBN-13: 978-0136090038
King, S. N. & Altman, D. 2011. Discovering the Leader in You: How to realize Your Leadership ($30) Potential ISBN-13: 978-0470498880
King, S. N. & Altman, D. 2011. Discovering the Leader in You Workbook ($30)ISBN-13: 978-0470605318
Important Policies
Attendance: Regular class attendance will be expected throughout the semester. According to the CCU University Catalog “An instructor is permitted to impose a penalty, including assigning the grade of F, for unexcused absences in excess of 25% of the regularly scheduled class meetings.” Absences will be excused for documented cases of:
a) incapacitating illness,
b) official representation of the University (excuses for official representation of the University
should be obtained from the official supervising the activity),
c) death of a close relative, and
d) religious holidays.”
Students are responsible for material and assignments covered during their absence.
Make-Up Policy: If you are going to miss a class when an assignment is due you must turn it in ahead of time or you will not receive full credit. Similarly, there will be absolutely no make-up quizzes unless you inform me ahead of time and can provide suitable documentation as to why you must miss class. Make-up quizzes may not be in the exact same format as in-class quizzes. No early quizzes will be given. Late papers will have a 10% grade reduction for every calendar day that it is late.
Disability: As a higher education institution, CoastalCarolinaUniversity wants to see each student become successful and be given equal opportunity to achieve his/ her fullest potential. Keeping this in mind, any student who needs further assistance due to a disability- physical, learning or mental- will be provided with the means necessary to achieve his/her goals. For further information, please contact Counseling Services at 349-2305.
Academic Honesty: Coastal CarolinaUniversity is an academic community that expects the highest standards of honesty, integrity and personal responsibility. Members of this community are accountable for their actions and reporting the inappropriate action of others and are committed to creating an atmosphere of mutual respect and trust.
Academic honesty is an absolute expectation of all class participants and applies to all class-related activities. Violations of the Student Code of Conduct will not be tolerated. Any such violations will be dealt with in strict accordance to CoastalCarolinaUniversity (as well as other applicable) guidelines. The student will be responsible for familiarizing himself/herself with this policy which is located in the CCU Student Handbook available at