Management of MAB Biosphere Reserves (BRs) and other designated areas:
4WEEK (40 hrs)Online learning CourseON ESD
DATES: MONDAY 25/03/2013 – SUNDAY 21/04/2013
This course is the first in a series of e-learning courses of the UNESCO publication: “Education for Sustainable Development in Biospheres Reserves and other Designated Areas: A Resource Book for Educators in South-Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean” (soon to be available at:
Why ESD?Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is an innovative type of education that incorporates the economic, social and environmental aspects of sustainability, challenging the current economic growth trends applied worldwide, which have led on the one hand to the global economic crisis and on the other to complex global environmental problems, such as resource depletion, climate change, biodiversity loss, etc. Addressing issues with this interdisciplinary, holistic approach is a key principle of the current course. The value of ESD has been recognised by the UN which leads theDecade of Education for SustainableDevelopment (2005-2014).
Why e-learning?Online education is gaining ground as testified by the rapid increase of distance learning programs made available by educational institutions throughout the world. The huge advance in ICTs is gradually changing the way our societies learn and communicate. Meanwhile, the globalization agenda, the demand for equal access to quality education for all and throughout one’s life, time and budgetary constraints, are driving factors that show that e-learning –with its various forms and aspects- is “here to stay”. The challenge remains for the instructors to design meaningful, rich and engaging online experiences.
Why BRs and designated areas?Biosphere Reserves (BRs) are important for biodiversity sites recognized under UNESCO's MAB Programme which should innovate and demonstrate appropriate approaches to conservation and sustainable development. They are considered ideal for the development of ESD programmes for students, young people, independent visitors or families and other audiences. MAB/BRs exist in several but not all SE European and Mediterranean countries. However various other types of Designated or Protected Areas exist, bearing a national or international status (e.g. Natura 2000, etc.), which can also be useful in promoting ESD.
The UNESCO resource book on which this course is based aims to build learners’ capacities on how to use the MAB BRs and other designated areas in SE Europe and the Mediterranean region as learning and demonstration sites to apply holistic ESD programmes.The e-course will provide a basic training to adult learners on applying the UNESCO resource book in practice, based on given scenarios and real life situations. It is built on one of the resource book’s 8 chapters, which is entitled “Management of MAB Biosphere Reserves (BRs) and other designated areas”.
Specific objectives of the course are:
- To form a “learning community” of international ESD practitioners and managers that exchange experiences views;
- To reflect on concepts such as “designating” an area, sustainable development, education for sustainable development,etc.;
- To develop a better understanding of management aspects of designated areas, such as the carrying capacity, the zoning approach, the precautionary principle, etc.;
- To practice in reading, comparing, and evaluating management plansof designated areas;
- To reflect on fundraising options for the management of Protected Areas;
- To explore the cultural dimensions of designated areas (archaeological,spiritual, etc.);
- To form a loose non-binding network of ESD practitioners.
The course is targeted at people working mainly with ESD inMAB BRs and other designated areas, Environment and Education Centres, Nature Parks, Eco-museums, NGOs, etc. The course also welcomes undergraduate and graduate students,education practitioners (both formal and non formal), youth leaders, as well as administration staff and decision makers who wish to gain a basic understanding on managing a Biosphere Reserve or other Protected or Designated Area, especially in a country of the Mediterranean or South Eastern Europe.
The course includes 4 lessons, each lasting 1 week:
- L1: Introduction: From environmental to sustainable management. During the first week we will explore concepts relating to protection and sustainability, i.e. “sustainable development”, “protected areas” and “sustainable management”. Also we will discover the variety of designated areas (grouped bystatus, type of management, ownership, etc.) in our counties.
- L2: Implementation of a Management Plan. The aim of the second week is to explore the set of measures that need to be included in a management plan of a designated area, for its protection, organisation and function.
- L3: Raising funds for MAB BRs and other designated areas. In the third week we will focus on concepts relating to fundraisingfor the environment and specifically for a designated area. We will discuss ideas for self-financing options such as tourism, education, taxes, brand name products, etc.
L4: Far-reaching dimensions of designated areas. The fourth and last week will focus on the “spiritual” aspects of designated areas (e.g. religions, traditions, etc.) and on the international approaches of incorporating natural and cultural diversity to preserve and promote both. A part of this week’s work will be devoted to evaluation of the course.
Each lesson will comprise of a basic reading text with quizzes, additional e-references, videos, etc., as well as one or two weekly assignments requiring individual or group work.
The course is based on the principle of adaptive collaborative learning, which means participants will need to actively contribute to it. Participation can be in the form of contributions to the forum discussions, posingquestions to fellow participants and facilitators, making suggestions for informative websites or co-operation with others for the assignments. Whatever form the participation takes, it is important to keep in mind that in this course the participants are co-responsible for the content and level of interaction.
The course consists of 4 lessons, each lasts one week. It is designed for people who canstudy, learn and work concurrently. The amount of time needed to complete the course will depend on the learners’ experience, degree of participation and familiarity with the subject. The workload is estimated at 10-12 hours weekly. However, the more time one will dedicate to following the online interaction with fellow participants, the more he/shewill benefit.
DISTANCE Learning Model:
The course is a-synchronous which means learners can spread their work over the week to times most convenient to them. Facilitators will be available Monday to Friday, working hours, but learners can submit their contributions or questions at any time.
The course content and interaction (e.g. in discussion forum) will be in English.
PARTICIPANTS ProFILE & Prerequisites:
This course is designed for a minimum of 12 and a maximum 25 participants.
Criteria that will be taken into consideration for the selection include diversity of represented countries and institutions, relevance of studies & experience, social criteria.
Prerequisites to take part are:
Language: Good level of English
Background: Studies or work experience in a relevant field is an asset
Technical: Basic ICT skills & computer with a reliable Internet connection
Availability: must be able to spend a minimum of 10 hours per week on course work
MIO-ECSDE providesto participants scholarships of 200 Euro, corresponding to the course value. The scholarships are granted to selected applications on the basis of their quality.
Learners who successfully complete the course will receive a Certificate from the University of Athens (UNESCO Chair), and MIO-ECSDE /MEdIES.The award of thiscertificate will be based on the completion of exercises and assignments (at least 75%) and general participation.
Only email registrations are valid. Send the Registration Form
Deadline for registrations: 19/03/2013.
Selected participants will be notified by 22/03/2013.
MIO-ECSDE, 12 Kyrristou str., 10556, Athens, Greece
T +30 210 3247267, F +30 210 33 17127,
MEdIES Secretariat:
/ The course has been developed by MIO-ECSDE / MEdIES in partnership with the University of Athens with the support of the UNESCO-BRESCE Venice Office, the Greek National MAB/UNESCO Committee and the European Commission (DG ENV).Mediterranean Information Office forEnvironment, Culture & Sustainable Development / Established in 1995 MIO-ECSDE ( is a non-profit Federation of NGOs from the Mediterranean region working in the field of Environment and Sustainable Development.
MediterraneanEducationInitiativefor Environment and Sustainability / Launched in Johannesburg (WSSD, 2002),MEdIES ( is MIO-ECSDE’s main educational component, with the objective to provide capacity building on ESD through publications, trainings and the facilitation of an e-network of educators .
/ Being the first University of Greece and the Balkan peninsula, founded in 1837, the University of Athens (UoA) currently undertakes a series of initiatives on sustainable development such as the “Charter” on Green Universities (2011). In 2012 UoA established the UNESCO Chair on “Sustainable Development Management and Education in the Mediterranean”.
/ The UNESCO Venice Office fosters cooperation, to contribute to capacity building and to provide specialized expertise mainly in the fields of culture and sciences especially in SE Europe and the Mediterranean. Its activities consider the political, social and environmental changes, by providing policy advice, capacity building, communication and supporting territorial management as well as risk and conflict prevention.
/ The Greek National Committee of the Man and the Biosphere Programme (MAB) of UNESCO