Meeting of Norbury and Roston Parish Council held on 17th January 2017 in the Mary Clowes Hall at 7.30pm
Present: Mrs Anne Lewis (Chairman), , Miss Anne Weaver, Mrs Janet Carrington, Mrs Julie Sadler (Clerk) and Mr T Clowes (for Bill Charity only)
1. Apologies
Karl Davies and Kieran Lomax
Cllr Lewis informed the meeting that she had received an email from Cllr Lomax offering his resignation due to his work commitments. Cllr Lewis asked that a letter be sent to Mr Lomax thanking him for all his work during his time as a councillor.
It was agreed that an article would be placed in the newsletter asking that if anyone would like to replace councillor Lomax they should contact the Parish Clerk for further information.
2. Minutes of the Last Meeting
These were approved unanimously, and signed and dated by Cllr Lewis and the Clerk.
3. Matters Arising
There was nothing to raise from the previous meeting.
4. Declaration of Interest.
No declaration of interests raised.
5. Bills Charity
Due to the cancellation of the meeting on the 12.12.16 Mr Clowes made the decision to pay the ladies out of his own account. He wrote to Henry Price for the rent of the land. This was £350 less the allowance of the land which was £20 so the actual payment received was £330. There was currently £51.12 in the bank and the rent of £330 was put in. There are 9 ladies eligible already for the charity's monies: Joy Chadfield, Mrs Burton, Mrs Lear, Mrs Lewis, Mrs Mason, Mrs Meaden, Mrs Moseley, Mrs V Prince and Miss Weaver. Mr Clowes decided that the ladies would receive £40 this year, which will leave £53.42 in the bank for next year. Cllr Carrington signed the cheque of £360 for Mr Clowes, Cllr Lewis took the cheque for Cllr Davies to sign and then pass back to Mr Clowes.
Clerk to ask for an up to date list of the recipients of the charity.
6. Williams Charity
Clerk to contact Mr Clowes and ask what is involved in William’s Charity and also thank him for all his work with the Charity.
7. Finance and Precept
Accounts for 2016/17 were looked at and the clerk was asked to look at the Fact payment. It was suggested that the precept be increase to £1650 for 2017/18 to cover any expenditure on the adoption of the telephone box and the Village Green. This was proposed by Ann Lewis and seconded by Ann Weaver and agreed by all.
The following payments were agreed:
HMRC – Tax payment for previous clerk - £14.20
Julie Sadler – Clerks wages 1.08.16-29.9.16 = £155.34
8. Signatures
The clerk suggested that there be a further signature set up for the signing of the cheques. Cllr Weaver agreed to become a signature. Form passed to Cllr Weaver from Cllr Lewis for her to complete and take to the bank.
9. Telephone Box
It was agreed that the clerk would apply to BT to adopt the telephone box. It was also discussed what the village would want to use the telephone box for. It was agreed that Cllr Lewis would put an article in the newsletter and ask the parishioners whether they would like to use it for an information centre, a book or DVD exchange, housing for a defibrillator or just a shelter from the rain.
10. Broadband in the village
Clerk to write to Danny Grabham to ask for an update on broadband in the village.
11. Planning
Clerk informed the meeting that she had received the link for the new Local Plan from DDDC. The clerk was asked to forward the link to all members of the Parish Council.
12. Information
Cllr Lewis informed the meeting that Christmas cards were sent out to all flyer distributers and also Jessica who edits the flyer.
13. Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting will be held on 28th March 2017 at 7pm in Mary Clowes Hall