Kingspoint Pickleball Annual Membership Meeting
Present: Connie Monson, Cat Drinkard, Kelley Dryden, Kathy Martin, Lewis Lange
Absent: Dave Hill, Tony Bucci
Meeting Called to order at 5:08
Old Business: Connie brought membership up to date on past accomplishments of the present Board
Connie gave an update on the new nets and posts. Again explained that due to financial standings with management the payment portion that they had promised is on hold until the new Budget in March. We will pursue at that time.
Members were reminded that anytime Club Members are playing Club balls are available to them. This covers ALL playing times.
New Business: Treasurer Report was given. At this time our bank account stands at $6,890.95. This includes a $2,000 savings account for court upgrades.
Lewis Lange presented his plan for Clinics, ladders and an ABC tournament. His group will hold a novice Clinic on the following dates. Friday, January 16 and 23. Friday, February 13 and 20. These clinics are for Kingspoint residents and renters. A badge must be shown in order to participate. He is planning on organizing an ABC tournament sometime in March.
Cat Drinkard talked about newsletters and communications. Also that a bracelet was found at the courts and if anyone is missing one please contact her.
Connie Monson announce a Ladies play group to meet at Valencia twice a month. For more information she should be contacted
Questions and Answers: Court Reservations. Courts may be reserved during open play times. 1person may reserve I court for up to a 2 hour period. This needs to be done no sooner than 48 hours before that time.
Update on the new courts. They are on schedule to follow the completion of the 2020 building. Plans are in the works and surveying is in the near future. It was asked why the Board was not a part of the planning. Cat Drinkard responded to this stating that a committee of 7 Pickleball players along w/John Robeck, a fellow pickleball player and our liaison to the Recreation Committee, have been meeting with Ginger Anzalone and Matt Permuth throughout the summer. 6 0f these are club members and all playing groups are represented, League/morning play, GHF, competitive, and club/afternoon playing times. It is a good mix and has been helpful in establishing our needs along with what Vesta would like to accomplish.
Voting for Board of Directors: Names of candidates were announced. There were 8 candidates for 7 positions and there was a written vote. Candidates were Carol Cuthbertson (67), Cat Drinkard (88), Kelley Dryden (87), Ken Krupp (97), Larry Kehlenbeck (86), Kathy Martin (93), Leslie Nielda-Anderson (94) and Bob Opletal (24). The new Board was presented.
Meeting adjourned at 6:20
Respectfully submitted by Cat Drinkard