MINUTE OF MEETING of the CLACKMANNANSHIRE COUNCIL held within the Council Chambers, Greenfield, Alloa, on THURSDAY 24th MAY 2007.
PresentCouncillor Donald BalsillieCouncillor John Biggam
Councillor Janet Cadenhead
Councillor Alastair Campbell
Councillor Eddie Carrick
Councillor Kenneth Earle
Councillor Mark English
Councillor Craig Holden
Councillor Irene Hamilton
Councillor George Matchett
Councillor Walter McAdam
Councillor Bobby McGill
Councillor Harry McLaren
Councillor Tina Murphy
Councillor Reverend Sam Ovens
Councillor Janis Paterson
Councillor Derek Stewart
Councillor Gary Womersley
In AttendanceDave Jones, Chief Executive
Jeni Graham, Director of Corporate Development
Muir Wilson, Head of Finance
Barry Dickson, Head of Business Improvement and Technology Services Stephen Bell, Head of Development Services
Jim Goodall, Head of Schools
Deirdre Cilliers, Head of Social Services and Chief Social Worker
Jackie McGuire, Head of Administration and Legal Services (Returning Officer)
As a preface to the meeting, the Chief Executive congratulated those members who were elected on 3rd May 2007 to serve as members of Clackmannanshire Council. The Chief Executive also thanked the Head of Administration and Legal Services, Rod Richardson’s Election Team and the staff involved, for their work during the election.
The Returning Officer (Jackie McGuire) took the Chair at the commencement of the meeting.
There was submitted a report by Rod Richardson, Deputy Returning Officer, a copy of which had been circulated previously to each Member.
The Council agreed to note the information set out in the report which provided information on the Scottish Parliament election in the Ochil Constituency and confirmed the details of those elected to serve as Members of the Clackmannanshire Council for the period 2007-2011.
The Returning Officer invited nominations for the appointment of Provost.
Councillor Cadenhead nominated Councillor Stewart as Provost of Clackmannanshire Council, seconded by Councillor McGill.
Councillor Balsillie nominated Councillor McAdam as Provost of Clackmannanshire, seconded by Councillor Womersley.
On a division of 8 votes to 7 with 3 abstentions, the Council agreed to elect Councillor Stewart as Provost of Clackmannanshire Council.
The Returning Officer declared Councillor Stewart duly elected as Provost of the Clackmannanshire Council.
The Provost then took the chair.
(a)Appointment of Depute Provost
The Provost invited nominations for the appointment of the Depute Provost.
Councillor Cadenhead nominated Councillor McLaren, seconded by Councillor McGill.
The Council agreed that Councillor McLaren be duly elected as the Depute Provost.
(b)Appointment of Leader of the Council
The Provost invited nominations for the appointment of Leader of the Council
Councillor Matchett nominated Councillor Cadenhead, seconded by Councillor McGill.
Councillor Womersley nominated Councillor Balsillie, seconded by Councillor Paterson.
On a division of 8 votes to 7 with 3 abstentions, the Council agreed that Councillor Cadenhead be duly elected as Leader of the Council.
(c)Appointment of Deputy Leader of the Council
The Provost invited nominations for the appointment of Deputy Leader of the Council.
Councillor Matchett nominated Councillor McGill, seconded by Councillor McLaren.
Councillor Balsillie nominated Councillor Womersley, seconded by Councillor Murphy.
On a division of 8 votes to 7 with 3 abstentions, the Council agreed that Councillor McGill be duly elected as Deputy Leader of the Council.
(e)Appointments to the Licensing Board
The Council agreed the appointments to the Licensing Board as set out below:
Councillor Kenneth Earle (LAB)
Councillor George Matchett (LAB)
Councillor Derek Stewart (LAB)
Councillor Harry McLaren (LAB)
Councillor Craig Holden (IND)
Councillor John Biggam (SLD)
Councillor Irene Hamilton (SNP)
Councillor Janis Paterson (SNP)
Councillor Walter McAdam (SNP)
Action: Dave Jones, Chief Executive
There was submitted a minute of the meeting held on Thursday 15th March 2007, a copy of which had been circulated previously to each Member.
The minute of the meeting held on Thursday 15th March 2007 was accepted as a correct record and signed by the Provost.
There was submitted a report by Jackie McGuire, Head of Administration and Legal Services, a copy of which had been circulated previously to each Member.
Councillor Cadenhead moved the recommendations as set out in the report. Seconded by Councillor McGill.
Amendment 1
“2.1) The Council is recommended to –
7. Agree the following Committees chaired by their respective Portfolio holder with responsibilities for Service policy, representation and reporting role
i) Inclusion Committee – Service Policy, responsibility and reporting for Education, Leisure, Community Development, Criminal Justice and Youth Justice.
ii) Regeneration Committee – Service Policy, responsibility and reporting for Housing, Health & Social Services, Regeneration outcome agreement
iii) Sustainability Committee – Development & Environment Service Policy, Transportation ,Tourism , Enterprise & Environment, Recycling and waste
iv) Partnership Committee – Corporate Service Policy, Joint working, shared services, Clackmannanshire Alliance & Community Planning ,Customer First.
10. Retain membership of the Scrutiny Committee at 9 members.
14. Retain Standing Order 52.1 (Ex-Officio Membership of Committees)
15. The role and powers of the Scrutiny Committee be subject of Committee paper for discussion and Council approval at September 2007 Council Meeting.
16. Executive Team minutes be circulated to all Council Members.
17. Executive Team and Scrutiny Committee be charged with responsibility for bringing a “ forward list” to the October 2007 Council Meeting.
18. Executive Team and Council Administration clarify role and duties of Portfolio holders vis-a-vis “Champions” for next Council Meeting
19. Member numbers & composition of new Committee structure be subject to report for next Council Meeting.
20. Review Portfolio/Committee structure in a report for Full Council in March 2008
21. Agree 6 weekly Committee cycle, except for Regulatory at 4 weekly cycle.”
Moved by Councillor Balsillie. Seconded by Councillor Womersley.
Amendment 1 was defeated by 11 votes to 7.
Amendment 2
“To amend the recommendations as follows:
3.11 is deleted
3.12 membership of the Scrutiny Committee should be reduced from 9 members to 8
and to add the following to the recommendations:
Executive Team minutes should be circulated to members on a confidential basis
Council meetings to be held on a six weekly cycle with Regulatory Committee held on a four weekly cycle.”
Moved by Councillor Holden. Seconded by Councillor Campbell.
Amendment 2 was agreed unanimously by Council.
On a division of 11 votes to 0 with 7 abstentions, the Council agreed to support the motion as amended.
Action: Dave Jones, Chief Executive
There was submitted a report by Aileen Littlejohn and Eileen McKinsley, Administration and Legal Services, copy of which had been circulated previously to each Member.
Outside Body / AppointmentsAlloa Community Enterprises Ltd / The Council agreed to make no appointment to this organisation.
Alva Dalmore Facilities Committee / The Council agreed to delegate membership of the Committee to an officer of the Council.
Association for Public Service Excellence / Councillor Cadenhead nominated Councillor Carrick. Seconded by Councillor McGill.
Councillor Balsillie nominated Councillor Womersley. Seconded by Councillor Paterson.
On a division of 9 votes to 6 with 3 abstentions, the Council agreed to appoint Councillor Carrick.
Visit Scotland Partnership (formerly the Argyll, The Isles, Loch Lomond, Stirling & Trossachs Tourist Board) / Councillor Cadenhead nominated Councillor Carrick. Seconded by Councillor McGill.
Councillor Balsillie nominated Councillor Hamilton. Seconded by Councillor Womersley.
On a division of 9 votes to 7 with 2 abstentions, the Council agreed to appoint Councillor Carrick.
Central Scotland Fire and Rescue Joint Board / Councillor Carrick
(substitute Provost Stewart)
Councillor Hamilton
(substitute Councillor Murphy)
Central Scotland Police Board / Councillor Cadenhead nominated Councillor Matchett with Provost Stewart as substitute. Seconded by Councillor McGill.
Councillor Balsillie nominated Councillor Paterson with Councillor Murphy as substitute. Seconded by Councillor Womersley.
Councillor Holden nominated himself. Seconded by Councillor Campbell.
With 10 votes for Councillor Matchett (with Provost Stewart as substitute), 11 votes for Councillor Holden and 7 votes for Councillor Paterson (with Councillor Murphy as substitute), the Council agreed that Councillor Matchett (with Provost Stewart as substitute) and Councillor Holden will represent the Council on the Central Scotland Police Board. The Council further agreed that Councillor Paterson will act as substitute for Councillor Holden.
Central Scotland Valuation Board / Councillor McLaren
(substitute Councillor McGill)
Councillor Biggam
(substitute Councillor Holden)
Councillor Balsillie
(substitute Councillor Womersley)
Central Scotland Racial Equality Council / Councillor Earle
Champion – Old Folk (CoSLA) / Councillor Paterson
Clackmannanshire Access Forum / Councillor McLaren
Councillor McAdam
Clackmannanshire Business Limited / Councillor Cadenehead (as Leader)
Clackmannanshire Care and Repair / The Council agreed to delegate membership of the Committee to an officer of the Council.
Clackmannanshire Alliance / The Council agreed to increase membership to 2 members, which is to be confirmed by the Alliance. The Council agreed that, subject to the agreement of the Alliance, the two members will be Councillor Cadenhead (as Leader) and Councillor Balsillie.
Clackmannanshire Health Partnership / Councillor Paterson
Councillor Earle
Clackmannanshire Sports Council / Councillor Matchett
Councillor English
Provost Stewart (as Honorary President whilst in office)
Coalfields Community Campaign / Councillor Robert McGill
Councillor Walter McAdam
CoSLA Convention / Councillor Cadenhead
Councillor McGill
Councillor Balsillie
CSBP Clackmannanshire Investments Limited / Councillor Cadenhead
Councillor Balsillie
CSBP Clackmannanshire Developments Limited / Councillor Cadenhead
Councillor Womersley
Governors of Dollar Academy / Councillor Alastair Campbell
East of Scotland European Consortium / Councillor Eddie Carrick
Edinburgh Airport Consultative Committee / Councillor Campbell
Falkirk Council Investment Forum / Councillor Womersley
Fife and Forth Valley Community Justice Authority / Councillor Matchett
(substitute Councillor Womersley)
Highland Reserve Forces and Cadets Association / Provost Stewart
Joint Children’s Panel Advisory Committee / Councillor McAdam
Local Authority Fair Trade Forum / Councillor Paterson
NHS Forth Valley / The Council agreed to defer this nomination until after the appointment of the Portfolio Holder.
Ochil View Housing Association / Councillor Murphy
Order of Malta Dial-a-Journey / Provost Stewart
Paragon Housing Association Ltd / Councillor Cadenhead nominated Councillor Earle. Seconded by Councillor McGill.
Councillor Balsillie nominated Councillor Murphy. Seconded by Councillor Womersley.
On a division on 10 votes to 7 with 1 abstention, the Councillor agreed to appoint Councillor Earle.
Scottish Enterprise Forth Valley Board / Councillor Cadenhead
Scottish Enterprise Forth Valley Economic Forum / Councillor Cadenhead
Scottish Local Government Forum Against Poverty / Councillor Holden
(substitute Councillor Murphy)
Scottish Schools Equipment Research Centre (SSERC) / Councillor McAdam
SESTRAN Regional Transport Partnerships / Councillor Carrick
Councillor Balsillie
Standing Conference of Local Government in the Forth Estuary / Councillor Biggam
Councillor Hamilton
Stirling Landfill Tax Trust / Councillor Carrick
Councillor Biggam
Councillor Balsillie
Alloa Day Home Trust / Provost Stewart
Councillor Rev. Ovens
Councillor Womersley
Councillor Earle
Councillor Holden
Clackmannan Brass Band Trust / Provost Stewart
Councillor Womersley
Councillor Earle
Councillor English
Clackmannan District Charitable Trust / Provost Derek Stewart
Councillor English
Councillor Biggam
Councillor Hamilton
Clackmannanshire Heritage Trust / Provost Stewart
Councillor McLaren
Councillor Hamilton
Comrie Trust / Provost Stewart and Councillor McLaren as Depute Provost were appointed.
Two additional members were to be appointed:
Councillor Cadenhead nominated Councillor McGill. Seconded by Councillor Matchett.
Councillor Holden nominated Councillor Biggam. Seconded by Councillor Campbell.
Councillor Balsillie nominated Councillor McAdam. Seconded by Councillor Womersley.
With 11 votes for Councillor Biggam, 9 votes for Councillor McGill and 7 votes for Councillor McAdam, the Council agreed to appoint Councillors Biggam and McGill as additional members on the Comrie Trust.
Linked Work and Training Trust / Councillor Earle
Spittal Trust / Provost Stewart
Councillor Rev. Ovens
Councillor Womersley
Councillor Holden
Councillor Earle
Tullibody Health Living Initiative / The Council agreed that all four members for Clackmannanshire West should be represented on the THLI. Namely:
Councillor Carrick
Councillor Matchett
Councillor Paterson
Councillor Murphy
University of Stirling Conference / Councillor Cadenhead nominated Councillor Matchett. Seconded by Councillor McGill.
Councillor McAdam nominated Councillor Balsillie. Seconded by Councillor Womersley.
On a division of 9 votes to 8 with 1 abstention, the Council agreed to appoint Councillor Matchett.
Action: Dave Jones, Chief Executive
There was submitted a report by Aileen Littlejohn and Eileen McKinsley, Administration and Legal Services, copy of which had been circulated previously to each Member.
The Council agreed to the following appointments:
Internal Appointments / AppointedAbsence Management Working Group / Councillor Matchett
Councillor Biggam
Councillor Campbell
Councillor Womersley
Champion – Equal Opportunities / Councillor Rev. Ovens
Champion – Looked After Children / The Council agreed to defer this appointment and asked for a description of the remit to be brought to Council.
Champion – Fuel Poverty / Councillor Holden
Clackmannanshire Joint Consultative Forum (Membership: Elected members, Trade Unions and Officers) / The Council agreed that Provost Stewart will Chair this Forum, alternating with a trade union representative annually.
The Provost advised that all members are entitled to attend this Forum.
Customer First Steering Group / Councillor McGill
Councillor Cadenhead
Councillor Campbell
Councillor Biggam
Councillor Murphy
Councillor Hamilton
Action: Dave Jones, Chief Executive
There was submitted a report by Elaine McPherson, Head of Strategic Policy, copy of which had been circulated previously to each Member.
The council agreed that representation on the ROA Board should be equal.
The Council agreed to nominated the following Members to the ROA Board:
Councillor Carrick and Councillor Murphy from Clackmannanshire West;
Councillor McGill and Councillor Biggam from Clackmannanshire North;
Councillor Rev. Ovens and Councillor Womersley from Clackmannanshire Central; and
Councillor Earle and Councillor English from Clackmannanshire South.
Action: Dave Jones, Chief Executive