Sparta Recreational Authority Meeting Minutes of May 4, 2017
Held at Sparta Township Office 160 E. Division
1-2 Meeting was called to order by Chairman Whalen at 7:30 p.m. followed by thePledge of Allegiance
3.Roll Call:
VanPatten, Steffens, Cowdrey, Peak, Whalen, Guerra, Shangle, present. Also present SRAOwners RepresentativeTim Driscoll. Kevin Pinkney & TimGordon absent.
4.Additions or Corrections to the Business & Consent Agenda: None
New Business:
5.Approval of Business and Consent Agenda:
Motion to accept minutes by Betty 2nd by Shangle
6.Public Comment: None
7.Public Hearing:
8.Unfinished Business:
A. SRA Operations –Conversations continued but the decision hinges on Authority, Point of contact. Troy stated that this is a living breathing document until a final determination is made.
B. Website- Tim Gordon is working on it. We are uncertain if a domain name was secured. Discussion of audit:
9.New Business:
a. Loan discussion Rob to talk with bank.
b. Tim Driscoll to provide Kevin with details of development plan and costs to be entered into tracking document.
c. Questions about hiring a park manager, concession stand operations and profits, and banners were discussed
10.Committee Reports:
- Construction Committee (Steffens, Pinckney, Guerra)Operations manual came up again and it was agreed that everyone would do their homework before next meeting and be prepared with questions, comments, and concerns.
- Driscoll commented that action may need to be taken with Afton because of silt fence, erosion issues needed to be remedied.
- Additional discussions about construction schedule occurred.
- Questions about Village enforced tap fees, and utility hook ups. Is there anything that can be done to alleviate these costs?
Bob Whalen will talk with Village council and Julius.
- Tm Driscoll asked for consideration on architectural fees due to 5th version of concession stand now being completed.
- Finance Committee(Shangle, Whalen, Cowdrey)
Financial reports were presented andreviewed
- Fundraising Committee (Peak, Steffens, Guerra)
Fund raising continuesasphalt details for bid or in kind consideration.
Quality edge is considering the donation of exterior materials and straight line fasteners is offering screws etc…
Afton was awarded all earth work and included supply and installation of diamond dust. Option to accept their original offer?
- Communications/Operations Committee (Cowdrey, Gordon, VanPatten)
Cowdrey mentioned that MSA- MVA needs fields Josh Sheldon is contact.
Plans to review operations document again after homework is done by board members.
Aerial view of the development needed for news article etc…
12. Public Comment:
Dale Bergman asked when grant will be awarded and it was advised that the decision to award is to be made in November of 2017
Meeting adjourned by Chairman Whalen at 9:18p.m. by executive privilege.