Teacher: Mrs. E. KieferCourse Code: 565-426
Email: Frequency:8 periods - 54 min
WIKI: course
Required Textbooks and/or Workbooks
- Mathematics 3000 Secondary 4 Science Option Workbook.
- Visions Manual Science Option 2ndYear of Cycle 2 Volumes 1 and 2.
Required School Supplies
- Binder with 3 dividers (evaluations, handouts, looseleaf paper).
- 2 spiral notebooks (Five Star) 200 pages (graph paper).
- Regular lined loose leaf paper and graph paper (approx. 20 sheets each)
- Pencils, erasers, pens (blue and red), 6” ruler.
- TI83-Plus or TI-84 graphing calculator.
- Small mailing labels OR page tabs.
In Mathematics IV Science Option, students will build on the foundation of mathematical skills acquired in Mathematics III and, in particular, communication and problem-solving skills. During the course students will:
- Apply various techniques and think “outside the box” to solve problems.
- Work as a team to solve problems.
- Transfer mathematical knowledge between different situations and problems.
- Properly represent mathematical knowledge by using appropriate displays and language.
- Recognize the relevance and the need to use Math in daily life.
Reporting of Evaluations
Both parents and students alike are strongly encouraged to follow a student’s progress by checking WIC’s Portal on a regular basis. Grades are reported on the portal as soon as they are available.
A student’s evaluations will consist of learning situations, complex tasks, and homework completion.
In accordance with the new Quebec Education Program, the above-mentioned evaluations will fall into the following 2 mathematical competencies assessed with respect to the accompanied weightings:
Competency 130% / Solves a Situational Problem
A complex task which may or may not have been formally introduced in class, but in which students will draw upon numerous learned concepts.
Evaluating this competency involves the student being able to…
- Indicate an appropriate understanding of the problem.
- Call upon the mathematical knowledge appropriate to the problem.
- Develop a solution appropriate to the problem.
- Validate the solution.
Competency 2
70% / Uses Mathematical Reasoning
A task that is less complex than a situational problem and in which students draw upon only a limited number of learned concepts.
Evaluating this competency involves the student being able to…
- Implement mathematical reasoning appropriate to the situation.
- Correctly apply concepts and processes appropriate to the situation.
- Properly organize the steps appropriate to the situation.
- Justify the steps taken to solve the situation.
- Formulate a hypothesis appropriate to the situation.
Calculating The Final Grade in this Course
Term 3
40% / Term 4
60% / WIC Grade
June Report / MELS Grade / Final Grade
MELS Report
Solves a situational problem
Evaluated solely
by WIC / Weighted at 30% of Term 3 / Weighted at 30% of Term 4 / 40% of Term 3
60% of Term 4 / Not evaluated by MELS / WIC grade only weighted at 30%
Uses mathematical reasoning
Evaluated by
WIC and MELS / Weighted at 70% of Term 3 / Weighted at 70% of Term 4 / 40% of Term 3
60% of Term 4 / Provincial exam / Weighted at 70% (one of two following cases applies:
If MELS grade is higher than WIC grade, MELS grade takes precedence.
If MELS grade is lower than WIC grade, average of MELS and WIC grades.
Course Content
Chapter 1: Algebraic Expressions- Polynomials
- Remarkable identities
- Polynomial division
- Factoring a polynomial
- Rational expressions
- 2nd degree equations
- 2nd degree inequalities
Chapter 2: Functions
- Properties of functions
- Transformations of graphs
- Parameters of a function
Chapter 3: Polynomial Functions
- Polynomial functions
- Constant functions
- Linear functions
- Quadratic functions – standard form
- Quadratic functions – general form
- Quadratic functions – factored form
Chapter 4: Greatest Integer Function
- Step function
- Greatest integer of a real number
- Basic greatest integer function
- Transformed greatest integer function
Chapter 5: Systems of Equations
- Systems of two 1st degree equations in two variables
- Algebraic solving of a two-variable 1st degree system
- Semi-linear system of equations
- Problems on systems
Chapter 6: Trigonometry
- Trigonometric ratios
- Remarkable trigonometric ratios
- Sine and cosine laws
- Area of a triangle
Chapter 7: Equivalent Figures
- Area and volume of solids
- Equivalent plane figures
- Equivalent solids
- Comparing polygons
- Comparing solids
Chapter 8: Statistics
- Two-variable distributions
- Linear correlation
- Regression line
Extra-help and Teacher’s Availability
Extra help sessions are available on a weekly basis. They are offered on:
Day: ______Time: ______Room: ______
Parent & Student Signature
Students and parents are requested to sign below to acknowledge that they have read the information provided. Students are asked to keep this course outline in their mathematics binder.
Parent’s signatureStudent’s signature