AAE375: Economics of Ag Sustainability
Fields of Fuel (FoF) Lectures
Sustainable Economic Organizing Principles
- PROCESS (via UpCycle):
1)Values: via Nested Hierarchy
2)Principles: Franchise teams to establish Principles that embodyValues
3)Goals: Develop Goals to realize Values
4)Strategies: Develop Strategies to meet Goals
5)Tactics: Develop Tactics to execute Strategies
6)Metrics: develop Metrics to measure effectiveness of Tactics
- “Bottom Line”is on the Bottom!!!
Manage/Design to MIN(Entropy)|MAX(UpCycle)
- No More Zero: Scarcity Surplus
- NeedImaginationMaterials
- Natural & Human Processes: Human Spirit (NeedImagination||free will and creativity) as KEY Management/Design Drivers of UpCycle.
- Materials: Biological (renewable)|Technical (non-renewable) nutrients
- Nested Hierarchies (Ikerd):
- Ikerd: The Essential Economics of Sustainability Intro: Detailed summary of the Ikerd ecological economics model (PPTx, 54 slides).
- Principles of Sustainable Ag:
- Applying the Principles of Sustainable Farming.pdf (pdf: 16 pp) Required
- Building_Soils_for_Better_Crops.pdf (pdf: 300+ pp) Essential SARE report on Sustainable Ag principles/processes and management.
- oPart 1 (Chapters 1-4, pp 3-48): Organic Matter --The Key to Health Soils. Required
- oPart 2 (Chapters 5-7, pp. 49-78): Physical Properties and Nutrient Cycles. Required
- oPart 3 (Chapters 9-12, 15-16, 18-19): Ecological Soil Management. Required
- Cover Crops/Rotations: Diversification & Marketing. Optional
- Discrete Derivatives, Substitute/Complement, Management/Lifestyle:
AAE375 Complementarity.pptx (PPTx, 14 pp.). “Analytical”/intuitive presentation of the foundations of Sustainable Ag synergies: 2nd order lifestyle/management “discrete derivatives” substitute/complement across space/time/form (nested hierarchies)….
Pedagogic Objectives (from the Help pdf)
- Cross-cutting concepts:
2)Cause and effect: Mechanism and explanation
3)Systems and system models
- Apply Essentials of Economic Sustainability to Sustainable Ag: Food versus Fuel
- MAXIMIZE: Economic, Energy, Environmental or Sustainability (Aggregate)
- Scientific Practices:
1)Asking questions
2)Developing and using models
3)Analyzing and interpreting data
4)Constructing explanations
5)Engaging in argument from evidence
- Given a “Black Box”Process Simulation (FoF): How to Proceed???
- Values Principles GoalsStrategiesTacticsMetrics
- What do you want to know (POSTERIORS)???
- What is “given”(PRIORS)???
- What else do you want/need (where want ≠need) to know to proceed???
- Strategies/Options: feasibility, degree of certainty (real/imagined) @ cost/benefit
- How will you acquire this knowledge???
Lesson Plan: Day 1
Spend the first day doing some introduction, short play, and experimentation - then have them come back the following period with established strategies that they can put to the test?
1)Introduction to Game
2)Discussion: Questions (via Scientific Practices above).
4)Short Play/Experimentation: Discussion
5)HOMEWORK: Assign strategies for next class
6)Discussion of Assignment
Lesson Plan: Day 2
1)Discussion of Assignment: Alternative Strategies
- Key Assumptions and Learning
- Key Questions and Procedures
2)Play Several Strategies.
- What worked/Didn’t work, Why/Why Not
- Critique: +/-, additional info, change assumptions, etc.
4)Homework: Write up the exercise based on Discussion(s).