ON Sunday, January 12, 2014

at the

Dutch Neck Presbyterian Church

154 S. Mill Road, Princeton Junction, NJ


A delightful afternoon tea time

Bring your favorite teacup and saucer – share its story with others.

Come and meet our new 2014 Moderator of the Presbytery of New Brunswick, Elder Lorelei Zupp from Hamilton Square Presbyterian Church.

Enjoy a worship time featuring the life of Christ through the Psalms from the newly published “Psalms for all Seasons”. Martin Tel at Princeton Seminary is the senior editor of this very useful book.

Contribute an offering of matchbox cars for little boys and the mini beanie babies for little girls in Haiti. They walk hours with their parents to get to the clinic, sometimes sick themselves, so are given a gift to take home.

N.B. These need not be new toys. Your grandchildren may have outgrown them and garage sales have them.

We have a new shipment of Haitian vanilla available for sale.

Reservations needed. Respond to Helen Burd (helenburd or 732-297-6797. Child care available if you request it.

Deadline: Tuesday, January 7,2014

An Update on the Women's Bible Study

An Abiding Hope: The Presence of God in Exodus and Deuteronomy

Please join us at the Kingston Presbyterian Church for a Horizons Bible Study which, this year, is called "An Abiding Hope: The Presence of God in Exodus and Deuteronomy."

This year it is being taught by Rev. Joyce McKichan Walker, Christian Educator from Nassau Presbyterian Church.

We gather in the assembly room at Kingston Presbyterian Church on the third Thursday of the month from September through May, with the exception of December. WE NOW MEET FROM 11:30 UNTIL 1:30, with the first 45 minutes or so taken up with fellowship and lunch.

We each bring our own lunch and take turns bringing dessert and sometimes a salad. If a person doesn't want to or can't make it for the whole two hours, you are welcome to come about 12:30 just for the Bible study. We are meeting on Thursday, Nov. 21, 2013. After that, the next meeting will be Thursday, January 16, 2014.

It would be great to have women from other churches join us. We would like to know ahead of time who is coming so that the person or persons who are bringing dessert know how many to prepare for.

Please consider joining us, all are welcome. We look forward to seeing you.

Presbytery of New Brunswick Mission/Witness Committee

The Mission/Witness Committee of Presbytery is happy to announce that the mission trip to Haiti is full. If you are making up hygiene kits or have other things to send down with them please put them in the Assembly Room of the Kingston Church by January 20th. Any questions, call or email Virginia Wolf or


Presbytery of New Brunswick PWPULSE, November 2013Page 1