AMP it up!- Creating the next-generation workforce for Advanced Manufacturing

The AMP it up! campaign seeks to educate students, career advisers, and jobseekers in Massachusettsthat advanced manufacturing is a rewarding educationand attractivecareer path. Today’s manufacturing is driven by technology and offers prosperous job opportunities. The AMP it up! public awareness campaign is designed to reach out to students,parents,families,(guidanceand career)counselors,and teachers,which are all audiences that are integral parts of the decision-making processesfor those considering manufacturing careers. By engaging these groups and supporting community activities, the campaign seeks to dispel common misconceptions about today’s manufacturing and bolster the prospective employee base for these quality jobs in Massachusetts.

For the sixth year, the Massachusetts Development Finance Agency (“MassDevelopment” or “Agency”), the agency sponsoring the AMP it up! campaign, is soliciting applications for grants to eligible organizations described below that will use the grant proceeds for outreach and other innovative programs that will educate students and adults about career options in advanced manufacturing.The sixth round of grants will build on the successes of the campaign’s first five years, which saw grant recipients develop programs focused on manufacturing tours for students, teacher externships, 3D printing and computer aided drawing(CAD) “tinkershops,” and educational brochures. [KD1]

Grant applications will be evaluated based upon the six criteria listed below in Section B[KD2].Applicants[KD3] must provide all the information in the application and requested below in Section A, required elements of the grant proposal, and all applications must be postmarked[KD4] no later thanDecember 1, 2017, for consideration by MassDevelopment. Grant awards will be announced on or aboutJanuary 15, 2018.

Eligible applicants must be[KD5] collaborations and/or partnerships that consist of the following types or combinations of the following types of entities:

Massachusetts based nonprofit organizations; or

Massachusetts based educational organizations; or

Massachusetts workforce employment boards or other entities that address workforce/training


For example, typesof entitieswhich could collaborate or form partnerships could include;

Workforce Investment Boards;

Community colleges/private colleges/state universities;

Vocational/technical high schools;

Nonprofit industry organizations; and

Nonprofit private partners of the organizations listed above such as manufacturers, banks, or other private entities.

In support of the grant awards, MassDevelopment will work with the successful applicants to provide communications and marketing support, media relations, collateral, and social media to the applicant’s program, as mutually agreed by the parties. MassDevelopment will also feature successful programs on the AMP it up! website.

Grants will be awarded up to a maximum of $10,000at MassDevelopment’s discretion. Applications consisting of several applicants in a partnership or collaboration must designate the primary applicant as the funding recipient. The funding recipient will receive grant disbursements and will also provide a final report to MassDevelopment detailing the use of the grant funds and the outcomes.


Applicants must include the following in their grant proposals:

1.A description of the parties involved in the proposed program, including the professional expertise and qualifications of all principals of the parties. All applicants are required to have at least one Massachusetts manufacturing company as a part of their application, which may be either the primary applicant or part of the partnership/collaboration;

2.A description of the scope of work to be undertaken by each applicant, if there is more than one applicant. As part of the scope of work, the application should include a high-level analysis of manufacturing demand in the area proposed to be served by the program, including but not limited to the number of manufacturing job vacancies and projected future manufacturing jobs;

3.A specific description of the geographic region targeted by the proposed program;

4.A proposed budget, including funding from other sources if anticipated, and verification of funding if already committed. The application’s proposed budget must include a dollar-for-dollar match to the proposed program in the amount of the requested grant amount. The match can be satisfied through funds or in-kind contributions to the proposed program.

5.A statement of the proposed program objective, including specific information on how the proposed program will enhance the competitiveness of the manufacturing sector and create or preserve jobs, if applicable;

6.A description of the anticipated proposed program schedule, including commencement and termination dates for the proposed program;

7.The facilities and other resources needed for the proposed program;

8.A description of the expected significance of the proposed program, including the estimated number of manufacturers or workers served and the estimated number of jobs that could be created, retained, or filled as a result of the proposed program, if applicable; and

9.A description of similar programs, materials, and/or services already provided by the applicants.


Applicants will be evaluated on the following criteria:

1.The proposed use of the grant funds;

2.The proposed collaborations/partnerships to be created; number of partners or the types of entities that are participating in the proposed program. Preference will be given to proposed collaborations/partnerships that include employers in the geographic region served by the proposed program;

3.The past experience of the collaborators/partners in creating and executing programs similar to the program proposed;

4.The amount, type, and size of the outreach associated with the proposed program. Preference will be given to proposed programs that reach: the largest audience, students aged 10-19 and their parents and advisors, unemployed or underemployed young adults, or returning veterans[KD6];

5.The time frame in which the proposed program will take place; and

6.Funds and facilities already committed to the proposed program.

7.Preference will be given to applications that involve partnerships or collaborations that work in underserved or disadvantaged communities orthat involves three or more collaborative entities/partners.


Fully completed applications that meet all of the requirements of the grant proposal will be compiled and forwarded to a grant review panel that will consider the applications. The review panel will include staff members of MassDevelopment and other appropriate individuals as determined by MassDevelopment. Notifications of grant award will occur on or around January 15, 2018.


Please fill in all requested information in the spaces provided. If additional space is required to answer any questions, please use the Additional Information section or attach separate pages.

Section 1:Applicant Information

Primary Applicant (If selected this will be the Funding Recipient):

Applicant Name:______

Contact Person:______

Street Address:______


Mailing Address (if different from street address)

Street Address:______



E-mail Address for contact person:______


Website Address:______

President/Executive Director/Chairman:______

Years of Operation:______

Type of Organization: (corporation/foundation/LLC/other) ______

Organization’s Mission:(please describe the mission of your organization)





Please describe the services/activities of your organization:





Collaborating Entity/Partner Information

Entity/Partner 1

Applicant Name:______

Contact Person:______

Street Address:______


Mailing Address (if different from street address)

Street Address:______



E-mail Address for contact person:______


Website Address:______

President/Executive Director/Chairman:______

Years of Operation:______

Type of Organization: (corporation/foundation/LLC/other) ______

Organization’s Mission:(please describe the mission of your organization)





Please describe the services/activities of your organization:





Entity/Partner 2

Applicant Name:______

Contact Person:______

Street Address:______


Mailing Address (if different from street address)

Street Address:______



E-mail Address for contact person:______


Website Address:______

President/Executive Director/Chairman:______

Years of Operation:______

Type of Organization: (corporation/foundation/LLC/other) ______

Organization’s Mission:(please describe the mission of your organization)





Please describe the services/activities of your organization:





Entity/Partner 3 (If more than 3 collaborating entities/partners, please attach additional sheets.)

Applicant Name:______

Contact Person:______

Street Address:______


Mailing Address (if different from street address)

Street Address:______



E-mail Address for contact person:______


Website Address:______

President/Executive Director/Chairman:______

Years of Operation:______

Type of Organization: (corporation/foundation/LLC/other) ______

Organization’s Mission:(please describe the mission of your organization)





Please describe the services/activities of your organization:





Section 2:Proposed Program

Name and Title of Proposed Program: ______

Location of Proposed Program:______

Description of Proposed Program: Please describe the program; i.e., the services/materials/activities included as part of the program; the program target group, including the number of people to be served by the program; partnerships created for the program; the applicant and collaborating entity/partner contribution to the program; the time frame in which the program will be available/offered; the goals/deliverables to be achieved by the program; and the measurements used to determine program success.









Proposed Program Costs: Please include a detailed budget outlining the costs to create the program and the amount contributed by collaborating entities/partners or other potential funding sources. Please also include letters supporting the amounts contributed by partners or other funding sources. Such letters should include the value of any matching amounts or in-kind contributions provided.





Grant Amount Requested:______

Section 3.Additional Information

Please provide any additional information in this section that the applicant believes will help those reviewing this application.




Section 4.Terms and Conditions

In order to be considered for a grant, this application must be submitted to:

Larissa Matzek


99 High Street, 11th Floor

Boston, MA 02110

and postmarked no later than December 1, 2017.

The number of grants awarded and the amount of each grant will be determined in MassDevelopment’s sole discretion. All grant applications will be reviewed based upon the proposals submitted and how well those proposals further the goals of the AMP it up! program. MassDevelopment reserves the right to reject all grant applications. Grant awards will be made on or about January 15, 2018. MassDevelopment further reserves the right to require applicants to meet with MassDevelopment and present their proposals in person to the grant application review committee.

All successful grant applicants will be required to enter into a written grant agreement with MassDevelopment and will be subject to the terms and conditions of the grant agreement. The grant agreement will contain performance measures to evaluate the performance of the grant recipient. Grant recipients will be required to submit annual reports to MassDevelopment and provide MassDevelopment with additional information upon request for its preparation of an annual report to the Legislature. Provision of a grant under the AMP it up! program does not obligate MassDevelopment to provide additional funding of any type to the applicant for the proposed program.

MassDevelopment encourages applicants from all segments of the Commonwealth’s communities to apply for the AMP it up! grant program. In accordance with Commonwealth law, applicants may not discriminate in their programs, staff, or board memberships on the basis of race, gender, religion, creed, color, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, or age.

Grant recipients will be required to credit MassDevelopment in print, audio, video, internet, and other publicity materials that reference the program.

MassDevelopment reserves the right to waive any informalities, minor deviations, insignificant mistakes, and matters of form rather than substance and to seek clarification of the grant proposals, which can be waived or corrected without prejudice to other respondents, potential respondents, or MassDevelopment.

Applicant Signature

Applicant Name:______


Print Name: ______



Page 1

[KD1]Why is this in bold?

[KD2]Moved this to B below. It may be confusing if we have the evaluation criteria in two sections and they do not match exactly?

[KD3]Maybe we should include the match requirement up here as well since this may stop some people from applying.

[KD4]The last page had postmarked so this should be consistent. I think postmark is easier to determine that receive.

[KD5]Can we have a single applicant or do they need to be collaboration/partnership?

If single, then we could change this to

If a joint application is desired, then ……

[KD6]This is covered below in 7 now