School Council Agenda
St. Gregory Catholic Elementary School
Monday, September 18, 2017
CALL TO ORDERTime: 6:32pm
- In AttendanceTim Fafard,Amanda Parker, Alicia Humphries, Michelle Niwa,Nicole Fellows, Shelbey Donkin, Bonnie Onufrow, Tosha Desautels, Wendy Laurila, Gulnaz Makkrish, Nicole May, Lisa Testo, Diane Begg
- Prayer
- Approval of School Council minutes of last meeting–(June 18, 2017)
Amendments: none
Motion to Accept Wendy Seconded Tosha
- Adoption of School Council agenda
Amendments: none
Motion to Accept Wendy Seconded Alicia
- Executive Reports
Chairperson – Alicia Humpheries
- Nothing to report
Vice Chairperson–Nicole FellowsBonnie Onufruw
- Nothing to report
Secretary – Amanda Parker
- Nothing to report
Treasurer –Shelby Donkin
Bank Balance: _$19,345.45as per end of Aug 2017_
- $16,000 for swings has been paid for – gave PAC brochure for swings
- Representatives Reports
- Teacher– Mrs. Niwa
- School is excited to welcome Father James as the new priest.
- Student population is up again this year – 238 students.
- Spiritual theme this year is ‘In Christ, All are Welcome, All Belong’
- We are planning to host our own cross country meet the first week of October – have invited other elementary schools to participate
- Principal– Mr. Fafard
- Budget might allow for the hiring of another aid after revised student count.
- Meet the teacher BBQ might need to be rescheduled due to weather – suggested doing it at lunch before the Terry Fox walk
- Invited PAC members to attend the staff meeting – Oct 20th at 1:10pm
- Gerard leadership students would like to host a carnival event sometime soon for St. Gregory – schools are trying to plan more activities together to aid in transition for future Grade 5 students.
- Suggested that could have some popcorn days where all students receive it to include students whose families can’t afford to pay for it. Nicole suggested that a note go home to parents to let them know so they can decide if their child needs to be excluded.
- Tim would like to ask parents if they would like to sponsor a student to receive the hot lunch program. Suggested having a couple of meals per month be available to all students (eg. Hot dog day and soup/bun day).
- Friendship bench is in the process of being built. Asked PAC what they would like for the sign – he will work out some ideas.
- Noted that running club has become so popular (40 kids) that the school doesn’t have enough school jerseys for the race. Nicole made a motion to use PAC money to buy 20 more jerseys. Bonnie seconded the motion and all were in favour.
- Mr. Gaudette and Mrs. Fitz are piloting a program where they are using a Facebook page instead of the website to keep parents informed on what’s happening in their classrooms. Going good so far.
- School Board Trustee –Ron Mckay
- Not present
7. Other Reports
a. Hot Lunch – Alicia Humphries
- Still need to talk to Opa’s about providing the soup for soup and a bun day.
- Needs more volunteers to run hot lunch (2-4 for each Thursday).
b. Milk Program – Diane Begg
- Milk starts on October 2. The price has been increased to $1.25 each to account for inflation.
c. Popcorn – Bonnie Onufruw
- Diane is putting the dates online. Starts October 3rd.
- Need to talk to Purolator about shipping
- Fundraising – Nicole Fellows
- Would like to do Little Caesar’s fundraiser in October of next year.
8. Old Business
Parent Led Sessions
- Alicia will talk to Nicole Oulette about teaching relaxation
- Tim will send out a letter asking for parent volunteers to read stories in the library.
9. New Business
Nothing at this time
10.Action Items
- Bench for upper playground is being built but still needs to be payed for.
- AGM minutes will be used to pass on cheque signing authority.
- Diane will call the fire department before next popcorn session to warn them of a possible fire alarm.
11. School Council Round Table
Notes: nothing to report
12.Next School Council Meeting
Date:___October 16, 2017______Time:_____6:30pm______
AdjournmentTime: 7:44pm
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